Present:Cllr R Eastwood (Chair), Cllr J Smith and Cllr B Maude.

Absent: Cllr G Horner.

In attendance: Mrs E Fulham (Clerk) and Cllr R Best.

  1. To accept apologies for absence

Cllr G Horner

  1. To record Members’ Declarations of Pecuniary and Disclosable Interests in matters to be discussed.

The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare when necessary.

  1. To approve Minutes of previous Finance Committee meeting.

Unanimously approved (Cllr Maude was not present)

  1. To report on Matters Arising from the previous Finance Committee meeting.


  1. To report on account 2016/17

The Clerk had circulated the report prior to the meeting and ran through the items against budget and provided a forecast for the year end position pending certain timescales for expenditure.

The Clerk confirmed the position and outlined current receipts £98,964 versus a budget of £100176 and payments of £94480 against a budget of £108,634.

The Clerk provided an update with the latest transactions which changed the position of payments to £98801 with receipts unchanged.

The likely position including the youth shelter purchase would increase payments for the year by another £7000 with receipts likely to be in the region of £5000. Therefore once balancing the earmarked reserves there would be a small surplus at the end of the year.

The Clerk provided answers to some small budget line queries.

It was agreed the account was running according to budget and financial planning.

There were no further questions or actions required.

  1. To report on ear marked and general reserve.

There was no earmarked reserve movement proposed.

The Clerk would action one final budget movement for election expenses of £250.

It was noted the general reserve was on the low side and any budget surplus would aid this situation.

The earmarked reserves were well organised and provided for contingency and projects and therefore any short term contingency need could be provided for.

There were no actions required.

  1. To receive bank reconciliation

The Committee reviewed the bank reconciliation against the bank statement noting un presented cheques and expenditure input since the bank reconciliation.

The Chair signed the bank statement and the bank reconciliation for the records.

There were no recent statements for the saving accounts so this would be reconciled at the year end.

  1. To Review risk assessment

There were no changes since the amended version from November 2016 had been published.

The Clerk has asked the insurance company to confirm the position on volunteer tree inspections and will report back to the Committee.

The Committee would consider the possibility of a 5 year professional tree review potentially.

  1. To Review and Confirm audit arrangements for 2016/17 year end

The Clerk had received three quotes and outlined the options available to the Committee.

The Clerk was instructed by the Committee to proceed with the existing internal auditor Mrs R Rudin as the best value option.

PFK Little John remained the external auditor for 2016/17.

  1. Matters for reporting and inclusion in future agenda.

The Clerk was asked to highlight the grant process in the newsletter.

Date of next meeting – 22nd May 2017

Meeting closed at 8:25pm