Presbytery of the James Stated Meeting #75

First Baptist Church, 206 East Second Street, Chase City, VA 23924

Hosted by: Chase City, Thyne Memorial & Wylliesburg Presbyterian Churches.

June 15, 2010


  1. Print and complete this form
  2. List name of church and location (Example: Second, Richmond)
  3. Compete this form and bring it with you to the Presbytery meeting on June 15, 2010 at First BaptistChurch.
  4. Place this form in the “Express Registration Basket” on registration desk at the meeting.

My Name is:______
I am a member of ______Presbyterian Church
My church is located in ______City/County

Place an “X” in the most appropriate box below. Mark only one box.

Voting Elder Commissioner
Minister Member
Moderator of Board or Committee
Certified Educator
Certified Educator and Elder

Presbytery of The James


Hosted by:

First Church, Chase City, Thyne Memorial Church, and Wylliesburg Church

Held at

First Baptist Church

206 E Second Street

Chase City, VA 23924

Please bring this packet with you to
the meeting.

At its earliest opportunity, each church is requested to put this packet in the hands of the Elder commissioners.

Presbytery convenes promptlyat 9:30 AM. Registration begins at 8:30 AM.

Adult lunch will be$7.00.

Children’s lunch ($4.00) will be Peanut Butter and Jellysandwiches, carrot sticks, fruit cup, juice box and cookie.

There will be supervised child care during the Presbytery meeting. Deadline to register your child is June 8, 2010. Please call 434-738-2564.

Persons with disabilities will find the church accessible.

All ministers and sessions are reminded that written excuses are required for anticipated absences. Please plan to stay for the entire meeting and attend to all matters. Send excuses to

If you plan to offer a motion or an amendment to any motion, it is NECESSARY for you to submit the motion/amendment in writing to the Stated Clerk. Forms will be available at the Stated Clerk’s table and on the website:

Deadline for the Tuesday, June 15, 2010Presbytery Packet is noon, Monday, May 24, 2010 and deadline for overtures to the Presbytery is noon, Tuesday, April 20, 2010.

Upcoming Meetings

Saturday, October 16, 2010 – St. Giles Church, Richmond, VA

Saturday, February 19, 2011 – Invitation Needed

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 – Invitation Needed

Saturday, October 15, 2011 – Invitation Needed

Evaluation Form

Stated Meeting

Presbytery of the James

June 15, 2010

Rate by circling number on scale of 1-5: (1 = not acceptable and 5 = outstanding)

Registration 1 2 3 4 5
Worship 1 2 3 4 5
Conducting of Meeting
Overall 1 2 3 4 5
Schedule 1 2 3 4 5
Other Business 1 2 3 4 5
Special presentations or business 1 2 3 4 5
Lunch 1 2 3 4 5
Facilities 1 2 3 4 5
What was done especially well?
What was the biggest joy for you in the day?
Suggestions on what could be done better: (use back if necessary)
Presbytery of the James
seventy-fifth stated Session
June 15, 2010
Hosted by First Church, Chase City, Thyne Memorial Church, and Wylliesburg Church
To be held at First Baptist Church, 206 E Second Street, Chase City, VA 23924
*Order of the Day
*9:30 / Call to Order and Welcome...... Moderator, Peter Ro / Elder, Lord Jesus Korean Church
Welcome……………………Rev. Jeffrey Lang and Rev. Russell Spry Williams / Pastor, First Chase City & Wylliesburg; Session Moderator, Thyne Memorial
Introduction of Elders and visitors attending presbytery for the first time
Introduction of transferring Ministers and changes in ministry
9:45 / Worship
10:15 / Docket...... Elder Mary Baril
Introduction of New Business or Changes to the Docket
Adoption of Docket / Moderator,
Administrative Board
Report of Stated Clerk & General Presbyter (Pages)..Rev. H. Carson Rhyne, Jr. / General Presbyter/
Stated Clerk
Camp Hanover Ministries Board...... Rev. Pete Smith
Public Ministries Board(Pages 7-8 )……………………...... Rev. Dixie Brachlow
That the Presbytery approve the Disaster Response Team Proposal
Leadership Ministries Board (Pages 9 )...... Rev. Gordon Mapes / Pastor, Blackstone Church
Associate Pastor, Fairfield Church
Pastor, Brandermill Church
Administrative Board (Pages 10-40 )……………...... …………………….Elder Mary Baril
  1. That the Docket for the May 18, 2010, Presbytery meeting be approved.
  2. That the Presbytery approve the Presbytery Meeting Task Group’s Report and recommendations.
  3. That the Presbytery elect the General Presbyter/Stated Clerk Search Committee
/ Moderator, Administrative Board
Congregational Ministries Board(Pages 41-44 )...... Elder Annie Lee Parsons / Elder Burkeville Church
*11:45 / ORDER OF THE DAY: Implementation Task Group ...... Rev. Richard Haney
Committee on Nominations (Pages 45-47)……………………….Elder John Flournoy
That persons be elected to various boards and committees.
Order of the Day:
Committee on Preparation for Ministry...... (Pages 48 )……..……Rev. Brenda Halbrooks
That Virginia Taylor-Troutman (Ginter Park) and Crystal Varner (Three Chopt) be examined for candidacy
Committee on Ministry (Pages 49-78 )...... Elder Bill Brownfield
A.That the presbytery examine Rev. Ed Satterfield to become Associate Pastor for Pastoral and Congregational Care, Third Church, Richmond VA, and for transfer from the Presbyterian Church in America at the Presbytery in accordance with G-11.0404c.
B. That the 2011 Minimum Compensation Criteria be the same as 2010 Minimum Compensation Criteria
C. That the 2010 Minister’s Terms of Call be approved
Business Affairs Committee (Pages 79-80 )………………………… Rev. David Cameron / Elder, Tuckahoe Church
Pastor, Three Chopt Church
Elder, Three Chopt Church
Pastor, Rockfish Church
*12:30 / Order of the Day: ...... Lunch
Report of the Committee on Nominations (continued)……. Elder John Flournoy
(for Constitutional Committees only) / Elder,
Tuckahoe Church
Closing Prayer...... Moderator, Peter Ro / Elder, Lord Jesus
Korean Church
October 16, 2010 (3rd Saturday)……………………...... St. Giles Church (District 9)
February 19, 2011 (3rd Saturday)...... Invitation needed
June 21, 2011 (3rd Tuesday)…………………………………………………….Invitation needed
October 15, 2011 (3rd Saturday)…..…………………………………..……..….Invitation needed