April Monthly Meeting held on Monday, 14th April 2014, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells

Presiding:Cllr O. Sweeney

Present:Cllrs B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, C. Ferguson, T. Grimes, F. Lynch,

B. Reilly, S. Reilly.

Also Present:Mr. K. Stewart, Town Manager, Ms. A. Bird. Town Clerk, Ms. F. Beers, Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, Clerical Officer.


The minutes of the March monthly meeting, held on 10th March 2014, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr B. Reilly.

Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations

A vote of sympathy was passed with:-

  • Barney Gaffney, member of outdoor staff, on the death of his mother Annie Gaffney, Carlanstown
  • Flanagan Family on the death of Sean Flanagan, former Revenue Collector MCC, and father-in-law of Cllr S. Reilly
  • Bill Sweeney, former Town Clerk, on the death of his brother Tom Sweeney
  • Family Patricia Browne, Suffolk Street
  • Family Josephine Reddy, Bective Street
  • Family Mary McGill, Suffolk Street
  • Family Patsy Griffin, Carlanstown
  • Family Bob Crow, London


  • Letter from Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht confirming Minister Jimmy Deenihan’s visit on 24th April 2014.

It was agreed that members would meet with the Minister in the Chamber, where they would highlight:-

-repairs needed to St. Colmcille’s House


-Heritage find at Tower of Loyd

-St. John’sCemetery

-Headfort House

Monthly Reports

The following items were raised:-

Cllr S. Reilly

Footpath at Tennis Club and HeadfortBridge

Provision litter bin from Bective Street to Rockfield and also at HeadfortBridge

The Town Engineer stated that work at the Tennis Club was scheduled to commence on Tuesday, 22nd April.

Cllr B. Curran

Grass cutting

Safety of weed killer being used

Signage at bus shelter broken

Paving slabs in Headfort Place

Cllr B. Collins

Bins for dog littering

Bus stop maintenance

Matting at flower bed adjacent to bus stop on Cavan Road

Update on housing estates

Standardised signage at entrance to housing estates

Dumping on lane off Maudlin - Stonebridge

Cllr C. Ferguson

Back road at Ard na Greine / Rochford Hall

Repairs to fencing at O’Growney Terrace

Funding for replacement of street name signage

The Town Manager stated that he is looking at proposals to replace signage on a phased basis, matter for new Municipal District.

Cllr O. Sweeney

Speeding regulations on Headfort Road at Golf Club crossing

Manager’s Orders

The Manager’s Orders, as circulated, were noted.

Update on Block Grant Allocation

The Town Engineer presented the following proposals for 2014 block grant.

-Footpath repairs at O’Growney Terrace, Blackthorn Gove, Cherryhill Green, Magdalene Court, Stonebridge, Newmarket Street, Fair Green, Headfort Place

-Dropped kerbs and tactile paving at various junctions around the town

-Cycle stands at Town Hall

-Road markings at various locations around the town

-Upgrade street lighting at St. Brigid’s Terrace

-Road/junction improvement at Circular Road

Cllr T. Grimes requested works to pedestrian access to Fr McCullen Park from Moynalty Road if funds permitted.

Cllr B. Collins stated that there is a flooding issue at Climber Hall and proposed works at Circular Road junction could have implications.

Cllr S. Drew raised the issue of pedestrian safety at The Grove, Farrell Street.

Notice of Motion

Cllr S. Reilly

That the Town Council grant permission to the Kells Local Heroes to plant appropriate trees and plants at the playground at the Fair Green to improve the aesthetics of the area and also to provide shelter to those who avail of the facility.

Proposed by Cllr S. Reilly

Seconded by Cllr B. Collins

The Town Manager stated that what was being proposed at the moment was not appropriate; trees would push out the wall, plus the problem of leaves falling on the footpath in the autumn.

It was agreed to look at planting the appropriate shrubbery and plants for the area.

Questions to the Manager

Cllr S. Reilly

Is it possible to place double yellow lines along the entrance to Westfield Estate to end the current situation whereby staff and students park along both sides of the road making entering and exiting the estate very difficult for residents and emergency services.

The Town Manager stated that the estate was not in charge and the road was therefore not a public road.

Any Other Business

Cllrs Curran, Ferguson and Lynch congratulated An Cathaoirleach on their recent trip to Oban.

It was stated that the Oban Group are anxious to proceed with links already forged and will attend 1200th celebrations in June.

The Town Manager stated he would be happy to welcome the Group in June.

Cllr B. Curran requested an update on Cross and trees; he also requested that footpaths be cleaned for Colmcille festival. He enquired if Choice had obtained planning permission for shop in Bective Street.

The following was agreed in relation to abolition of Council.

Hold May monthly meeting as normal

Councillors and officials to have meal after May monthly meeting

Councillors to be presented with Medallions

Formal closing meeting to be held in Hotel on 28th May and invite former Councillors and staff

Erect stone plaque outside Town Hall

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______


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KellsTown Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells, CountyMeath

Telephone: 046 9240076 / Fax: 046 9249316 / web: / Email: