PRESENT Cllrs J. Whittal Williams (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

Lady Hooson

Mrs A.M. Jones

G. Powell

P. Rees

Mrs P. Smith

N. Venti

Town Clerk

Apologies were received from Cllrs G. Morgan, D. Jones, Mrs R. Brunt, Mrs E L Evans Mrs C Edwardes

Cllr Rees reported that Sgt Jonathan Rees had contacted him as was unable to attend the meeting this evening due to unforeseen circumstances

The painting of the Plaques was discussed. An e mail from Debra Lewis was read out suggesting that gold leaf should be used as the Town Hall is a listed building and therefore if not like for like then it could be considered as an alteration to a listed building. The plaque was looked at, and it was decided that the advice from Ms Debra Lewis should be taken. Cllr Lady Hooson proposed the renewing of the gold leaf, majority of Councillors agreed. Cllr Venti suggested that this should be inserted into the asset register for future reference.

The Council meeting commenced at 7.00 pm

The meeting opened with Prayers

341/01 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllrs G. Morgan, D. Jones, Mrs R Brunt, Mrs E.L. Evans and Mrs C Edwardes

341/02DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cllrs P Smith and G Powell declared an interest as employees of PCC

341/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed

Finance Panel meeting 24.05.10 The following recommendations were unanimously accepted

a) Councillors expenses for travel allowance

b)Replica pendant to be looked into

Town Hall Panel meeting 24.05.10 agreed

Council meeting held on 24.05.10 agreed

Skatepark meeting 15.06.10 Cllr Whittal Williams explained that the group were unsuccessful in obtaining names of users when they visited the Skatepark as there was no one there.

Finance/Town Hall Panel meeting 21.06.10 The following recommendations were unanimously accepted

a) H& S quotation for works to be accepted

b) Set up a H & S committee

c) Andrews Turner to deal with PCC re Museum rent

d) Charles Cowan to look at the old buildings. Cllr Venti suggested that we ask for a quote from Charles to look at the sinkage occurring in the rear yard. Councillors agreed

The last para on Item 2 on minutes should read ‘duties undertaken by Town Council employees will be looked at in the near future’

Environment Panel meeting held on 21.06.10 Item 1 should read ‘Mr Davies raised concerns’ and not ‘objected’. The following recommendations were unanimously accepted

a)purchase ‘no dogs allowed’ and ‘no dogs off leads’ signs

b)Switching on of Lights for Fancy dress evening at no cost to Town Council- Unanimous

341/04 PLANNING Cllr Whittal Williams reported that a resident has contacted Council unhappy about the planning decision to build a house at the rear of the Mount Inn. He explained that Ms Louise Rugerri, Planning Officer from PCC would be meeting with Council and residents of Smithfield Street here at the Council Chamber at 3 pm on Wednesday 30th June.

Anaerobic Digestor Plant - Cllr Whittal Williams explained that Llanidloes Town Council has not been consulted by PCC regarding the planning application and the letter from Mr Davies has highlighted the issues of extra lorries travelling along the Llangurig road and up bryndu hill. Councillors agreed that a new slip road would be the best solution. Cllr Margot Jones explained that enough is enough and as the extra traffic could be endangering the lives of our children as it passes by our Schools and suggested that we should write to PCC and express our concern and disappointment that we have not been consulted on the matter. It was agreed to write to ask why we have not been consulted on this as it affects our area more than anyone other. Cllr Whittal Williams suggested speaking to Ms Louise Rugerri at the meeting on Wednesday 30th June.

341/05LETTER OF RESIGNATION A letter of resignation due to employment commitments was received from Cllr Nick Hamer. It was agreed that Council would send a letter of regret to Cllr Hamer. Clerk explained that a notice advertising the vacancy will be displayed immediately.

341/06LETTER FROM YOUTH FORUM RE SKATEPARK A letter was received expressing disappointment at the possible closure of the Skatepark. Cllrs Whittal Williams and P. Rees offered to go to the Youth Forum meeting to discuss further.

341/07WALES GB RALLY Received. Cllr Lady Hooson asked if the organisors are aware of the digging up of the roads for Severn Trent works. Clerk agreed to make them aware.

341/08POWYS SECONDARY & POST 16 MODERNISATION PROGRAMME. Cllr Margot Jones explained the report briefly. Cllr Jones explained that model 5 is the only option which will work in her opinion. Loss of the 6th form is a strong possibility. She stated that a case should be made and Council shouldlead from the front by maybe holding another Public meeting. Mr Capel was asked to inform the Council of anything further. He agreed that lots of questions still need answering and advised everyone to keep in touch via the relevant websites He stated that it is important that readers of the report should be encouraged to respond to PCC. Cllr Lady Hooson expressed her concern regarding the possible reduction of 6th forms which would lead to the loss of the best teachers as well as discouraging newcomers coming to the area because of the high standard of education. Also issues of travel by bus during the Winter time with Heavy snow and icy conditions. Cllr Venti agreed that a Public meeting would be beneficial and suggested inviting PCC to come along. Cllr Whittal Williams said he had spoken to Dr Hughes, retired head, and he has been encouraged to attend the next LEAG meeting. Cllr Rees suggested contacting our new MP Mr Glyn Davies. It was agreed to write to PCC complaining about the very tight consultation time scale.

341/09INFORMATION FROM FISHER GERMAN RE SEVERN TRENT Received - pass on to MMP as our Agents.

341/10INFORMATION FROM OMBUDSMAN REGARDING ALEGATION OF A BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT MADE BY CLLR G. MORGAN AGAINST CLLR POWELL. Cllr Whittal Williams read out information received from the Ombudsman and asked if Councillors wished to ask any questions. Cllr Powell expressed his disappointment that the Ombudsman had not received an amended copy of minutes explaining that the report regarding the winter services had not been read out. Clerk explained that she had forwarded the amended minutes as soon as they were completed. Cllr Powell stated that according to information he has recently received it should be the Clerk who is responsible for telling Councillors when they should declare an interest and not another Councillor. Clerk stated that she had received information from the Monitoring officer stating that she is in no way responsible for it. Cllr Breeze stood up and said that the Clerk is not the referee to the Council. Clerk explained that she would be prepared to receive calls from Councillors if there was something on the Agenda which they were unsure on, and would endeavour to find out if there was an interest to declare prior to the meeting. Cllr Smith interrupted the Clerk stating to Council that she had also received the same information but as it was the Clerk that had reported her to the Ombudsman last year how could she ask the Clerk for clarification?Cllr Margot Jones stood up and said that the situation was completely out of hand and should be stopped immediately as it amounted to bullying of the Clerk by both Cllr Powell and Smith. Cllr Powell apologised and explained that it had not been his intention to bully anyone. Cllr Margot Jones stated that the argument was completely one sided as Cllr Morgan was not present in the room to defend himself.

341/11CODE OF CONDUCT REFRESHER TRAINING Cllr Whittal Williams reminded Councillors that they will have the opportunity to ask for advice at the training to be held in July.

341/12LETTER FROM LLANI WITHOUT COMMUNITY COUNCIL RE BWLCH Y GLE Cllrs Venti and Smith declared an interest and left the room. Letters from Llani Ltd and LLWOCC, and an e mail received from Cllr Morgan was read out. Councillors agreed to write back to LLWOCC stating that we cannot afford to help and ask why they also feel they are unable to contribute.

341/13NATWEST BANK Cllr Whittal Williams explained that Mick Bates had organised the initial meeting to fight the proposed closures at Llanidloes, Montgomery and Llanfair Caereinion. Natwest were not going to change their minds and would review their decision in 6 months time. Cllr Whittal Williams reported that he had not received any further feedback from the information he had reported in the newspaper, and had been disappointed with the response in trying to set up a rota to carry out a headcount. Cllr Whittal Williams had contacted Mick Bates A.M. and explained the lack of interest from Nat west customers.

341/14LETTER FROM RESIDENT RE MAINTENANCE AROUND THE TOWN Received. It was agreed to pass on a copy to Mr Bob Smith


341/16LETTER FROM CHAMBER OF TRADE RE ROUNDABOUT BY KEVIN JONES’ GARAGE It was agreed that we ask Bob Smith to plant the roundabout this year, after Fancy Dress and Carnival, and request a donation from Chamber of Trade and Severn Trent water, for money towards the plants. Discussions will continue with Chamber of Trade for plans for the future of the roundabout. Councillors voted 5 in favour of planting for this year and 2 against.

341/17REPORT ON FORUM MEETING ATTENDED BY CLLR EDWARDES – It was agreed to carry the report over until the next meeting as Cllr Edwardes was absent this evening.


341/19ACCOUNTS The following Accounts for MAY were confirmed

Chq No

104142Inland Revenue 1,059.33

104143Wages & P. Cash (06.05.10)972.31

104144Wages (13.05.10)872.76

104145 BT105.20

104146P.C.- Q135.98

104147PCC (Eurobin) 293.59

104148Wages & P. Cash (20.05.10)897.81

104149Inland Revenue845.85

104150J.A. Jones (window cleaner)100.00

104151Mr J. W Williams (Mayoral allow)500.00

104152Wages (27.05.10)890.43

TOTAL £ 6,673.26

Cllr Rees queried the Telephone bill and asked if a comparison with alternative companies could be found.

341/20Next Full Council meeting 26.07.10. Finance/Town Hall Panel meetings will be held on 2nd Monday of the Month and Environment/Planning held on 3rd Monday.

It was unanimously voted that:-

Pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following item:-

341/21SNOOKER ROOM Further to the matter coming to Councils’ attention at the Finance Meeting, Clerk had checked with H & S officer and he is happy not to have a caretaker on the premises in the afternoons. Cllr Lady Hooson proposed that if we wish to save £4,500 we should have a trial period. It was agreed that from Monday 5th July there will be No Caretaker here in the afternoons. The Snooker Club when constituted will sort out their own arrangements for opening hours in the afternoons. Clerk informed Council that she has spoken to the staff and they are in agreement with the proposals. Clerk was asked to prepare a letter to be signed by both Caretakers, agreeing to the reduction in working hours. It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk will take legal advice on the Constitution as soon as possible.