Preliminary Analysis of Bullying Surveys

Northbridge Public Schools

May, 2010

Key findings: Grades 5-8 Number of respondents: 689

·  Technology:

o  67% have their own cell phone

o  68% use text messaging

o  28% own cell phone and access the Internet

o  31% have their own computer with Internet access in their bedroom

·  Online networks:

o  56% use Facebook

o  16% MySpace

o  4% Twitter

o  5% chat roulette sites

o  13% Skype

o  73% view YouTube

·  School feelings:

o  25% just okay

o  5% report sometimes feeling sad and unhappy about school

o  2% report feeling very sad and unhappy

·  How many good friends do you have that you trust:

o  2% none

o  17% 1-2

o  26% 3-5

o  55% 5 or more

·  Have you ever been bullied in school:

o  68% haven’t been bullied

o  15% bullied just this year

o  10% bullied 1-2 years

o  8% bullied more than 2 years

·  Students who did the bullying were:

o  65% haven’t been bullied

o  16% same age

o  8% older

o  7% same gender

o  3% different gender

·  If you’ve been bullied, how have you been bullied:

o  66% haven’t been bullied

o  11% physical (hit, kicked, punched, pushed, shoved

o  26% threatened, called names, teased

o  9% kept from participating or ignored in a hurtful way

o  18% spread lies, gossip, or rumors

o  7% cyberbullying

·  If cyberbullying, what forms:

o  4% email

o  4% instant messaging

o  7% cell phone texting

o  2% sexting

o  8% Facebook

·  Where bullying incidents happened:

o  65% no problems

o  3% at the bus stop

o  10% on the bus

o  17% in the hall

o  15% at lunch

o  8% in the classroom with the teacher not there

o  13% in the classroom with the teacher there

o  3% in the bathroom

o  3% in the locker room

o  3% walking to or from school

o  4% after-school activities

o  7% where I live

o  6% other places in the community

·  If you’ve been bullied, have you told anyone:

o  66% not been bullied

o  12% bullied but haven’t told anyone

o  12% told the bully to stop and solved the problem

o  13% told someone else (teacher, parent, counselor) and it stopped

·  If you told someone about the bullying, who did you tell:

o  11% teacher

o  10% principal or assistant principal

o  2% nurse

o  8% school counselor

o  20% parents

o  10% brother or sister

o  21% a friend

·  If you’ve been bullied and didn’t tell someone, what prevented you from telling:

o  68% haven’t been bullied

o  6% didn’t know who to talk to

o  8% wasn’t sure what to say

o  10% didn’t think it would make a difference

o  8% I was worried about retaliation or that it would make it worse

o  6% I didn’t want anyone else to know what was happening

·  Besides telling someone, what else have you done to stop the bullying:

o  64% haven’t been bullied

o  17% told the bully to stop

o  15% walked away from the bully

o  25% ignored the bully

o  9% tried to get even with the bully by doing something back

o  5% stopped going to places where the bully was bothering them

o  1% cut class or avoided going to class

o  2% had parents drive them to school instead of taking the bus

o  2% stayed home from school

·  If you’ve told someone about being bullied or has seen you being bullied, have they helped you:

o  66% haven’t been bullied

o  16% person I told helped to stop the problem

o  9% person I told helped to stop the problem for awhile but still happening

o  8% not sure the person did anything to help

o  6% the person didn’t do anything to help

·  If you see a friend or another student being bullied, what do you do:

o  41% haven’t seen someone being bullied

o  4% just watched

o  1% joined the bullying

o  41% told the bully to stop

o  16% told an adult at school about the problem

o  13% told a friend

o  11% told someone at home

o  1% didn’t do anything because I thought the bullying was okay

o  6% didn’t do anything but thought I should

·  Why do you think students bully other people:

o  70% to show off

o  54% to be popular

o  66% to help them feel good about themselves

o  35% because they feel threatened by someone else

o  24% to get things like money or other people’s property

o  72% to feel powerful

o  71% to get attention

·  Why do you think some students get bullied by other people:

o  59% the person is a different color or race

o  68% the person is smaller in size

o  52% the person isn’t a good athlete

o  72% the person is overweight

o  64% the person behaves differently

o  58% the person dresses differently

o  47% the person isn’t smart

o  38% because of the person’s sexual orientation

Almost always / Some of the time / Almost never
How often do you think teachers know about bullying going on in their classrooms / 15% / 57% / 29%
How often do you think teachers/adults see bullying going on in school / 11% / 59% / 30%
When teachers/adults see bullying in school, how often do they try to stop it / 65% / 27% / 8%
When students are caught bullying, how often do you think they're given consequences / 45% / 42% / 13%
None / Some / Most / All
How many of your teachers talk to students about bullying and why it's wrong / 11% / 39% / 31% / 20%
How many of your teachers talk about what to do if you're being bullied / 16% / 42% / 23% / 19%
How many of your teachers talk to students about what to do if they see someone being bullied / 17% / 37% / 25% / 21%
How many of your teachers have established class rules about bullying / 15% / 28% / 22% / 35%
How many of your teachers talk about school rules against bullying / 10% / 35% / 23% / 31%
If you were being bullied, how many teachers would you feel comfortable going to for help / 21% / 37% / 20% / 21%

·  In thinking about your behavior, have you engaged in any of these activities:

o  80% haven’t been a bully

o  11% called someone names, made fun of them, or teased them in a hurtful way

o  7% hit, kicked, pushed, or shoved the person or destroyed property

o  4% left a person out of a game or ignored them in a mean or hurtful way

o  7% spread lies, gossip, or rumors

o  3% cyberbullying

·  If you have used cyberbullying, what forms:

o  4% email

o  4% instant messages

o  6% cell phone texting

o  1% sexting

o  6% Facebook

·  Why do you think you bullied other students:

o  82% haven’t been a bully

o  4% to show off

o  2% to be popular

o  3% to make me feel good about myself

o  6% because I felt threatened by someone else

o  1% to get things like money or other people’s property

o  3% to feel powerful

o  3% to get attention

o  4% because my friends are doing it

·  If you’ve been a bully, why did you bully these particular students:

o  84% haven’t been a bully

o  1% different color or race

o  2% small in size

o  2% weren’t a good athlete

o  2% person was overweight

o  4% person behaved differently

o  2% person dressed differently

o  2% person wasn’t smart

o  1% person’s sexual orientation

·  If you’ve been a bully, has anyone talked to you about why it’s wrong and to get you to stop?

o  67% haven’t been a bully

o  17% Yes

o  17% No

·  If you’ve been a bully and someone talked to you, what happened:

o  85% haven’t been a bully

o  5% someone at school talked to me

o  3% I was given consequences at school

o  1% school called my parents

o  6% parents talked to me

o  3% given consequences at home

·  If someone has talked to you about being a bully, have you stopped:

o  83% haven’t been a bully

o  12% stopped

o  3% stopped being a bully for awhile

o  1% didn’t stop