IEEE GUIDE FOR Transmission Substation Smart Grid InteroperabilityIEEE
IEEE Std P2030 Draft Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of the Electric Power System (EPS) for Application inTransmission Substations
Prepared by the Transmission Substation Subcommittee Work Group of
Taskforce 1, Power Engineering Technology of IEEE SCC21 P2030
Copyright © 2009 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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This document is an unapproved draft of a proposed IEEE guide to the XXXX series of XXX guides on Smart Grid Interoperability of the EPS for application in transmission substations. As such, this document is subject to change. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Because this is an unapproved draft, this document must not beutilized for any conformance/compliance purposes. Permission is hereby granted for IEEE StandardsCommittee participants to reproduce this document for purposes of IEEE standardization activities only.Prior to submitting this document to another standards development organization for standardizationactivities, permission must first be obtained from the Manager, Standards Licensing and Contracts, IEEEStandards Activities Department. Other entities seeking permission to reproduce this document, in whole orin part, must obtain permission from the Manager, Standards Licensing and Contracts, IEEE StandardsActivities Department.
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3.1HMI (Human Machine Interface)
3.2PMU (Phasor Measurement Units)
3.4Circuit Breaker
3.5Circuit Interrupter/ (Interrupter Switch)
3.6Digital Fault Recorder
3.8Sequence of Event Recorder
3.9RTU (Remote Terminal Unit)
3.11PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
3.12Static VAR Compensator
3.13Series Capacitors
3.14Weather Station/ (Weather Monitoring)
3.15Security Camera and Devices
3.16Battery Charger
3.17Generator backup/ (Diesel-generator backup)
3.18Mobile Substation
3.19AC-DC Systems/ (Converter)
3.20Communication gear/ (Communication-Electronic (C-E) equipment)
3.21Protective Equipment/ (relay system)
3.22Lighting/ (Lighting Branch Circuit)
3.23Ground Grid
3.24CCVT (Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformer)
3.27Surge Arrestor
3.28Grounding Switch
3.29Motor operated device/ (Mechanical operation of a switch)
3.30Shunt Capacitor
3.31LTC (Load Tap Changer)
3.32Regulator/ (Device number 90—regulating device)
3.33Battery/ (Standby Power System)
3.34Mechanical structures/ (Support components)
3.35Wave Trap/ (Line trap)
3.36GIS substation devices/ (Gas-Insulated Substation (GIS))
3.37Firewalls/ (Fire-Resistive Barrier)
3.38Lock Out Switches (Lockout Relay)
3.39 Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED)
4Substation Automation Overview
5Smart Grid Monitoring Devices
5.1Circuit breakers
5.4Phasor Measurement Units
5.5Control - SCADA
5.6Digital Fault Recorders
5.8Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) and (C-RAS)
6Smart Grid Methodology
6.1Decision-making sequence
6.2Failure modes and effects analysis
6.3Circuit breaker failure modes, failure characteristics/patterns, and monitoring parameters
6.4Risk assessment
7Cost-benefit (economic) analysis
8Annex A (informative) Examples of circuit breaker monitoring analysis
9Annex B (informative) Examples of maintenance programs with and without monitoring
10Annex C (informative) Bibliography
Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved
IEEE GUIDE FOR Transmission Substation Smart Grid InteroperabilityIEEE
IEEE Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability
This document provides guidelines for smart grid interoperability. This guide provides a knowledge base addressing terminology, characteristics, functional performance and evaluation criteria, and the application of engineering principles for smart grid interoperability of the electric power system with end-use applications and loads. The guide discusses alternate approaches to good practices for the smart grid.
This standard provides guidelines in understanding and defining smart grid interoperability of the electric power system with end-use applications and loads. Integration of energy technology and information and communications technology is necessary to achieve seamless operation for electric generation, delivery, and end-use benefits to permit two way power flow with communication and control. Interconnection and intra-facing frameworks and strategies with design definitions are addressed in this standard, providing guidance in expanding the current knowledge base. This expanded knowledge base is needed as a key element in grid architectural designs and operation to promote a more reliable and flexible electric power system.
This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following publications are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
CAN/CSA-Q634-91, Risk analysis requirements and guidelines.2
CEA Project No. 485T1049 (1997), On-line condition monitoring of substation power equipment–Utility needs.3
IEC 60812:1985-07, Analysis techniques for system reliability–Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA).4
IEEE Std C37.10-1995, IEEE Guide for Diagnostics and Failure Investigation of Power Circuit Breakers.5
IEEE Std 493-1997, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Gold Book™).
1– Appendix J and Appendix N of IEEE Std 493-1997 contain summaries of the more comprehensive documents in Annex C–Beierer et al. [B6]6, CIGRE [B5]7, CIGRE [B8], and Diagnostic techniques [B9].
2–IEEE Std 493-1997, Appendix J, "Summary of CIGRE 13.06 Working Group World Wide Reliability Data and Maintenance Cost Data on High Voltage Circuit Breakers Above 63 kV” by C. R. Heising, A. L. J. Janssen, W. Lenz, E.Columbo, and E. N. Dialynaas (IEEE-IAS Industrial Application Conference, October 2–5, 1994, Denver, Colorado,94CH34520, pp. 2226–2234).
3–EEE Std 493-1997, Appendix N, Transmission Line and Equipment Outage Data, Part 3, “Transmission EquipmentReliability Data from Canadian Electricity Association” by D. O. Koval (IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,vol. 32, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 1996, pp. 1–9).
For the purposes of this guide, the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms [B12]should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
3.1HMI (Human Machine Interface)
Includes keyboards, displays, keypads, touch screens, and similar devices to allow human interaction with a system (See IEEE Std. 610.12-1990 [B14]).
3.2PMU (Phasor Measurement Units)
Device that extracts power system frequency, phase angle, and magnitude data from sensor signals (See IEEE Std. 1646-2004 [B24]).
(1) (National Electrical Code). A device, which when used, will raise or lower the voltage of alternating current of the original source.
(2) (Power and Distribution Transformer). A static electric device consisting of a winding, or two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits. Transformers are extensively used in electric power systems to transfer power to electromagnetic induction between circuits at the same frequency, usually with changed values of voltage and current (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.4Circuit Breaker
(Transmission and Distribution). A switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal conditions such as those of short circuit (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.5Circuit Interrupter/ (Interrupter Switch)
A switching device, designed for making specified currents and breaking specified steady state currents (See IEEE Std. 1247-2005 [B20]).
3.6Digital Fault Recorder
Device that samples and stores analog and related binary data during power system transients (See IEEE Std. C37.115-2003 [B7]).
(Power Switchgear). An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.8Sequence of Event Recorder
Device that samples and stores events like contact status changes, trips, limit violations, etc., for later play and analysis. The events are time tagged (See IEEE Std. 1646-2004 [B24]).
3.9RTU (Remote Terminal Unit)
A piece of equipment located at a distance from a master station to monitor and control the state of outlying power equipment and to communicate the information back to the master station or host (See IEEE Std. 1379-2000 [B22]).
(1) Demand Meter (Metering). A metering device that indicates or records the demand, maximum demand, or both.
(2) Electricity Meter. A device that measures and registers the integral of an electrical quantity with respect to time.
(3) Watt-hour meter. An electricity meter that measures and registers the integral, with respect to time, of the active power of the circuit in which it is connected. This power integral is the energy delivered to the circuit during the interval over which the integration extends, and the unit in which it is measured is usually the kilowatt-hour (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.11PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
Digital control system with programming capability that performs functions similar to a relay logic system (See IEEE Std. 1010-2006 [B18]).
3.12Static VAR Compensator
A shunt-connected static var generator or absorber whose output is adjusted to exchange capacitive or inductive current to maintain or control specific parameters of the electrical power system (typically bus voltage) (See IEEE Std. 1031-2000 [B19]).
3.13Series Capacitors
A three-phase assembly of capacitor units with the associated protective devices, discharge current limiting reactors, protection and control system, bypass switch, and insulated support structure that has the primary purpose of introducing capacitive reactance in series with an electric circuit (See IEEE Std. 824-2004 [B17]).
3.14Weather Station/ (Weather Monitoring)
Procedures to monitor and report weather conditions that may affect the operation of the power network (See IEEE Std. 1646-2004 [B24]).
3.15Security Camera and Devices
The protection of hardware and software from accidental or malicious access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure. Security also pertains to personnel, data, communications, and the physical protection of computer installations (See IEEE Std. 1547.3-2007 [B23]).
3.16Battery Charger
Equipment that converts ac power to dc power and is used to recharge and maintain a station battery in a fully charged condition and to supply power to dc loads during normal operation (See IEEE Std. 650-2006 [B16]).
3.17Generator backup/ (Diesel-generator backup)
An independent source of standby electrical power that consists of a diesel-fueled internal combustion engine (or engines) coupled directly to an electrical generator (or generators); the associated mechanical and electrical auxiliary systems; and the control, protection, and surveillance systems (See IEEE Std. 387-1995 [B11]).
3.18Mobile Substation
Substation equipment mounted and readily movable as a system of transportable devices (See IEEE Std. 1268-2005 [B21]).
3.19AC-DC Systems/ (Converter)
A machine or device for changing dc power to ac power, for changing ac power to dc power, or for changing from one frequency to another. This definition covers several different power conversion functions, each of which is known by a separate term, see dc-dc converter, frequency converter, inverter, and rectifier (See IEEE Std. 388-1992 [B12]).
3.20Communication gear/ (Communication-Electronic (C-E) equipment)
Any item intentionally generating, transmitting, conveying, acquiring, storing, processing, or utilizing electronic and electromagnetic information in the broadest sense. Such devices are used to meet a variety of operational requirements such as communications, surveillance, identification, navigation, guided missile control, SONAR, countermeasures, and space operations (See ANSI Std. C63.14-1998 [B2]).
3.21 Protective Equipment/ (relay system)
An assembly usually consisting of current and voltage circuits, measuring units, logic, and power supplies to provide a specific relay scheme, such as line, transformer, bus, or generator protection. A relay system may include connections to other systems, such as data logging, alarm, communications, or other relay systems (See IEEE Std. C37.90.1-2002 [B5]).
3.22 Lighting/ (Lighting Branch Circuit)
A circuit that supplies energy to lighting outlets. A lighting branch circuit may also supply portable desk or bracket fans, small heating appliances, motors of 190 W and less, and other portable apparatus of not over 600 W each (See IEEE Std. 45-2002 [B10]).
3.23Ground Grid
(Conductor stringing equipment). A system of interconnected bare conductors arranged in a pattern over a specified area and on or buried below the surface of the earth. Normally, it is bonded to ground rods driven around and within its perimeter to increase its grounding capabilities and provide convenient connection points for grounding devices. The primary purpose of the grid is to provide safety for workmen by limiting potential differences within its perimeter to safe levels in case of high currents which could flow if the circuit being worked became energized for any reason or if an adjacent energized circuit faulted. Metallic surface mats and gratings are sometimes utilized for this same purpose. When used, these grids are employed at pull, tension and midspan splice sites (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.24CCVT (Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformer)
(Metering). A voltage transformer comprised of a capacitor divider and an electromagnetic unit so designated and interconnected that the secondary voltage of the electromagnetic unit is substantially proportional to, and in phase with, the primary voltage applied to the capacitor divider for all values of secondary burdens within the rating of the coupling-capacitor voltage transformer (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
(Power and distribution transformer). An electromagnetic device, the primary purpose of which is to introduce inductive reactance into a circuit (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
(Watt-hour meter). A conductor, bar, or nut used to open an electrical circuit for isolation purposes (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.27Surge Arrestor
(AC power circuits). A protective device for limiting surge voltages on equipment by discharging or bypassing surge current: it prevents continued flow of follow current to ground, and is capable of repeating these functions as specified (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.28Grounding Switch
A mechanical switching device by means of which a circuit or piece of apparatus may be electrically connected to ground (See IEEE Std. C37.100-1992 [B6]).
3.29Motor operated device/ (Mechanical operation of a switch)
Operation by means of an operating mechanism connected to the switch by mechanical linkage.
Note: Mechanically operated switches may be actuated either by manual, electrical, or other suitable means (See IEEE Std. C37.100-1992 [B6]).
3.30Shunt Capacitor
An assembly of dielectric and electrodes in a container (case), with terminals brought out, that is intended to introduce capacitance into an electric power circuit (See IEEE Std. 18-2002 [B9]).
3.31LTC (Load Tap Changer)
(Power and Distribution transformer). A selector switch device used to change transformer taps with the transformer de-energized (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.32Regulator/ (Device number 90—regulating device)
A device that functions to regulate a quantity or quantities, such as voltage, current, power, speed, frequency, temperature, and load, at a certain value or between certain (generally close) limits for machines, tie lines, or other apparatus (See IEEE Std. C37.2-1996 [B4]).
3.33Battery/ (Standby Power System)
An independent reserve source of electric energy that, upon failure or outage of the normal source, provides electrical power of acceptable quality so that the user's facilities may continue in satisfactory operation (See IEEE Std. 446-1995 [B13]).
3.34Mechanical structures/ (Support components)
The components that give additional strength and rigidity or both to the bus enclosure and are basic subassemblies of the enclosure (See IEEE Std. C37.100-1992 [B6]).
3.35Wave Trap/ (Line trap)
A main coil with a protective device, with or without tuning device(s), series connected in a power circuit to provide a high impedance at carrier frequencies, and negligible impedance at the power frequency (See ANSI Std. C93.3-1995 [B3]).
3.36GIS substation devices/ (Gas-Insulated Substation (GIS))
A compact, multicomponent assembly, enclosed in a grounded metallic housing in which the primary insulating medium is a compressed gas, and which normally consists of buses, switchgear, and associated equipment (See IEEE Std. C37.122-1993 [B8]).
3.37Firewalls/ (Fire-Resistive Barrier)
A wall, floor, or floor-ceiling assembly that is erected to prevent the spread of fire. To be effective, fire-resistive barriers must have sufficient fire resistance to withstand the effects of the most severe fire that may be expected to occur in the adjacent area and must provide a complete barrier to resist the spread of fire (See IEEE Std. 634-2004 [B15]).
3.38 Lock Out Switches (Lockout Relay)
(Power switchgear). An electronically reset or hand-reset auxiliary relay whose function is to hold associated devices inoperative until it is reset (See IEEE Std. Dictionary 1984 [B1]).
3.39 Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED)
IEDs receive data from sensors and power equipment, and can issue control commands, such as tripping circuit breakers if they sense voltage, current, or frequency anomalies, or raise/lower voltage levels in order to maintain the desired level. Common types of IEDs include protective relaying devices, load tap changer controllers, circuit breaker controllers, capacitor bank switches, recloser controllers, voltage regulators, etc. (From Wikipedia)
4Substation Automation Overview
Trends in the electric utility automation, specifically substation automation, have evolved over the years from data collected into Remote Terminal Units (RTU) then to the utilization of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) to now in many instances a LAN based network with a reliance on Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). With this change has come a migration from hardware based systems, such as the electro-mechanical relays to a more software orientation, utilizing microprocessor based devices and systems. Along with this comes the communication network, to the current day Ethernet based networks utilizing IEC61850 protocol, as well as those legacy systems using DNP3 protocol, which is the most prevalent in the electric industry today. These communication networks are broken into two, with one comprising a secure local area network (LAN) and the other a wide area network (WAN).
The following is a typical substation, where in lies many devices being monitored and controlled, besides the typical relays, PLCs, and digital fault recorders (DFR).
5Smart Grid Monitoring Devices
5.1Circuit breakers
Circuit Breaker Monitoring Functions
There are manycandidate parameters for monitoring, as evidenced in the attached documents. But the most mentioned and most likely parameters are listed below. Three tiers of parameters are listed, with a short definition of each.
Assumed is that a computer or IED is utilized to collect data for the monitored parameters.
Communications with the IED/PC is another variable, with anything from free-standing (alarm contacts or display only) to substation network or SCADA being possible. (Surprisingly, many breaker monitors installed today have no communications, using only alarm outputs).