SS&A Mini-Grant 2015-2016

/ SS&A Mini-Grant Request

Prepared by (Name and Email) = International Peer Mentor

Presented to the ASG Board on (date)= October 16, 2017

Presenter’s Name=Farrell Fileas, Duy Nguyen

Type of organization (place x):
Recognized Student Organization
Student Program
Requested Amount / = $1210
Budget Number
Budget Title / = 148/062/1331
= IP-Application Fee
Current Amount of Baseline Budget* / = N/A
*RSO and programs are not advised to apply for mini-grant if they still have money in their baseline budget. If you still wish to apply, please explain your plan to utilize your baseline budget for the rest of the year in the “Plan for the current baseline budget” section.
Advisor / Supervisor / =YushinWung
E-mail / =/
Project Name / = Halloween Party
Start Date / = October 27, 2017
Project Completion Date / = October 27,2017

Project Purpose

Briefly describe your project, event, or activity.

A Halloween dance party where students can have fun. It will be on Friday, October 27th and it starts from 6-9 PM and check-in can be 15 minutes earlier. IPMs, ABC Club, and staffs will host the event. There is going to have an Escape Room that is hosted by the Adventure Builders Club (ABC). There will be free food (snacks) and drinks (sodas and water). This party opens to current Shoreline students.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Describe how your proposed expenditure reflects the purpose of your club/organization, how it will directly benefit students, and what advantages there are for the college as a whole. Please choose from one of theCAS domains and dimensions.

Halloween Party will be a good chance for students to make new friends, those who are from outside of the classroom. This can create a tight bond between students that improves the students’engagement in general (meaningful relationship). For Interdependence, we work with the ABC Club to provide games for students to have a good time during the party. In addition, we ask for supports from the volunteers in order to manage the whole event completely and perfectly. As we are collaborating with each other, we will create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere for those who come to the party. We surely will do our best to perform the effective leadership throughout the party because we are going to maintain the appropriate activities of the Halloween Party, but not too strict. Finally, the college will possibly get more students since current students are going to talk about how Shoreline has these kind of events.

Success Criteria:

List the measurable, verifiable results that will determine the success level of this project.

1)We are expecting at least 250 students.
2)Attendance will be measured by wristbands that will be given out.
3)Volunteering opportunity for at least 15 students (from a pool of 41 students).
4)Survey after the event will be send out by email.

Resources Required:

What will it take to get this project going both money and labor wise?

List items and associated costs. Please list revenue sources including: fund-raising, ticket sales, services, college money, and in-kind donations, etc. Do you raise money for any purpose other than organization expenses? If so, please estimate and explain how these funds were used. Are members of your organization expected to contribute their own money (cost-sharing) towards activities?

1)Photo booth (The Snap Bar) –$1210
2)Soft drinks, snacks, decoration - $900 (sponsored by International Department)
3)We do not raise money for any purposes except for organization expenses.

Plans for Remaining Baseline Budget Funds:

Clubs and programs are not advised to apply for mini-grants if they still have significant money remaining in their baseline budget. If you currently still have money from your baseline budget or money allocated from the SS&A budget, please explain how you are planning to spend those funds. Please also include a note if your club/program has already spent most or all of your baseline budget.



Who's going to be affected? Who else may have interest in this project? Please also list a student contact(this is not the advisor but at least one student belonging to the club/ organization).

1)ABC club-
2) International Education-
3)Art & Entertainment Board-
4)DJ- volunteer
5)Volunteers (~15 people)


Please include a project start, complete date, and also the projected start and completion dates for all tasks associated with the project.

Volunteer selection on October 23rd,2017
Photo booth ordering on October 23rd-24th, 2017
Preparation time- October 27, 2017 from 3.00pm to 6.00pm (Volunteers& IPMs only)
Start time- October 27, 2017 at 6.00pm
End time- October 27,2017 at 9.00pm
Cleaning time- October 27, 2017 from 9.00pm to 10.00pm (Volunteers& IPMs only)

No handwritten applications will be accepted, please email completed packet to Budget and Finance at !