
Monday, April 18, 2016



Jim Collins,Chair


PRESENT:Chesin, Sorrell; Collins, Jim; Cruz, Jose; Gulatee, Yenisel; Janiszewski, Caitlin;

Kearney, Ann;Kressner, Ilka; Malavasic, Jolene; Moore, Chris; Reinhold, Karin; Scheck, Helene

GUEST:Moslehi, Roxana

The meeting convened at2:52p.m.


The minutes of March 28thwere approved, with one abstention.


Chair Collins had been organizing and attending forums, negotiating with the administration about the governance role in various issues, communicating with councils, and working on tasks related to Senate elections including the Council on Committee Nominations (CCN) which meets once a year to recommend membership for the coming year. On April 5th the Chair moderated a discussion on contingent faculty concerns. Today, April 18th, was a forum on sustainability. Chair Collins twice sent e-mails to Provost Stellar and Bill Hedberg, most recently regarding Senate representation on and the composition of the implementation working groups related to the Blue Ribbon Panel on contingent concerns.


Liaisons – Yenisel Gulatee, Chair

Chris Moore and Chair Gulatee were working to finalize the PT listserv. The proposed introduction for the Senate website was still under review in the President's Office. The Chair had helped, in partnership with the other organizations, and attended all 3 forums. GOV Chair Collins added he would like to consider the Senate co-sponsoring information sessions and workshops in the future.

Assessment – Karen Reinhold, Chair

The survey was very successful in comparison to the previous one. Chair Reinhold reviewed the results and would share an analysis and summary of the written responses once complete.Roxana Moslehi stated that she is temporarilyreplacing Igor Kuznetsov who is on sabbatical this semester. GOV Chair Collins asked members to review the preliminary analysis for the next meeting.

UAlbany Survey on Shared Governance

Students Responses

Male / Female
248 / 377
Admitted as
Freshmen / Transfer / Grad
277 / 129 / 219
Bachelor / Cert. Grad Study / Master / Cert. Advance Study / Doctorate
406 / 5 / 109 / 1 / 104
406 / 219
Fresh / Soph / Junior / Senior / C. Grad Study / Master / C. Adv. Study / PhD
57 / 90 / 110 / 149 / 5 / 109 / 1 / 104
White / Black / Hisp / Asian / Amer Indian / Pacific islander / 2 or more / Non-res / unknown
314 / 71 / 67 / 34 / 0 / 0 / 19 / 100 / 20

Q1 How long have you been at UAlbany?

183 (30%) Less than 1 year

204 (33%) 1-2 years

192 (31%) 3-4 years

32 ( 5%) 5-9 years

8 ( 1%) 10 or more years

Q2 How familiar are you with the University at Albany’s Senate and its councils?

440 (71%) Not at all Familiar

162 (26%) Somewhat Familiar

22 (4%) Very Familiar

Q2a Generally speaking, how well do you feel the Senate addresses your concerns?

44 (27%) Not at all well

112 (68%) Somewhat well

9 (5%) Very well

Q3 Have you been involved in leadership positions in your own college or academic/administrative unit?(For example: served as a chair or program director, or in your department’s executive committee, or as a student organization leader (president of group, treasurer, etc.).)

192 (32%) Yes

406 (68%) No

Q3a In what ways, if any, have you been involved in the University Senate? (Please select the response that indicates your highest level of involvement.)

64 (39%) I have not served in the Senate or any of its committees or councils, and have not voted in Senate elections.

87 (53%) I have not served in the Senate or any of its committees or councils, but have voted in Senate elections.

6 (4%) I have served on a Senate committee or council.

8 (5%) I have served as Senator.

Q3b How many Senate Councils or Committees have you served on?

0 (0%) None

8 (57%) 1

4 (29%) 2

0 (0%) 3

0 (0%) 4

2 (14%) 5 or more

Q3c How many years have you served as Senator (total number of years)?

5 (63%) 1 (or in first year)

1 (13%) 2

1 (13%) 3

0 (0%) 4

0 (0%) 5-9

1 (13%) 10 or more

Q4 Please indicate your highest level of familiarity or interaction with each of the following Senate councils or committees.

I have not heard of this Council / I have heard of this Council / I have interacted with this Council / I have served
on this Council / Total
CAA / 98 / 50 / 1 / 2 / 151
CAFFECor / 101 / 43 / 5 / 1 / 150
CERS / 73 / 75 / 2 / 1 / 151
COR / 80 / 67 / 3 / 1 / 151
CPCA / 106 / 40 / 4 / 1 / 151
GAC / 75 / 60 / 14 / 2 / 151
GOV / 73 / 68 / 8 / 3 / 152
LISC / 87 / 54 / 7 / 1 / 149
UAC / 60 / 82 / 7 / 2 / 151
ULC / 85 / 59 / 5 / 2 / 151
UPPC / 77 / 64 / 6 / 3 / 150

Q5 In your opinion, which of the following Senate councils or committees are functioning effectively?

Effective / Not Effective / DK / Total
CAA / 2 / 1 / 0 / 3
CAFFECor / 2 / 4 / 0 / 6
CERS / 0 / 2 / 1 / 3
COR / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
CPCA / 0 / 2 / 3 / 5
GAC / 6 / 5 / 5 / 16
GOV / 4 / 1 / 6 / 11
LISC / 2 / 3 / 3 / 8
UAC / 3 / 3 / 2 / 8
ULC / 3 / 3 / 1 / 7
UPPC / 3 / 5 / 1 / 9

Q6 How well are the following constituencies represented in the Senate, its councils and committees?

Representation / Not Well / Somewhat / Very Well / DK / Total
Undergrads / 4 / 2 / 5 / 2 / 13
Grads / 2 / 5 / 4 / 2 / 13
Contingent PT / 5 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 13
Contingent FT / 5 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 13
Faculty / 1 / 1 / 7 / 4 / 13
Prof Fac & Staff / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5 / 13
Librarians / 3 / 3 / 1 / 6 / 13
Emeritus / 4 / 2 / 1 / 6 / 13

Q7 How effective is the Senate in consulting each constituency?

Effectiveness Consulting / Not Well / Somewhat / Very Well / DK / Total
Undergrads / 2 / 3 / 5 / 3 / 13
Grads / 5 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 13
Contingent PT / 4 / 3 / 2 / 4 / 13
Contingent FT / 4 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 13
Faculty / 2 / 2 / 6 / 3 / 13
Prof Fac & Staff / 2 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 13
Librarians / 2 / 3 / 2 / 6 / 13
Emeritus / 2 / 3 / 1 / 7 / 13

Q8 How effective is the participation in the Senate, its councils and committees of the following groups?

Effective Participation / Not Well / Somewhat / Very Well / DK / Total
Undergrads / 4 / 2 / 4 / 3 / 13
Grads / 2 / 4 / 5 / 2 / 13
Contingent PT / 4 / 3 / 2 / 4 / 13
Contingent FT / 4 / 3 / 2 / 4 / 13
Faculty / 1 / 2 / 7 / 3 / 13
Prof Fac & Staff / 1 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 13
Librarians / 2 / 2 / 2 / 7 / 13
Emeritus / 2 / 2 / 2 / 7 / 13

UAlbany's Climate for Governance

Q9 How transparent do you feel UAlbany's Senate is?

43 (29%) Not at all transparent

95 (65%) Somewhat transparent

8 (5%) Very transparent

Q9a How well does the Senate communicate the issues it engages to its constituencies and community?

71 (49%) It is not easy to find information about the issues the Senate is currently considering.

72 (50%) It is easy to find information about some issues the Senate is currently considering but not all.

2 (1%) It is easy to find information about all issues the Senate is currently considering.

Q10 Role of Administration and Faculty: Areas of Primary Faculty Responsibility How often does the University Administration (the offices of the President, the Provost, and other Vice Presidents)

a) take into consideration the faculty and/or Senate councils' recommendations/opinions in areas in which the faculty has primary responsibility (e.g., curriculum, tenure and promotion decisions)?

b)seek meaningful input from faculty on the following issues in which the faculty has an appropriate interest but not primary responsibility?

Admin consideration of Senate / Rarely / Never / Sometimes / Often / Always / DK / Total
Faculty primary responsibility / 13 / 11 / 40 / 17 / 5 / 60 / 146
Long-term Planning / 15 / 13 / 36 / 18 / 5 / 57 / 144
Physical Resources / 13 / 18 / 38 / 11 / 2 / 59 / 141
Budget / 18 / 19 / 31 / 12 / 2 / 61 / 143
Selections ManagemnetConf / 16 / 13 / 35 / 11 / 6 / 59 / 140

Q10b Please use the space below to provide additional thoughts on the items above.

13 (100%)

.Q11 What are the top three University or Higher Education-related issues that you would like the Senate and/or Administration to engage? (Please provide a short explanation.)

.Issue #1: 270

.Issue #2: 220

.Issue #3: 170

.Q12 Please use the space below to share any additional thoughts you might have about governance at UAlbany. 80 (100%)

UAlbany Survey on Shared Governance

Faculty Staff Responses

Male / Female
Teaching / Professional / Librarian / Mgmt/Confidential
284 / 229 / 21 / 23
463 / 96

Q1 How long have you been at UAlbany?

20 (4%) Less than 1 year

62 (11%) 1-2 years

73 (13%) 3-4 years

118 (21%) 5-9 years

82 (15%) 10-14 years

81 (14%) 15-19 years

79 (14%) 20-29 years

44 (8%) 30 or more years

Q2 How familiar are you with the University at Albany’s Senate and its councils?

192 (34%) Not at all Familiar

271 (49%) Somewhat Familiar

95 (17%) Very Familiar

Q2a Generally speaking, how well do you feel the Senate addresses your concerns?

75 (22%) Not at all well

234 (69%) Somewhat well

29 (9%) Very well

Q3 Have you been involved in leadership positions in your own college or academic/administrative unit?(For example: served as a chair or program director, or in your department’s executive committee, or as a student organization leader (president of group, treasurer, etc.).)

272 (50%) Yes

270 (50%) No

Q3a In what ways, if any, have you been involved in the University Senate? (Please select the response that indicates your highest level of involvement.)

66 (19%) I have not served in the Senate or any of its committees or councils, and have not voted in Senate elections.

89 (25%) I have not served in the Senate or any of its committees or councils, but have voted in Senate elections.

106 (30%) I have served on a Senate committee or council.

89 (25%) I have served as Senator.

Q3b How many Senate Councils or Committees have you served on?

2 (1%) None

73 (37%) 1

57 (29%) 2

25 (13%) 3

18 (9%) 4

20 (10%) 5 or more

Q3c How many years have you served as Senator (total number of years)?

13 (15%) 1 (or in first year)

32 (36%) 2

13 (15%) 3

8 (9%) 4

18 (20%) 5-9

5 (6%) 10 or more

Q4 Please indicate your highest level of familiarity or interaction with each of the following Senate councils or committees.

I have not heard of this Council / I have heard of this Council / I have interacted with this Council / I have served on this Council / Total
CAA / 69 / 187 / 41 / 31 / 328
CAFFECor / 64 / 223 / 21 / 20 / 328
CERS / 90 / 215 / 14 / 9 / 328
COR / 64 / 197 / 33 / 35 / 329
CPCA / 33 / 183 / 78 / 36 / 330
GAC / 46 / 181 / 67 / 35 / 329
GOV / 50 / 216 / 24 / 31 / 321
LISC / 89 / 178 / 21 / 40 / 328
UAC / 43 / 171 / 56 / 56 / 326
ULC / 91 / 181 / 28 / 27 / 327
UPPC / 66 / 191 / 191 / 34 / 482

Q5 In your opinion, which of the following Senate councils or committees are functioning effectively?

This council is functioning effectively / This council is not functioning effectively / Don't Know / Total
CAA / 41 / 7 / 23 / 71
CAFFECor / 18 / 7 / 15 / 40
CERS / 12 / 5 / 5 / 22
COR / 32 / 12 / 22 / 66
CPCA / 71 / 19 / 22 / 112
GAC / 70 / 3 / 28 / 101
GOV / 31 / 7 / 16 / 54
LISC / 30 / 7 / 23 / 60
UAC / 70 / 7 / 34 / 111
ULC / 22 / 5 / 26 / 53
UPPC / 34 / 14 / 25 / 73

Q6 How well are the following constituencies represented in the Senate, its councils and committees?

Q6 / Not at all well / Somewhat Well / Very Well / Don't Know / Total
Undergraduate Students / 30 / 43 / 28 / 79 / 180
Graduate / 22 / 51 / 40 / 67 / 180
Contingent FT / 56 / 36 / 12 / 74 / 178
Contingent PT / 48 / 43 / 17 / 71 / 179
Faculty / 3 / 51 / 101 / 26 / 181
Professional,Staff / 8 / 48 / 87 / 37 / 180
Librarians / 3 / 42 / 76 / 59 / 180
Emeritus Faculty / 30 / 18 / 2 / 103 / 153

Q7 How effective is the Senate in consulting each constituency?

Not Effective / Somewhat Effective / Very Effective / Don't Know / Total
Undergraduate / 27 / 34 / 14 / 104 / 179
Graduate / 21 / 44 / 22 / 93 / 180
Contingent FT / 45 / 27 / 7 / 101 / 180
Contingent PT / 39 / 34 / 9 / 98 / 180
Faculty / 14 / 73 / 45 / 47 / 179
Professional,Staff / 14 / 56 / 43 / 66 / 179
Librarians / 6 / 46 / 37 / 91 / 180
Emeritus / 23 / 18 / 3 / 135 / 179

Q8 How effective is the participation in the Senate, its councils and committees of the following groups?

Not Effective / Somewhat Effective / Very Effective / Don't Know / Total
Undergraduate / 39 / 34 / 13 / 91 / 177
Graduate / 24 / 44 / 28 / 81 / 177
Contingent FT / 37 / 30 / 6 / 103 / 176
Contingent PT / 31 / 35 / 12 / 96 / 174
Faculty / 6 / 70 / 61 / 42 / 179
Professional,Staff / 8 / 49 / 63 / 55 / 175
Librarians / 2 / 45 / 57 / 73 / 177
Emeritus / 24 / 24 / 3 / 125 / 176

UAlbany's Climate for Governance

Q9 How transparent do you feel UAlbany's Senate is?

44 (14%) Not at all transparent

205 (66%) Somewhat transparent

61 (20%) Very transparent

Q9a How well does the Senate communicate the issues it engages to its constituencies and community?

155 (50%) It is not easy to find information about the issues the Senate is currently considering.

121 (39%) It is easy to find information about some issues the Senate is currently considering but not all.

31 (10%) It is easy to find information about all issues the Senate is currently considering.

Q10 Role of Administration and Faculty: Areas of Primary Faculty Responsibility How often does the University Administration (the offices of the President, the Provost, and other Vice Presidents)

a) take into consideration the faculty and/or Senate councils' recommendations/opinions in areas in which the faculty has primary responsibility (e.g., curriculum, tenure and promotion decisions)?

b)seek meaningful input from faculty on the following issues in which the faculty has an appropriate interest but not primary responsibility?

Admin consideration of Senate / Rarely / Never / Sometimes / Often / Always / DK / Total
Faculty primary responsibility / 6 / 42 / 80 / 56 / 18 / 116 / 318
Long-term Planning / 21 / 64 / 78 / 34 / 16 / 104 / 317
Physical Resources / 32 / 71 / 63 / 23 / 11 / 113 / 313
Budget / 37 / 80 / 57 / 25 / 9 / 105 / 313
Selections ManagemnetConf / 29 / 58 / 68 / 30 / 10 / 118 / 313

Q10b Please use the space below to provide additional thoughts on the items above. 59 (100%)

.Q11 What are the top three University or Higher Education-related issues that you would like the Senate and/or Administration to engage? (Please provide a short explanation.)

.Issue #1: 277

.Issue #2: 239

.Issue #3: 186

.Q12 Please use the space below to share any additional thoughts you might have about governance at UAlbany. 73 (100%)


CAA Amendment

GOV Chair Collins recapped his conversations with CAA Chair Jim Mower and summarized the proposed changes.

A motion was made and unanimously approved with 2 abstentions that the Charter Amendment as currently presented was ready to go to the SEC for review.

Ombudsperson Proposal

GOV Chair Collins had encouraged GSA and GAC to work together on the GSA Ombudsperson issue. The renewal, tenure and promotion UUP Ombudsperson proposal would be tabled until next semester to be considered in consultation with CPCA.


Chair Collins added a proposal fora resolution regarding GSAwhich had been submitted the night before for consideration. GOV members were asked to review the proposal prior to the next meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Elisa Lopez, Recorder