PRESENT: Councillors: S. Deely (Chairman), R. Bullen, L. Carter, C. Gabbitas, M. Greene (until 9.35pm), C. Herbert, P. Whitwood

1.Apologies for absence

Cllrs. L. Balzaretti (personal commitment) and G. Leeke (personal commitment). County Cllr. L. Caborn (business commitment). District Cllr. A. Day (holiday).

2.Public Session

No questions from the public.

3.Declarations of interest

Cllr. Greene declared a personal interest in item 5(vi) and a pecuniary interest in item 5(viii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee. Cllr. Gabbitas declared a personal interest in item 5(vi) and a pecuniary interest in items 5(viii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee. The Chairman declared pecuniary interests in items 7(iii) and 10(iv) as a nearby landowner.

4.Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June)

The Clerk had circulated the draft minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Bullen proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.


(i) Bank balances

The following bank balances were reported:

Current Account - £91,395.40

Investment Account -£63,369.56

(ii) To review Leamington Hibs rent update

The Chairman proposed that the rent for Leamington Hibs be increased to £70 for this season with a review next year, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Leamington Hibs.

(iii) To consider the options for the management of the public open spaces on the Bloor Development update

Cllr. Whitwood proposed that a lump sum of between £250,000 and £225,000 should be requested from Bloor Developments to enable this site to be maintained for 15 years. Cllr. Greene seconded this proposal which was carried unanimously. The financial analysis supporting this request should be forwarded to Bloor Developments and all councillors.

ACTION: Cllr. Whitwood to forward the finalised analysis to Bloor Developments and councillors and to liaise with Bloor Developments.

(iv) Bloor Development contribution towards play equipment update

The Clerk reported that the District Council are calculating the annual maintenance sum required.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council for a response.

(v) To agree to pursue claims for replacement trees damaged by road accidents

The Clerk reported that the Police have advised that we should write to the DVLC requesting details of the owner of the car which destroyed a tree on Mallory Road. The driver of the car that destroyed the other tree has contacted the Clerk but it is unclear whether they are going to inform their insurance company of the damage. It was agreed that the Clerk should write again requesting this information.

ACTION: The Clerk to write again to the driver of the car who destroyed a tree to find out when we can expect payment from their insurance company. The Clerk to write to the DVLC to find out the address of the owner of the car that destroyed the tree on Mallory Road.

(vi) St. Chad’s Centre Trust update

Cllr. Gabbitas updated the meeting on the progress on the construction. Cllr. Greene said that the project was still on budget.

(vii) Royal Haskoning’s outstanding invoice update

The Clerk said that she has contacted Royal Haskoning again requesting that they contact Cllr. Leeke to discuss his 4 emails requesting information regarding this invoice. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Royal Haskoning regarding this matter.

ACTION: The Clerk and Cllr. Leeke to draft and send a letter.

7.53pm Cllrs. Gabbitas and Greene leave the meeting.

(viii) Passing of following accounts for payment:

RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Bullen, seconded Cllr. Herbert and carried unanimously).

Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; July

Mr. D. Connolly - Play area inspections (July) - £20.00

Mr. A. Gandy - Meadow grass cutting (June) - £240.00

Mr. D. Connolly - grass cutting (June) - £227.00

Mr. P. Ash - work on the Meadow entrance - £40.00

Severn Trent Water Ltd. - allotments - £78.56

St. Chad’s Centre Trust - construction of the centre - £4,000.00

Bishop’s Tachbrook Primary School - hire of room (June, July and September) - £110.00

Mr. G. Leeke - reimbursement for water leak repairs - £58.00

Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. - play area inspection - £54.00

Accounting Data Services Ltd. - internal audit fee - £180.00

7.55pm Cllrs. Gabbitas and Greene return to the meeting.

6.Warwickshire County Council Matters

(i) To receive report

No new report.

(ii) Traffic and Road Safety update

Cllr. Carter reported that County Highways are currently finalising the drawing which should be finished by end of July. They are keen for permission to move forward on the 30mph limit. This was discussed and councillors agreed that if County Highways has recommended this then the Parish Council should support it. It was further agreed that Cllr. Carter should report back to County Highways. The Chairman said that we need County Highways to look at the master plan for the parish. Councillors were unclear whether the funding was yet available for the master plan. It was agreed that Cllr. Carter would liaise with County Highways and Cllr. Caborn for an update. Councillors requested that Cllr. Carter circulates the consultation for Oakley Wood Road.

ACTION: Cllr. Carter to circulate the consultation for Oakley Wood Road. Cllr. Carter to give permission to County Highways to move forward on the 30mph speed limit on Oakley Wood Road and to seek an update on funding for the master plan.

(iii) Bus Shelter Project to agree new location

Cllr. Gabbitas said that she was in the process of establishing who owns the land.

(iv) Flooding on Mallory Road/Oakley Wood Road update

Cllr. Bullen said that he attended a meeting with Severn Trent and a resident and will follow up on progress.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to liaise with Severn Trent.

(v) Reducing the speed limit on Harbury Lane from Europa Way to Tachbrook Road to 30mph update

ACTION: August agenda item.

7.Warwick District Council Matters

Cllr. Bullen said that the examination of the Local Plan will start at the end of September and continue until the middle of December.

(i) Tachbrook Country Park; to agree draft

This has been agreed and submitted to the District Council. It was further agreed that the Chairman and Cllrs. Gabbitas and Bullen should be involved in discussions with the District Council to secure a seat on the Committee which will shape this park.

ACTION: The Chairman to arrange a meeting with the District Council.

(ii) 73 Mallory Road (Walnut Tree Cottage) update

The Clerk reported that the District Council will be writing to the owners of the land requesting that the site is tidied up.

8.25pm The Chairman leaves the meeting and Cllr. Gabbitas takes the Chair.

(iii) Enforcement issues update

The Clerk reported that the District Council would like to close the enforcement issues on 2 separate parcels of land on a lane off Oakley Wood Road. Councillors agreed unanimously that unless the sites were restored to their natural condition these issues should not be closed. One of the sites is part of the historic site.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the enforcement department.

8.28pm Cllr. Deely returns to the meeting and takes the Chair.

8.Amenities Matters

(i) To receive report

No new report.

(ii) New benches - project update

ACTION: August agenda item.

(iii) Sports, Leisure and Well-being Projects update

The Project Manager for Barford spoke to a working party. Education provision officers are looking at community facilities in relation to the Grove Farm School. AC Lloyd is providing the land and it was agreed that the Parish Council should try to arrange for AC Lloyd representatives to meet with the education provision officers.

ACTION: The Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas to try and arrange the meeting.

(iv) Outdoor Gym - project update

Another quote is required. Councillors agreed that a cluster of equipment appears to be better than spacing of equipment.

ACTION: Cllr. Gabbitas to obtain another quote.

(v) Meadow Storage - project update

It was agreed that Cllr. Leeke would attend the meeting next Tuesday regarding use of the garages.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to attend the meeting.

(vi) Paul’s Working Parties - update

Next working party on 30th July which will be clearing the cycleway. The District Council should have cleared the roundabouts on Warwick Gates. The Clerk was asked to follow up on this.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council regarding the maintenance of the roundabouts on Warwick Gates.

The dates of the working parties are on facebook. Facebook should link with the website. The Clerk to ensure that this is happening.

ACTION: The Clerk to check that facebook and the website link.

(vii) Play area inspection update

The Clerk reported that this has taken place. It was agreed that Cllr. Leeke would be looking at any issues raised in the report.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to look at any issues raised in the report.

(viii) Damage to equipment on the Meadow update

The Clerk reported that Cllr. Leeke has arranged for the benches to be repaired this week.

(ix) Meadow Master Plan; to agree draft

The draft had been circulated. It was agreed that the Chairman would update the draft with the comments received and recirculate. It was further agreed that once updated this draft could be used to obtain quotes from suppliers. Names of suppliers to be passed to the Chairman.

ACTION: The Chairman to update the draft with comments and recirculate. Names of suppliers to be passed to the Chairman.

9.Police/Community Matters

(i) To note report from Police

No new report received.

(ii) To consider request for landing a helicopter on the Meadow update

The Clerk reported that she has asked the resident for a risk assessment.

(iii) Welcome Pack update

Cllrs. Herbert, Gabbitas and Leeke together with a resident are going to speak to groups about providing content.

(iv) Village Parking proposals

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Whitwood for raising this. It was agreed that there was a need to review parking in the village area. A Parish Council parking information leaflet would be produced that village groups could give out to visitors.Cllr. Leeke and a resident are working on this. It will point to on-street parking spaces and will also include information about parking on the Meadow and out of hours parking at the surgery. Councillors will be looking at additional parking on the Meadow and other options too.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to produce a leaflet regarding parking in the village.

10.Planning Matters

(i) Neighbourhood Plan; to agree amendments

Cllr. Bullen reported that a second draft neighbourhood plan has been produced which brings the neighbourhood plan up to date with the Modified DraftLocal Plan. This has been circulatedto councillors. The Chairman thanked Cllrs. Carter and Whitwood for their help in producing this. Cllr. Bullen reported that the examiner has saidto Dave Barber that he wants the original plan which was consulted uponto remain and has sufficient information in the submission to complete the examination. It was agreed that Cllrs. Bullen, Gabbitas and Carter should meet with Dave Barber at the District Council to discuss further. Cllr. Bullen reported that our new examiner has said that he does not want a hearing and believes his report will be available by the middle of August.

ACTION: Cllrs. Bullen, Carter and Gabbitas to meet with Dave Barber at the District Council.

(ii) Deed of Easement update (relating to the footpath connection to Oakley Meadows).

The Deed of Easement requires signing to enable Bloor Developments to proceed with their works. Cllr. Gabbitas reported that the document is nearly ready to sign but the Deed of Variation should be signed first but there is a delay with this. In order to progress as quickly as possible we could amend the plan,to remove the section of path which is within the Club’s leased area, and then sign the dead of easement. For the end sectionagree by letter with the Club that there is no objection to this section being constructed. It was proposed that we ask the Club Committee for a letter stating that they have no issue with the changes to the path and that the work can progress. This would allow us to proceed with the signing of this document. Cllr. Bullen proposed that we approach the Club for this letter and then the Deed can be signed by the Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with the Club and our solicitors. Once the letter has been received by our solicitor and he advises that the Deed of Easement can be signed the Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas will sign the document.

(iii) Deed of Variation update

The Chairman reported that the Club has appointed a solicitor. However there could be a delay in signing this document as the Club’s documents require updating.

9.25pm The Chairman leaves the meeting and Cllr. Gabbitas take the Chair.

(iv) To agree response to public consultation on land on Oakley Wood Road

Cllr. Bullen had circulated prior to the meeting a draft response. Cllr. Gabbitas proposed that we submit this response, seconded and agreed unanimously.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to submit the agreed response.

Cllr. Bullen pointed out that the County landscape architects describe this land as highly sensitive. It was suggested that the Parish Council should appoint a landscape architect for a report on this site. Cllr. Gabbitas proposed that Cllr. Bullen finds a suitable landscape architect and instructs them for this site, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to instruct a landscape architect to commission a report on this site.

9.35pm the Chairman returns to the meeting and takes the Chair. Cllr. Greene leaves the meeting.

(v) Planning notice no. 16/0892/FUL - 1 Bishop’s Close; granted.

(vi) Planning application no. 16/1191/FUL - Woodland Farm, Banbury Road

This application was discussed and councillors agreed that a request should be made for planting of trees to screen the development from the Banbury Road.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(vii) Planning notice no. 16/0356/OUT - Tollgate House; granted

The Chairman said that the Committee had decided that the developer should be approached for a voluntary contribution towards the footpath. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen would follow up on this with the Planning Officer.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to liaise with the Planning Officer.

(viii) Planning application no. 16/1111 - Mallory Court Hotel

Cllr. Bullen explained the application and said that the temporary construction would be for the period of construction only. Cllr. Whitwood expressed concern that this could be noisy. Cllr. Bullen agreed to look at the noise levels and also the period requested for this temporary construction. It was agreed to raise no comments or objections as long as the noise level is acceptable and the temporary period requested is no longer than a year.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to investigate and confirm to the Clerk whether the noise levels are acceptable. The Clerk to enquire as to the period requested for this temporary construction. Once responses have been received the Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(ix) Planning notice no. 16/0279 - Seven Acre Close; granted.

(x) Planning notice no. 16/0717 - Brickyard Barn; refused

(xi) Planning notice no. 16/0355 - Squab Hall Farm; prior approval not required

(xii) Planning notice no. 16/0759 - Squab Hall Farm; granted.

11.Next Meeting

The next meeting is on 18th August at 7.30pm at Warwick Gates Community Centre.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm.