Minutes of the Meeting of Llanllawddog Community Council held at Llanllawddog Church Hall on Monday 9th May 2016 at 7.30pm immediately following the Annual meeting

Present : Councillors Howard Davies, Mike Evans, Allan Haskins, Peter Williams

In the Chair – Councillor Peter Williams 11.Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dillwyn Green, Gary Morgan, Pam Palmer

12. Declarations of Interest No declarations recorded

13. Policing Matters The meeting noted that a most useful meeting with the County Council’s Head of Highways took place on Thursday 17th March, when it had been suggested that traffic counters would be placed on the A485 within Council’s area to help combat abuse. A recent update envisaged that this would take place later this month as part of the post scheme monitoring.

14. Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 7th March 2016 be signed as a correct record

15.Matters Arising i) Planning The Clerk reported that despite several attempts that no reply had been received do date from Welsh Water relative to Council’s enquiry in respect pf planning application W/33345 RESOLVED that Council now seeks a reply via the company’s formal complaints procedure.

16. County Councillor’s Report RESOLVED that the County Councillor’s Report be deferred to the July meeting but in interim that any issues arising be drawn to Pam’s attention.

17. Correspondence 1.One Voice Wales i) Planning Policy Wales – Chapter 6; ii) Motions for Annual Conference; iii) Launch of Public Health Outcomes Framework for Wales; iv) Draft Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill; v) Natural Resource Wales Bulletin; vii) Renewal of Membership for 2016/17 £85; viii) New Financial Regulations; Ix) The Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015; x) Smarter Energy for Wales Report; xi) The Ombudsman’s Casebook; xii) Consumer Council for Wales – Local Consumer Advocate for Wales post RESOLVED that i) Council membership be renewed at a cost of £85; ii) the new Financial Regulations be considered when available and iii) the remaining items be noted 2.Carmarthenshire County Council
i) Carmarthenshire Biodiversity Partnership – Pollination Action Plan; ii) Community & Town Councils Liaison Forum; iii) Councillors Code of Conduct Training; iv) Trees opposite Stag and Pheasant; iv) Diversion Order Bridleway 27/16 v) precept instalment. RESOLVED that i) the Clerk and available members attend the code of conduct training ii) the maintenance of the trees and shrubs opposite the Stag and Pheasant, Pontarsais be pursued and iii) the remaining items be noted.

3.Transforming Mental Health Services. Information on the Feedback event was noted 4. HMRC The meeting noted the receipt of a VATrefund for £274.04 5.Grant Thornton The Clerk updated members on the arrangements relative to the audit of accounts for the year ended 31st March 2016 and that the required notice on Electors Rights had been displayed, 6. The Pension Regulator Enrolment and information for employers was noted 7. Barclays The meeting noted the balances on Council’s accounts as at 22 April as Business Current A/c £11063.90 and Business Savings A/c £112.72 8. Carmarthenshire YFC The availability of tickets to the Annual Rally was noted 9. Financial Assistance RESOLVED that the letters of thanks be noted with the request for financial assistance from Age Cymru and Kidney Wales Foundation referred to Council’s September meeting for further consideration. 10. Cardiff University RESOLVED that suitable responses be provided to the communications received 11. University of Nottingham The survey on Regional Attitudes towards Europe was noted 12. SLCC The meeting noted the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting 13. The Planning Inspectorate Members noted the recent survey re quality of service to customers 14. Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service The meeting noted the receipt of the Strategic Plan 2016 -2021 and Annual Improvement Plan for 2016-2017. 15. Informative Material The meeting noted the receipt of the following items for the information of members, Clerk and Council’s Direct – May 2016; Came & Company – Spring Matters 2016; Play for Wales – Spring 2016

18. Planning Applications W/33566 – Full Planning – Enlargement of rear extension, demolition of existing attached barn and formation of side, single-storey extension and improvements to access with new driveway at Llwyn, Rhydargaeau for Mr A M Thorpe. The meeting noted that in order to meet the timetable for comments, no objections had been submitted following consultation with members.

19. Casual Vacancy The meeting noted following a period of public notice no expressions of interest had been received. REEOLVED that further efforts be made to seek candidates for co-option to enable Council to consider the position further at its July meeting.

20. Footpaths and Bridleways The Clerk reported on the communication to hand on the Post Order Consultation with regard to the public bridleway 27/16 Diversion Order at YstradCorrwgIsaf, Rhydargaeau.

Members were reminded that the it was necessary to divert the footpath in accordance with a condition of the planning consent to enable the erection of a wind turbine. RESOLVED that no objections be submitted with regard to the proposed diversion

21. Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm The Clerk reported on the reply to hand from RWE following an invitation to attend the July meeting to update members on the construction of the Wind Farm and related matters. It was noted that the date of the July meeting was not ideal to the company and would prefer to attend in September. RESOLVED that RWE engineers be now invited to attend Council’s September meeting

22. Bills for Payment RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid : 100549 – One Voice Wales - £85.00 – Membership 2016/2017 100550 – ProPrint - £10.08 – Reimbursement Elfyn Williams, photocopying agendaetc May meeting

23. Risk Assessment Members proceeded to review the Council’s Risk Assessment a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda together with a model document received courtesy of One Voice Wales. RESOLVED that following examination, Council’s Risk Assessment was adequate for its needs

24.Reports of Meetings The meeting noted the attendance by Members at the meeting convened with the Head of Highways at Gwalia Garage on 17th March

25. Date of Next Meeting Members noted that the next meeting of Council would take place on Monday 4th July 2016

Meeting terminated at 8.10pm