Preschool & GAPS Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday 17th Sept 2017, 6.45pm
Annexe Building, Great Abington School
Part 1
Welcome (Rachel Clay) / Present: Rachel Clay, Ruth Beach, Amy Sellers, Ryan Moclair, Paula D’Santos, Gina Warren, Claire Baker, Poppy Aldam, Ewa Nowak, Angela Lindsay, Zöe Ralinovski Hoare, Georgi Blyth, Wendy Griffiths (via telephone)Apologies (Jenny Horwood) / Jenny Horwood
Natasha Canallela
Karla Marut
Laura Norton
Approval of minutes/matters arising from last meeting (Jenny Horwood) / RC updated new members on lease/merger situation.
Previous minutes approved.
Conflicts of interest declarations
(Jenny Horwood / Ruth Beach) / None
Health check on communications:
- ability to have regular (bi-weekly) email updates
(Rachel Clay) / Communications: more specific emails are better.
Chairs report (Rachel Clay) / Welcome to all new members.
Ruth Beach fully contracted now.
Thankyou to Kate Brown, Claire Baker and Natasha Canallela who have all stepped down from the committee.
Finance Manager’s report (Louise Davison) / See attached
GAPS Coordinator’s report (Georgi) / 83 children registered with GAPS.
Looking at 1:1 feedback at next staff meeting.
Staff support in KS2 room.
Action:plan for end room.
Request to develop kitchen area in GAPS.
Action: Quote from Stuart King.
Action: PA to speak with Ridgeons re donation of cupboards.
Action: Quote needed from contractor re Flooring GB
ZRH is doing PANCo - healthy eating and sports.
Ella Ralinovski due to return to work on 25th Sept after unpaid leave.
Emma Ellis, Leah Hansens and Lynn Peters are all back on GAPS books and doing more hours
Marianna doing more hours.
Lauren King is leaving at half term for Maternity Leave.
Fundraising ideas.
GB booked to go on Safeguarding Network Course 6th Nov. 2017.
Safeguarding (Georgi) / None
Staff recruitment (Georgi / Rachel) / None
Preschool report (Angela Lindsay) / AL has created a new staff handbook.
Job descriptions have been updated.
Parent booklet has been updated and is now emailed (unless paper is requested).
Homebase donated trellis for garden area.
Charlotte Adams has resigned.
No new staff required at this time.
School children are now full time at school so have finished their part time days at PS.
New starters.
Marianna has an interview for her Level 3.
Action: Request for committee to pay % of training. LD we paid 100% previous staff training.
Margaret Farrington (volunteer) had hip operation in summer.
Poppy and Stuart helped cut back the apple tree in PS garden. Thankyou.
Lots of booking changes - late change fee currently £10.
Action agreed: Increase late changes to bookings to £20 from January 2018.
AAS report (Amy) / Holiday Club was very busy.
Safeguarding issues with contractors on site. Disruption due to contractors.
Action: governors at GA Primary currently discussing reduction in rent for the Holiday Club. RC/LD to follow up.
GA Primary creating a plan for next holiday club/contrators.
Staff lunch break.
Action: RC to contact Redwings re details.
Younger children at HClub not always able to join in all sports.
Action: AS to plan 2 crafts per day and allow breaks from sports.
AAS staff to have meeting with RB and RC re safeguarding.
New AAS holiday staff: Lucy Coston, Noah Field, Dylan Williams.
Dylan is now 3rd member of AAS Sports during term time.
AS would like to improve managerial skills.
Action RB to help
Level 3 created craft display board in classroom during HClub. Thankyou very much.
Action: AS to arrange meeting for HClub (summer) staff for feedback meeting before half term.
Request for new laptop for AS.
Action: Committee to discuss.
School sports clubs: children turning up to clubs without booking in first.
Holme Court School have requested PE cover from AAS.
Action: AS/RB to send proposal to Holme Court School.
AAS would like uniform.
Action: AS/RM to provide quote for committee to discuss.
AAS has spent £200 of £300 Sawston Fun Run Money on equipment.
£200 from Pfizer is now in bank account.
Dylan is working with the school on a ‘Football Team’ - for inter school tournament. Guy Underwood to source a team uniform.
AS/RM taking children for Sensory Circuits before school.
Ryan is taking school curriculum sports.
Email system:
Action: AS/LD to look into and update contact list on AAS.
GW and CB have heard positive feedback from other parents re holiday club.
Holiday club update & feedback meeting/date (Amy) / As Above.
Proposed school merger update (Rachel / Paula) / RC updated: Letter was sent to the governors stating PS rent was unsustainable at new rate.
Reply to trustees at the end of the summer stating that rent will stand as billed.
Waiting for lease suggestions from Mark Carter. Lease is to be taken to County.
RB suggested letter to school to withhold new rent until lease is sorted.
RB to contact Mills & Reeve solicitor for advice.
Baby & Toddler group (Ruth / Kate / Katie) / Action: RB to contact B&T for attendee / report for next meeting.
Action: RB to change contact details in village magazine.
Financial reserves (remove 10% for electricity bill) (Ruth) / RB suggested that as our electricity bill is now up to date that we change our policy for keeping 10% of our profits for the electricity company. No back dated charges should now be applied to our account.
Action: Transfer 10% to reserves fund. LD.
Action: Update policy. RB.
Where is electricity meter?
Action: LD/RB to contact school.
Billing system (from Elaine Moulton) can be updated.
Action: LD to put together a proposal for restructuring of additional service charges to give to GA Primary at Annexe Users Meeting.
Committee / Staff 1-2-1 meeting feedback & actions (Georgi/Angela) / 1:1 meeting: managers are feeding back with staff.
Health and Safety – trustee to review incident/accident book (Ruth) / Committee members to check over incident/accident books PS and GAPS.
Action: GW and PD
GAPS Designated Persons on every shift (Ruth) / RB noted that current national policy is to have a Designated Person available and not necessarily on site. We have 3 persons across the site and access to GA Primary DP. Agreed.
Action: RB to amend policies.
Emergency call out committee members - lone worker procedure.
(Ruth) / RB updated staff on emergency call out procedure.
Fundraising report (Claire / Natasha / Ruth) / BBQ from summer term - small profit.
Thank you to school for use of the out door area.
Include GAPS at further BBQ etc events.
Teddy tomola - small profit. Thank you to PTFA for donating left over teddies from school fair.
Fun Run: Cake staff - email sent to PS, GAPS and school. Still being help in pavillion at Granta Park.
Action: Food Hygiene - LD/RB.
Action: Float LD.
Fundraising ideas: Cheese rolls. Pancakes/Hot Chocolate sales.
Jumble sale.
Cambridge United signed merchandise? Auction of Promises.
Pamper evening.
Highlight EasyFundraising and PS Amazon wish list,
AOB (All) / AL mentioned restructuring meetings for GAPS/PS and AAS for next meeting.
Action: Secretary to change format.
For the AGM new roles: Chair, Deputy, Treasurer (PA), Secretary.
Also Fundraising Role: PD
Date of next committee meeting (AGM): 7th November 2017
Proposed future committee meeting dates: TBC