PreliminaryManiax Fall 2016 Schedule

  • September10th/11th: JU Clinic & JEM 5v5 Queen of the Hill -Optional ALL
  • September24th: MANIAX DAY! -Mandatory ALL
  • October1st: Cradle for the Cure -Optional ALL
  • October8th/9th: Florida Draw -Optional ALL
  • October22nd/23rd: SLS -Mandatory HS CDP Class of 2018 - 2020& Optional 2017 & MS
  • November5th/6th: ATL -Optional ALL
  • November12th/13th: Wishbone -Mandatory HS CDP Class of 2018 -2020 & Optional 2017 & MS
  • November18th-20th: President's Cup -Mandatory HS CDP Class of 2018 -2019 &Optional 2017 ONLY

Typical Yearly Costs Associated with Lax Maniax

There are 3 fees associated with participation: membership, tournaments, MAT-LaxU tour

Other fees incurred will be your travel and hotel stays - we do offer solo travel options for players travelling without their parents and there is a solo travel fee covering hotel and event transportation.

Membership - 700 yearly for middle school | 900 yearly for high school CPD (college development program)

Your membership fees cover your club participation for a year. Our members renew yearly to hold their roster spot in our club. Membership fees cover the following: pinny, new uniform every 2 years, insurance, field rental, coach pay, practice equipment, local practices, and some maniax apparel. For our CDP members fees also include their and a backpack.

Tournament Package - Costs vary by class year but are typically between 600 - 825 dollars per season

*The Tournament Package is for CDP HS members only

Our CDP members will participate in summer and fall mandatory tournaments. The fees for these tournaments will be collected twice a year.Once in August to cover fall mandatory tournaments and once in February to cover summer mandatory tournaments. The tournament fees cover tournament entry fee, coaching pay, coach lodging and transportation, and maniax tent snacks and drinks.

A-La-Carte Tournaments - Available for all members - Typical tournament fees range from 200 - 300 dollars per event

*The A-La-Carte Tournament is for All Members including MS members

Players may choose to sign up for non-mandatory events throughout the year. Registration ranges from $200 - $300 per event and fluctuates based on travel costs for coaches as well as tournament registration fees.

Travel - determined by your chosen method of travel - fly, drive or solo travel

Players and families may choose to travel as a family, sending your player with another family or as a solo traveller. When you attend a tournament you may choose to stay at your home and travel to and from the tournament daily. You may choose to stay at a friend or family members house and travel to or from the tournament daily. You may choose to send your player with someone on her team who will provide lodging and transport to and from the tournament daily. Or lastly, you may choose to sign your daughter up to travel with our coaching staff as a solo traveler.

Solo Travel - 320 dollars per solo trip + money for food

Solo travellers are responsible to purchase a flight to the tournament airport as determined by Lax Maniax. Chaperoned flight options are typically available from 4 regions in Florida. You may also chose to have your daughter fly on her own or with a friend to the designated tournament airport.

Once landed at the airport our coaching staff will meet your player at the baggage and your daughter will be chaperoned for the remainder of the trip through to her flight home.

The solo travel costs covers her hotel room, her fair share of van rental for tournament transport, snacks and drinks on site at the tourney, and 24 hour chaperoning included unexpected events such as trips to the ER, walk in clinic, care while sick or injured, or early departure from a tournament.


Angela Brunner

Varsity Girls Lacrosse Coach

Lassiter High School PE

Lady Trojans Lacrosse Calendar