North Kyme Parish Council


Date: Wednesday 9th March 2016 / Venue: North Kyme Village Hall / Time: 7.30 p.m.

Present: Cllr G Pout (Chairman) Cllr G Panton Cllr R Wright

Cllr G Everard Cllr J Dring Cllr G Bailey

In attendance: K Handley (Clerk)

District Councillor Ogden

District Councillor S Matthan

Parishioners: 0

122/03/16 Apologies Cllr A Yeomans

123/03/16 Chairman’s Opening address:

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

124/03/16 Minutes

The notes were accepted as a true and accurate record and proposed by Cllr G Everard and seconded by Cllr R Wright

Cllr Panton asked that one item be amended on the minutes to read village events not village hall.

125/03/16 Declarations of Interest


126/03/16 Feedback on action points;

·  Progress for purchase of SID -the delivery date for the SID is Friday 11th March. This will be delivered to the Chairman and then passed to Billinghay Parish Council as they are now the lead Parish.

127/03/16 Planning application

Decision notice for the Plough Public House -information has been emailed to the Councillors before the meeting.

12/0985/FUL application to vary condition 3 of planning permission, erection of garage for vehicle/machinery Fairview Farm Main Road Anwick; parish council had no objection.

128/03/16 Financial report

The balance of Lloyds account £1,180.96

Invoice received for newsletter for £200. Proposed by Cllr G Panton and seconded by Cllr G Pout. This was not previously on the agenda but was agreed by the Councillors present.

129/03/16 Queen’s birthday event

This event will take place on Thursday 21st April. Various activities will take place in and around the village hall. Cllr Pout proposed that the Parish Council donate £350 towards the cost of the event. This was seconded by Cllr Dring and agreed by remaining Councillors. Cllr Panton will liaise with the Village Hall Committee

130/03/16 Clerk’s correspondence

·  Lincolnshire Permit Scheme

·  Environmental awards-no entries

131/03/16 Issues arising from the public forum

Cllr Dring asked for the state of the road by Billinghay kennels to be reported to Highways. Cllr Panton also asked for the junction of Ferry Lane/A153 to be reported. Other issues were raised regarding standing water by the church and the ongoing problem of Mill Lane. Action: Clerk to contact Highways

The Chairman also reported that a code of conduct had been written for the use of the CCTV in the Village Hall.

132/03/16 Date and time of next meeting

April 13th 2016 at 7.30 p.m.

133/03/16 Close of meeting

The meeting closed at 8.37 p.m.

1 Karen Handley Clerk