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AT 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs Jury, C Turner, Brailey, Jones, Mrs McCormack-Hole, Piper,
G Turner and Wood
County/District Councillor Cann
Clerk Mrs Mills
Services Officer Mrs Badcock
In Attendance: The Police and members of the public
The Chairman led the Council in prayers.
0804/02Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Bennett, Gill, Hockin, Mrs Holland, Silver and Miss Thomas.
0804/03Declarations of Interest
Cllr C Turner declared a personal interest and Cllr Mrs McCormack-Hole
declared a prejudicial interest as a neighbour in planning applications 46180 and 46181. Cllr Jones declared a personal interest in planning Application 46413 as he knows the applicant. Cllr Jury declared a prejudicial interest in planning application 46341 as owner of a nearby property.
0804/04Chairman’s Announcements
- The Chairman advised that a new member of staff, Mr Chris Cornish, has been appointed as Groundsperson/Handyperson
- An application to install a memorial bench at Fremington was agreed in principle and passed to the Parks & Playing Fields Committee to agree the final placement
- A discussion on Section 106 agreements took place and it was agreed to place the matter on the next agenda for fuller discussion
- The Chairman advised that there was an opportunity to apply for funding
in respect of the Tews Lane Association and also Fremington and District Community Group. The applications must be submitted by 16th April 2008. In the circumstances Cllr Brailey proposed the following,
that the Parish Council resolves to work in liaison with the Fremington and District Community Group to deliver the project (project Panda) through attracting funding from The Big Lottery Children’s Play Scheme and thus provide new and improved play facilities at Beechfield. Further; that to satisfy the application it agrees to support the long term sustainability of the project and if need be at a later date adopt policies reflecting the Parish Council's position with regard to discrimination, child protection and health and safety.
This was seconded by Cllr Piper and all were in favour with Cllr Jury abstaining as he is involved with the Community Group.
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0804/05Presentation of “Good Citizen”Award to Mr John Gayton
Mr John Gayton was presented with the “Good Citizen” Award by the Chairman who spoke briefly to explain that there had been a unanimous vote to present the award to Mr Gayton, who was held in high regard by members of the community. Mrs McCormack-Hole spoke on a personal basis to complement the remarks made by the Chairman.
0804/06To discuss proposals relating to land at Fremington Cemetery
Mr Gayton outlined suggestions for increasing the cemetery area available and it was resolved to agree to the proposals in principle but to refer the matter to Parks & Playing Fields Committee to discuss. It was suggested that a meeting be arranged with Mr Gayton to firm up proposals and take the matter forward.
0804/07 To agree the agenda between Part A and Part B (confidential information)
It was resolved to agree the agenda as published.
Part A
0804/08Police Report
PCSO Cornish gave a report (report attached).
Cllr Turner voiced his concerns about the increased vandalism in the Church Hill area and also the delay in attending incidents.
0804/09To receive questions and/or deputations or petitions from parishioners. All deputations or petitions to be referred without discussion to the Clerk for action, or to the next Council Meeting for discussion as appropriate. Any question requiring an answer at the Meeting to be submitted at least five working days before the Meeting
There were no questions.
0804/10To confirm and sign the minutes of meetings previously circulated
It was resolved with no votes to the contrary to confirm and sign the
minutes of the following meeting as a correct record
-Fremington Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10 March 2008 at 8.00pm
-Supplementary & Planning Meeting held on Tuesday 25 March 2008 at 7.30pm
0804/11To consider and adopt the minutes of committees and sub-committees previously circulated
It was resolved with no votes to the contrary to confirm and adopt the
minutes of the following meetings as a correct record:
- Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 10 March 2008 at 7.00pm
-Parks & Playing Fields Committee held on 18 March 2008 at 9.45am
Finance & Personnel Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 25 March 2008 at 6.45pm
0804/12To receive reports on matters of policy or major decisions affecting North Devon and this parish in particular from the County Councillor and District Councillors
- County Councillor Cann gave a report (copy attached).
District Councillor Brailey reported that he had had a meeting with Chief Inspector Davies, who advised that the Police will be putting considerable effort into preventing criminal damage over the next twelve months. This was a problem that was currently on the increase.
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- District Councillor Jones advised that Barnstaple Fremington and Instow Committee had been abolished, he felt that the decision was made for the right reasons. He said that he had advised the Planning Office that whilst he fully supported the idea of a Multi-Use Games Area it was not appropriate at Griggs Field. He felt that a fund should be created whereby the Parish Council could draw down funds for works that it was felt were required. He advised that he will be opening the tenders for the Beechfield Play Area on 29th April. He and
Cllr Gill had visited the Customer Services Manager at the District Council to discuss District Liaison Officer funding. She agreed that the wrong approach had been taken and was happy to work with the Clerk in an attempt to resolve the issues.
- District Councillor Mrs McCormack-Hole said that she was upset that they had abolished the Area Committee and was waiting to see how it will be replaced.
0804/13Highways issues – update
Councillors advised Cllr Cann of a number of problem areas.
0804/14Flooding issues – update
There was nothing to report.
0804/15To discuss the unitary authority review
There was a brief discussion on the options available to the Boundary
Commission. Unfortunately the meeting arranged by the County Council to
be held in Fremington was cancelled; we were not advised of this. It was
agreed to wait until the District Council proposals were received before
considering the matter further.
0804/16Matters to Note
-North Devon District Council – vacancy on Standards Committee
-Letter from North Devon District Council re Local Government Review (20 March 2008)
-Letter from North Devon District Council re Local Government Review (26 March 2008)
-Devon County Council Statement of Accounts 2006/07 (available in office)
-Devon Rural Transport Partnership Update – Winter Newsletter 2008
-Taw Torridge Estuary Forum – Newsletter Update – 29 March 2008
-Taw Torridge Estuary Forum – Minutes 21 January 2008 (available in office)
-E mail from Nickie Moore, North Devon Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty re
Discovery Day (2 April 2008)
-Devon County Council – Emergency Planning Newsletter No.4 – April 2008
-Devon County Council – New publication “A guide to catching the bus or train” – 3
April 2008 (document held in office)
It was resolved to note the above matters.
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0804/17North Devon District Council – Planning Applications
North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Parish Council on the following planning applications:
It was formally noted that participation of the Councillors who are also members of NDDC in both the debate and subsequent vote (in respect of any of the above, were preliminary taking account of the information matters) was on the basis that the views expressed made available at the time to the Parish Council. The District Councillors were reserving their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.
44115Proposal: Erection of manufacturing/warehouse unit with ancillary office
accommodation groups B1, B2 & B8 (further amended plans together with increase in size of proposal)
Location: Brannam Crescent/Fishleigh Road, Roundswell Industrial Estate, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: L S Leaderflush Shapland Ltd
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.
46180Proposal: Retrospective application for erection of gate & fencing
Location: The Homestead Cottage, Bickington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Harris
Cllr Mrs McCormack-Hole gave a brief historical outline of the situation; she declared a prejudicial interest in this and the following application and left the meeting. Cllr C Turner declared a personal interest in this and the following application.
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.
46181Proposal: Retrospective listed building application for erection of gate &
Location: The Homestead Cottage, Bickington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Harris
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.
Cllr Mrs McCormack-Hole returned to the meeting
46271Proposal: Extension forming conservatory together with erection of garage & store
Location: Woodpark, Lynhurst Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Brewster
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be REFUSED because of impact on the street scene, the design and the fact that it extended over the building line.
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46341Proposal: Retrospective application for erection of conservatory & garden
Location: 16 Byeways Close, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr B Boult
Cllr Jury declared a prejudicial interest as an owner of nearby property and left the meeting
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.
Cllr Jury returned to the meeting
46333Proposal: Conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation together with erection of new boundary wall
Location: 32 Middle Combe Drive, Roundswell, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Ms C Braddick
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.
46347Proposal: Extension to dwelling
Location: 28 Elmlea Avenue, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr Naylor
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to there being no adverse impact on neighbours.
46384Proposal: Extension to dwelling
Location: 18 Becklake Close, Roundswell, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs N Glenister
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.
46396Proposal: Variation of condition 4 (retail trading pattern of store) attached to planning permission 37814)
Location: Sainsbury’s Store, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.
46399Proposal: Erection of conservatory
Location: 4 Brynsworthy Park, Roundswell, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr E Trott
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to the design being satisfactory.
46413Proposal: Erection of dwelling & garage
Location: Penhill Nurseries, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr P Brown
Cllr Jones declared a personal interest in this application as a personal friend of the applicant
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be REFUSED because there was no functional need and this application contravenes regulations and local policy. Cllr Jones abstained from voting.
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46426Proposal: Erection of double garage with office above
Location: Garden of 2 Bickleton Cottages, Bickleton, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr E Pope
It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to agreement from Highways and that as this is a separate parcel of land this will not be viewed as a separate dwelling or flat.
0804/18North Devon District Council –Planning Decisions
It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has APPROVED the following applications with conditions as filed:
40637Proposal: Outline application for erection of 8 flats (amended details of foul drainage disposal) (amended site plan)
Location: Garden of Four Winds, 4 Park Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Woodward Smith Architects
43959Proposal: Erection of a crane hire building
Location: White Gate, Bickington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: John Blaney
46070Proposal: Erection on conservatory
Location: 10 Byeways Close, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Build Consultants
46082Proposal: Erection of dwelling & double garage (amendment to planning permission 44763) (amended description)
Plot 2 west side land rear of 71 Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: P J Hinton
46083Proposal: Erection of dwelling & double garage (amendment to planning permission 44764) (amended description)
Plot 1 east side land rear of 71 Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: P J Hinton
46108Proposal: Extensions to dwelling
Location: 5 Swallow Field, Roundswell, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Martin Scott
46114Proposal: Extension to dwelling together with conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation
Location: 8 Home Farm Road, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Gareth Edwards
46115Proposal: Extension & alterations to dwelling
Location: 21 Cross Close, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: D & J May Architectural Services
46170Proposal: Erection of conservatory
Location: 11 Cross Close, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr J Perry Clearline Windows
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46178Proposal: Notification of works to trees in a conservation area in respect of felling of 3 trees
Location: The Homestead Cottage, Bickington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Harris
46200Proposal: Application for consent for works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order in respect of removal of 2 trees and pruning of 4 trees
Location: 17 Allenstyle Road, Yelland, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr M Hurford
46208Proposal: Siting of 3 non-illuminated fascia signs & 1 non-illuminated free standing sign
Location: Pearce House, Brannam Crescent, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Woodward Smith
46235Proposal: Change of use from hairdressers to shop together with alterations to shopfront
Location: Kylamour (Spar), Beechfield Road, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Mr N Lovell - Kirkwood Stores Ltd
It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has REFUSED the following applications with conditions as filed:
45905Proposal: Conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation together with installation of dormer window
Location: 12 Ballards Crescent, West Yelland, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: Neil Denton
45922Proposal: Erection of 2 dwellings (variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 45147 to allow amended design)
Location: Garden of Catherines Cottage, Pottery Lane, Yelland, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: D & J May Architectural Services
45974Proposal: Erection of 2 dwellings
Location: Land to south of Home Farm, Fremington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: G Sturkey Associates
46049Proposal: Erection of conservatory
Location: Lindfield, Bickington, Barnstaple
Applicant/Agent: John Stromski & Associates
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There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm