CSC meeting notes 10/5/16

Present: CSC membership all in attendance.

Minutes from prior meeting reviewed and approved unanimously, to be posted online.


  1. Enrollment at 326, fully enrolled therefore not need to pay back budget dollars to DPS
  2. Start of annual fund

Norms for CSC Meetings developed collectively

  1. Put needs of students first and be mindful of meeting needs of ALL students
  2. Be willing to "try it on" and take risks together
  3. Be purposeful and accountable
  4. Be open minded, flexible and trusting
  5. Be accountable with open communication

All agreed.

Review of roles, some rotate such as individual responsible for note taking:

Chairperson: Emily Grunfeld

Facilitator: Amy Green

Time Keeping re: agenda: Amy Ford

Notes: Becky O'Connor

Review of boilerplate/existing Bromwell CSC by-laws, to be final reviewed after meeting by all CSC members and voted on at next meeting.

Amy Green led review of the goals school leaders and a staff are working toward. Required by DPS (but not same as UIP which is a state document) and must work in 3 areas:

1: early literacy (ECE -3)

2: English language development

3: opportunity gap Math (4-5)

Baselines will be taken in October and measured against in May

1: overall 5% increase in writing at grade level

2: increase on track percentage for students at a level 6 in writing, move to bridging and reaching on Access

3: decrease CMAS math by 5% the growth gap between GT and non-GT

PTA update to CSC

1: Request PTA develop letter about how paddle raiser funds are being deployed

  1. Teachers are joining PTA to make sure our representation is diverse, PTA gave them an incentive in terms of classroom funds (match last year if join, rather than cut back to previous year dollar amount - increased when returned from Byers)

Staffing Update

Joel Stewart resigned effective October 14, 2016.

Means we need to fill personnel committee (per CSC bylaws) to make sure appropriate representation is available for interviews. Similar to the eventual principal search committee, that body has power to provide feedback, but does not entail vote in final hiring decision.

Budget wise we have the dollars to backfill the roles he was filling:

- intervention at .5 FTE

  • STR, SAL

Developers agenda for next meeting, need to think about gathering information about budget priorities before it is fast upon us in February.

Can we conduct a survey?