Kidborough Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 8HW
Headteacher : Mrs D Martin Deputy Headteacher : Mrs S Lucas
Telephone : 01293 525449 Fax: 01293 538344
E-mail: Website:
September 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
Hot School Meals
I am writing to ask for your help in supporting the school to order the right number of free school meals and universal free school meals so that we can avoid over ordering and reduce food and packing waste to conserve the school budget for other things.
Any child of primary school age is eligible for a free school meal (and for a whole lot of other benefits) if a parent is in receipt of specific state benefits such as income support, job seekers allowance, employment support allowance or child tax credit (with an income of below £16190 per annum and no working tax credit). If you are in receipt of these benefits, request a free school meal eligibility check by downloading and completing a form from or e-mail or collect an application form from the school office. School office staff can help you to complete the form. If your eligibility is confirmed, it also means that the school will receive Pupil Premium Grant to provide additional educational support for your child to do well at school. This also frees up funds to support other children, so please do not hesitate if you think you may be able to claim.
If you are not in receipt of these benefits, but your child is in Reception, Y1 or Y2, your child will be entitled to receive Universal Free School Meals. Most children took advantage of this last year. However, in order to reduce waste, it would be very helpful if you could let us know on the slip below if you will always send a packed lunch from home instead.
School meals comply with School Food Standards, food safety and health and safety guidelines. The meals are ordered by the school, a fortnight in advance, then delivered, cooked, served and cleared away by Chartwells staff. It would be helpful if all eligible children took their free or universal infant school meal every day because this simplifies our ordering and reduces waste. Chartwells will try to provide your child’s menu choice but this cannot be guaranteed, unless your child has a medically prescribed diet or a special diet for cultural reasons. Please let us know if this is the case.
If you are not in receipt of Pupil Premium benefits and your child is in Y3 or above, you can order and pay for a meal on line directly with Chartwells or provide a packed lunch for your child. Here is the link to order paid meals: . We cannot order paid meals on your behalf.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure what to do – we will be very pleased to help.
Yours sincerely
Dawn Martin
Parents of Pupils in Reception, Y1 or Y2 only.
Name of Child: ………………………………………...... Class: …………………………
My child will take a free, hot school meal every day
My child will not take a free, hot school meal every day, as I will send a packed lunch from home instead
Signed: …………………………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………….