Project funded by the European Union
Contact details of person submitting the solution
- Name
- Position
- Organization
- Contact details:
- Phone
- Fax
Title of the solution:……………………………….
Please select the SWIM-SM pillar under which the solution falls
- Non-conventional water
- Wastewater treatment and reuse
- Desalination
- Water Financing, including the theme of private sector involvement
- Water Governance:
- Water Users Associations (WUAs)
- Enforcement of water legislation
- No-regret actions for adaptation to climate change
Please answer the questions below and provide sufficient proof to enable the selection committee to validate the proposed solution. Each answer should not exceed 100 words.
1)What, in your opinion, is the case you are presenting a solution for and why?
2)How does the proposed solution adapt/implement the IWRM framework and possibly contributes to the implementation of the Draft Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean and/or to the objectives of H2020’s pollution reduction in the Mediterranean?
3)Did the proposed solution create jobs and/or generate increased income in agriculture, tourism, etc?
4)Where relevant, what is the cost or cost/benefit ratio of the product supplied by the solution? Please provide evidence and justification that this cost is low based on regional and international benchmarks.
5)Why do you think this solution can be replicated in most SWIM Partner countries
6)How does this solution provide affordable products to most countries in the PCs such as affordable water without subsidy and/or improved efficiency of water use, or increased crop productivity with improved irrigation efficiency and better adaptability to climate change, better access to financing, improved law enforcement, etc. Please provide evidence and justification.
7)What is the number of years of operation of the solution? Please provide strong evidence of maturity and sustainability.
8)If the proposed solution is in pilot phase, please provide strong evidence of maturity and sustainability.
9)How does the solution respond tothe identified and documented regional and/or national needs and priorities under IWRM?
10)How does the solution add value to the water policy debate within the region?
11)Please provide evidence of the positive health and environmental impact of the solution on the beneficiaries e.g. users’ groups (including the ecosystem), and local communities.
Please answer if you have additional information for the questions below.
Please provide enough evidence to show that the solution:
1)Has led to the integration of outcomes into local/national policies/strategies;
2)Synergizes with other relevant projects/initiatives within and without the sector.
3)Engages beneficiaries and involves relevant stakeholders, such as water providers, water user groups, civil society, community based organizations, universities, NGOs, funding agencies in the design, planning and implementation of the project.
4)Is inclusive of vulnerable groups (particularly the poorest segments of society) and integrates gender.
5)Has high visibility through press coverage that should be beyond a press release by the project
Please describe the solution in no more than 250 words.
Annexes: Add relevant material to support the proposition as you deem appropriate
.....Water is too precious to Waste