"Preparing students to serve as effective, reflective and caring teachers."
Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment in Education K-12
This syllabus course calendar and other attending documents are subject to change during the semester in the event of extenuating circumstances.
Course Prefix: / EDF 4430Section #: / 3385
Credit Hours: / Two
Co-requisites: / None
Day, Time and Campus: / Online / Online
Modality: / Online - Weekly participation is required for attendance. Participation in this course is defined as posting to the discussion board or submitting an assignment.
Professor: / Michael T. Poulin
Office Hours: / As Posted
Office Location: / Clearwater / NM 138
Office Phone: / 727-791-2788
Email Address: /
ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: College of Education
Dean: / Kimberly Hartman, Ph.D.Office Location & Number: / Tarpon Springs / BB 101
Welcome to the Course. I look forward to working with you. Please read through the following information.
This course is designed to study advanced principles of measurement, evaluation and assessment. Course content covers knowledge of and competencies for analyzing learner needs, instructional adaptation, differences in learner cognitive, social, linguistic, cultural, emotional and physical needs.II. MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES
1. The student will plan a variety of assessments (diagnostic, formative, and summative) to address students' learning needs, to inform instruction based on those needs, and to measure learning in the classroom by:a. constructing diagnostic assessment to identify students' current knowledge of a subject, their skill sets and capabilities, and to clarify misconceptions before teaching takes place.
b. constructing formative assessments to provide feedback and information during the instructional process, while instruction is taking place, and while learning is occurring.
c. constructing summative assessments to provide information and feedback that sums up the teaching and learning process.
2. The student will modify assessments and testing conditions to accommodate at-risk students - English Language Learner (ELL) and Exceptional Student Education (ESE) - and varying levels of knowledge by:
a. providing appropriate accommodations necessary to participate in assessments.
b. making determinations about the appropriate accommodations that students with disabilities and diverse linguistic backgrounds need in order to fully and equally participate in assessments.
c. selecting appropriately modified administration procedures for test takers with disabilities and diverse linguistic backgrounds.
d. selecting accommodations practices and procedures in the areas of presentation, response, setting, and time/scheduling which are intended to increase access to grade level content for test takers with disabilities and diverse linguistic backgrounds.
3. The student will analyze and interpret FSA data trends to identify the instructional needs of students in the classroom by:
a. using effective methods to pattern and visually interpret disaggregated FSA achievement data collected on students as a means to help inform decision making.
b. analyzing and interpreting FSA data to inform decision making and tailor instruction and resources.
c. examining FSA schoolwide data to consider whether and how to adapt teacher's inputs based on information about students' strengths and weaknesses.
4. The student will communicate assessment procedures, goals, and results to parents and students by:
a. writing a letter to a parent outlining assessment procedures, goals, and results.
b. providing clear information to parents and students about the school's assessments, achievement levels and reporting methods.
A. Required Textbooks
Textbook(s) / Required : Gronlund, N. E. (2013). Assessment of student achievement (10th ed.). Pearson. ISBN: 9780132689632Recommended :
Students using eBooks must have access to the eBooks during class sessions.
B. Supplemental Material
Library: /
C. Technology
Technology is an essential tool for receiving and developing instruction. Students are expected to reference MYCOURSES continuously to assure all current content for class has been accessed. Additionally students are expected to be familiar or familiarize themselves with PowerPoint presentation methods.The instructor of this course frequently uses smart boards, ELMOs, power point, digital media, and web based resources to disseminate information and engage preservice learners and students.
All work must be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word (e.g.: .doc, .docx, .rtf)
D. Supplies
A. School Based Hours Course Requirements
This course requires NO hours of observation/participation in an appropriate classroom setting as approved by the Office of School Partnerships.
B. ALL Course Assignments
Assignment Title / PointsModule Discussion Forums / 4 @ 30 pts each =120 pts.
Module Quizzes / 2 @ 30 pts each =60 pts.
Reliability & Validity Paper / 40 points
Letter Home to Parents / 40 points
Module Labs / 7 @ 40 pts each =280 pts.
Total Points for Course / 540 points
* Assignments labeled with an (*) denote required assignments that must be passed at 75%.
UCC Assignments: Teacher candidates must demonstrate UCC competencies and earn a ‘C or above (at least 75%)’ on all UCC assignments [FEAP, ESOL, FSAC, Reading Competencies (RC), and Additional Element] in order to successfully pass the course.FEAP Assignment Rubrics: In addition to a ‘C or above’, a teacher candidate must also earn a ‘minimum’ score on the line item of the rubric for assignments aligned to FEAP standards.
If the teacher candidate has not successfully demonstrated the UCC competency as stated above, he/she may have an opportunity (within the term) to work with the instructor to improve the understanding of the concept. The assignment must then be corrected and resubmitted, and will not receive a grade higher than a C. In the event of cheating or plagiarizing, see BOT Rule 6Hx23-4.72 for consequences.
Teacher candidates must upload into Chalk & Wire all FEAP, ESOL, and RC assignments (identified as Critical Reading Tasks) as denoted in the Uniform Core Curriculum Assessments table above.
B. SPC Syllabus Statements
Each student must read all topics within this syllabus and the content of the links. If the student needs clarification on any items in the syllabus or linked statements, he/she should contact the course instructor.
If you remain enrolled after the drop date this signifies that you agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and any syllabus addendum.
Date / Topic / Readings & Assignments /1/9-1/22 / Module 1:
Introduction to Course
Marzano / Read: Chapters 1 & 2
Intro to Scales & Levels of Complexity
Module One Discussion Posts & Responses
Module One Lab – Scales
1/23-2/5 / Module 2:
Rubrics & Feedback / Read: Chapter 11 & Info in MyCourses
Module Two Discussion Posts & Responses
Module Two Lab – Developing Rubrics & Providing Feedback
2/6-2/19 / Module 3:
Validity & Reliability / Read: Chapters 3 & 4
Module Three Quiz
Validity & Reliability Paper
2/20-3/5 / Module 4:
Types of Assessments
Proper Item Construction / Read: Chapters 5-8
Diagnostic, Formative, & Summative Assessments
Module Four Discussion Posts & Responses
Module Four Lab - Item Writing
3/13-3/26 / Module 5:
Performance Assessments / Read: Chapter 9
Module Five Quiz
Module Five Lab – Creating a Performance Assessment & Rubric
3/27-4/9 / Module 6
ESOL & ESE Student Assessments / Read: Info in MyCourses
Module Six Discussion Posts & Responses
Module Six Lab – ESOL & ESE Modifications/Accommodations
4/10-4/23 / Module 7:
Using Data to Make Decisions / Read: Info in MyCourses
Letter Home to Parents/Caregivers
Module Seven Lab – Data Analysis
4/24-4/30 / Module 8:
Analyzing & Interpreting Data / Read: Chapter 12
Module Eight Lab – Using school-wide, district, and state data
VII. Uniform Core Curriculum Assignments
Assignment Title / C & W Required / FEAP / ESOLEDF 4430 Module 7 Data Analysis Lab / Yes / 4.a
EDF 4430 Module 4 Item Writing Lab / Yes / 4.b
EDF 4430 Module 5 Performance Assessment Lab / Yes / 4.c
EDF 4430 Module 6 ELL & ESE Lab / Yes / 4.d / 5.3
Syllabus Coordinator: Michael Poulin EDF 4430 4 of 5
Spring 2017