Presiding:Cllr. O. Sweeney
Present:Cllrs. P. Caffrey, B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, C. Ferguson,
T. Grimes, B. Reilly.
Also Present:Mr. B. McGrath, Town Manager, Mr. B. Sweeney, Town Clerk, Mr. T. Traynor, Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer, Ms. L. Guinan, Heritage Officer (Item 10 only), Ms. A. Reilly, Manager Kells Heritage Centre (Item 11 only).
There were apologies from Cllr. A.O. Farrelly for his inability to attend.
The minutes of the July monthly meeting held on 17th July 2006 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. B. Curran.
The minutes of special meeting held on 24th July 2006 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. S. Drew.
The minutes of special meeting held on 28th August 2006 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. S. Drew.
Order of Agenda
It was agreed, on the proposal of Cllr. T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. B. Curran, that items 10 and 11 would be taken first and statutory items 5, 6, 7 and 8 would follow.
To received presentation on Draft County Meath Heritage Plan
Ms. Loreto Guinan, Heritage Officer, made a presentation to the Council on the Draft County Meath Heritage Plan 2007 – 2011.
The Plan lists actions over a five year period and is arranged under four strategic themes:
-Awareness and Education
-Baseline Data and Information
-Best Practice in Heritage Conservation and Management
-Local Authority.
A short discussion ensued and Ms. Guinan answered any queries raised.
To receive report on operation of Kells Heritage Centre
Ms. Amelia Reilly, Manager Kells Heritage Centre, presented a report on the operation of the Centre.
A general discussion followed.
The Manager thanked the staff of the Centre. He informed members that works to renew and upgrade the fabric of the building would need to be addressed in the next couple of years.
To approve increase in remuneration in accordance with Circular EL03/06
The revision of remuneration in accordance with Circular EL03/06 was approved on the proposal of Cllr. T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. O. Sweeney.
To consider disposal of land in accordance with Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001
“Land and dwellinghouse at 9 Archdeaconry, Kells, to Ms. Ann Purcell, 9 Archdeaconry, Kells.”
Proposed by Cllr. S. Drew.
Seconded by Cllr. B. Collins.
“Land at Commons of Loyd, Kells, to ESB Networks, Garrycastle, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.”
Proposed by Cllr. B. Collins.
Seconded by Cllr. P. Caffrey.
To consider declaration of public road in accordance with Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 at Stonebridge, Maudlin Street, Kells
The Town Engineer presented a report to the meeting on the Stonebridge estate.
The members raised the issue that Residents of the estate were concerned that the road would be used as an access for future development on adjoining lands.
The Town Manager informed the meeting that this was not the case. It was Council policy to take all housing developments in charge. Members were also informed that the Council had used the bond to address some, but not all, outstanding works on the estate. The Manager also stated that residents were in a legal vacuum if the local authority did not take the estate in charge.
It was agreed that Officials would meet with residents of the estate to discuss the issue.
On the proposal of Cllr. S. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly, it was agreed to defer making a decision of the matter until the next meeting.
To confirm visit by representatives of the Town Council to Iona
The Town Clerk informed members that the trip would take place from 25/28 September and that the party would consist of four members and two officials. A meeting with Oban Councillors was arranged for the Tuesday night.
The trip was approved on the proposal of Cllr. T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. B. Curran.
Correspondence and matters raised by the Town Manager
The Town Clerk informed members that the statutory dates for holding 2007 budget meetings were between 25th November 2006 and 15th January 2007. It was agreed to agree dates at the October meeting.
A letter of thanks from Michael Finnegan, retired Chief Superintendent, for the recent presentation.
A letter was received from Kells Christmas Lights Committee requesting funding for the provision of new lights. Cllr. B. Reilly stated that the cost of providing the lights would be in the region of €40k. Following a discussion on the matter it was agreed on the proposal of Cllr. P. Caffrey, seconded by Cllr. B. Collins, that the Committee come back to the Council after funding had been raised from other sources.
A letter from Kells Chamber of Commerce regarding proposed access road adjacent to schools.
Suspension of Standing Orders
On the proposal of Cllr. B. Collins, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly, it was agreed to suspend Standing Orders at this stage.
Other Business
The Town Engineer informed members that a Part V111 would be going on display shortly for works at the Swimming Pool. Funding for the works to be drawn down this year.
The Town Engineer stated that a tree at the Heritage Centre, Headfort Road side, would have to be removed for safety reasons.
The Town Manager informed members of recent staff changes.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Presiding:Cllr. O. Sweeney.
Present:Cllrs. P. Caffrey, B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, A.O. Farrelly,
C. Ferguson, T. Grimes, B. Reilly.
Also Present:Mr. B. McGrath, Town Manager, Mr. B. Sweeney, Town Clerk,
Mr. T. Traynor, Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer.
To consider Tidy Towns Report for 2006
The Town Clerk stated that the report was disappointing in that the town was defined as litter free in 2005 and now had a litter problem.
Following a discussion on the report it was decided to defer the matter to a later meeting.
Notice of Motion
Submitted by Cllr. T. Grimes
“That we the elected members of Kells Town Council request that the bottle banks and clothing container at the Fair Green Kells be moved to an alternative site where they can be properly monitored.”
Proposed by Cllr. T. Grimes.
Seconded by Cllr. B. Curran.
Following a discussion it was generally agreed that prosecutions needed to be taken. Members also enquired if the camera on the Fair Green was operational.
The Town Manager informed members that covert CCTV was in use in the area and that a number of prosecutions were being issued. Members were also informed that it was not proposed to remove the banks from the area. It was also noted that the Recycling Centre would be operational by mid-November.
The Town Clerk advised the meeting that a proposal had been received from Carroll Joinery to substantially vary the agreement on the provision of the site at Loyd from that approved by the Council on 12 Jan 2006.
The proposal involved:
- Immediate purchase of 5 acres at agreed price (phase 1);
- Reservation over remainder of site to be exercised within the life of the current planning permission (phase 2 development).
- Price for the remainder of site to be agreed price plus linked to Consumer Price Index
- Proposal to covenant completion of phase 2 within six months of purchase
The Town Clerk stated that proposal was against the principals of all other land sales in the Business Park.
Members were in support of the approach taken in previous land sales.
The Town Manager stated that he would not recommend the option of indexing. He stated that he would be prepared to meet with the Company, but would not agree with the option to retain.
Members unanimously supported the Town Manager on the issue.
The Town Clerk presented the following information to the meeting on access over Council property by the Headfort Arms Hotel.
- The access agreement will facilitate access to the Hotel car park at all times when the Council car park is open to the public.
- Outside of these hours restricted access will be allowed (i.e. overnight guests who arrive after Council car park closing time or overnight guests who have to leave in an emergency).
- Access to the hotel car park through the Council car park is at all times confined to guests of the hotel.
- No access will be allowed at any time for commercial vehicles or for deliveries.
The members raised the issue of commercial deliveries.
The Town Manager informed the meeting that the licence was to access the car park only and was not a right-of-way for commercial vehicles. The Manager stated that he would meet with Hotel management and report back to the Council.
The Town Engineer informed the members that a meeting had been held with the Church authorities and agreement had been reached on the use of the Church car park.
It had been agreed that the Church would receive fifty per cent of net income generated. A licence was being drawn up.
Other Business
It was agreed on the proposal of Cllr. S. Drew, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly, that any other business would be dealt with at the October meeting at 9.30pm.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
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Kells Town Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath
Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: