Present:Cllr G Horner (Chair), Cllr B Maude, Cllr M Colenutt, Cllr R Nathan and Cllr A Higgins

Absent: Cllr C Tamplin,Cllr J Smith, Cllr R Eastwood, Cllr A Emery, Cllr C Beare and Cllr S Howard

In attendance: Mrs E Fulham (Clerk)

  1. To accept Apologies for Absence
    Cllr C Tamplin, Cllr J Smith, Cllr R Eastwood, Cllr A Emery, Cllr S Howard and Cllr C Beare.
  2. To hear members’ Declarations of Interest in matters to be discussed

The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare when necessary.

  1. To consider projects

(i)Future social events

The Committee discussed various types of possible events.

It was agreed that a working party was required and some form of charity dance would be a positive community event.It was discussed that the first event might be small scale, perhaps using the village hall.

Cllrs Higgins and Horner agreed to join a working party. Mimi van Praagh would be asked to help and the Clerk would also be involved.

The Committee considered the plans for the Parkinson charity walk.

The Committee supported the plans for the walk and would respond positively to the organisers. It was possible this might lead to further community led walks.

(ii)Playground Long Term Vision

The Committee discussed the possible issues with degradation of wooden units within the playground and longer term plan and vision for the area.

The Committee recorded that the playground inspection confirmed there were no safety concerns. The Clerk was asked to meet on site with some suppliers to get ideas to consider. The Committee agreed at this stage they would maintain until replacement was necessary.

(iii)Adult outside gym

The Committee considered a possible vision.

The Committee agreed it could benefit both teenagers and adults, whilst noting that the priority should be the youth project covered below. The siting of ayouth shelter would also likely impact any siting of an outside gym. The Committee agreed that a structure with no moving parts would bemost robust. Any future plans for this would be subject to future discussions and dependent on fundraising / grants etc.

(iv)Youth project

The feedback from Youth Voice was discussed. The Committee were concerned over siting (possible issues with pavilion users and neighbours) of a youth shelter. There were also concerns over noise and potential vandalism of the equipment if electronics were included.

The Committee agreed the following:

The actual amount held in EMR should be confirmed to the group.

The Gatwick Trust grant conditions should also be confirmed with potentially a phased approachof shelter, followed by a games wall / outside gym project.

The concerns over siting and technology should be raised again so that Youth Voice are aware and do not waste time researching unlikely options.

The Clerk would investigate the planning issues.

(v)Pavilion / Youth Hut Future including renewing planning application.

The Committee acknowledged that, despite no plans to develop the area, it would be wise to ensure possible planning on the site.

The Clerk would write to WDC to extend the planning approval.

  1. To consider policy on the following:


The Committee agreed that they supported tourism to the area.

The Clerk was asked to re circulate information on the Ashdown Forest Tourism Association.

The Committee also considered various aspects of tourism which created challenges for the Parish, noting that there was an increased problem with parking, traffic and speeding.

The Clerk reported on the recent discussion on signage with the Estate in respect of weekend use of the school car park.

The Clerk was asked to confirm approval of the wording ‘weekend car park’ with the Estate and get some quotes for consideration.

The Committee decided the matter of traffic and speeding should be referred to the SLR Committee to consider.

(ii)Gatwick expansion
Cllrs Colenutt and Nathan aregoing on Gatwick tours.

The Committee acknowledged associate membership of HWCAAG. The concern was that possible changes in routes or expansion would have some impact on the parish.

It was agreed this would be an agenda item in November with feedback from Cllrs Colenutt and Nathan.

  1. Matters for Reporting and Inclusion in Future Agenda


  1. Date of next meeting

9th October 2017

Meeting closed at 9:35pm