TYSL BOD meeting

NOVEMBER 9, 2011

Present: Amie Cafferty, Lou Barinelli, JONATHAN

Ciampa,Beth Cunningham, Arnie Eskenas,

Tom porzio, Andrea Regina, ,Serg Sessa,

Brenda Surowiec, Annmarie Viets

absent: Mike Cahill, Jorge Mello , and sal schiavone

Agenda Item / Discussion /


Call to order
Approval of minutes / Tom asked for a motion to open the meeting. Jonathan motioned and Lou second.
Brendadistributed the 10/12/11meeting minutes and asked if there were any questions. Minutes reviewed by BOD and Lou made a motion to accept and second by Jonathan. All those present accepted/0 abstain/0 no. Minutes passed. / NA

Snack Shack financials

/ Amie distributed a slide showing expenses, deposits, and profit for the snack shack sales. Total profit for the fall 2011 was $2,585.36 / NA
Fundraising / Andrea updated the BOD on the fundraising initiatives. The cookie dough sale was successful taking in $5,485.30 in profit. Monies from the photo sales are still pending.
Phone at the snack shack / Both Brenda and Lou did some investigating regarding the need for a phone. The phone is not necessary. Lou made a motion to discontinue the phone and wireless capabilities. Jonathan approved. All those in attendance accepted this. / NA
Budget / Lou distributed the budget summary.
Serg noted that some referees have not been paid yet.
It’s time to renew the website domain
The account balances as of 10/11 were concessions=$7,401.04, Capital improvement = $35,928.49, money market savings = $12,529.80, and checking = $7,520.63.
Lou motioned to accept the budget, Serg second. All those present accepted the budget. / Lou willhave the phone disconnected.
Intown registration / Arnie noted that intown registration had not been started yet for the spring Season. / Serg will email the referees to submit for games that are still unpaid.
Lou will renew the website.
Soccer Santa / Tom would like to bring back soccer Santa to collect Toys for Tots. A tentative date for this will be 12/11 in the late afternoon/early evening. Tom will lead this effort. / Jonathan will have this posted on the website and Brenda will post in the Town Crier and the Patch.
Purchasing director / Jonathan Ciampa was the only applicant for the open position of Purchasing Director. Tom made a motion to approve Jonathan and Beth second. Jonathan abstained from voting and all others present approved this motion. Jonathan will only get 1 vote on the board even though he will hold 2 positions on the board.
Mass Cup Subcommittee / Annmarie brought up the agenda item for a Mass Cup subcommittee. Annmarie made a motion for a subcommittee, Serg second. All those present approved. Tom agreed to run subcommittee and begin with a punch list. The following BOD members agreed to join the subcommittee: Andrea, AnnMarie, Serg, Amie, Jonathan, Lou, Beth, Arnie, and Brenda. / NA
Winter Soccer / Beth and Tom re-visited the indoor soccer venue. This is a nice, new facility with U12 turf fields. Tom discussed that the fields could be used for roughly $140/hour for 12 weeks starting 12/4, for 6 hours per day. Amie made a motion to make the investment for 5 hours/day x 12 weeks. Jonathan amended this motion to 6 hours/day x 12 weeks for a total of $10,000. 8 members voted for the motion and 2 members voted against. The motion passed.
Amendment: The total for the 12 weeks is $10,800. All BOD members agreed to this adjusted fee. / TBA by Tom
Adjourn / Meeting adjourned at 9 PM. Motion to adjourn Amie, Tm second. All present approved.
Next meeting 12/14/11 7:00 – 9:00 PM / Tom and Beth will work with Dracut to negotiate this deal.

Meeting minutes approved by BOD as amended on January 12, 2012. Brenda Surowiec, Secretary, TYSL BOD