Prekindergarten: Unit PK.G.A.1-2, Identify and describe two-dimensional shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles; including a square, which is a special rectangle).

Lesson Seed: Shape Match (Lesson seeds are ideas for the domain/cluster/standard that can be used to build a lesson.

Lesson seeds are not meant to be all-inclusive, nor are they substitutes for instruction.)

Domain: Geometry
Cluster: Identify and describe two-dimensional shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles; including a square which is a special rectangle).
Standard(s): PK.G.A.1 Match like (congruent and similar) shapes.
PK.G.A.2 Group the shapes by attributes.
Purpose/Big Idea: Students will be given the opportunity to practice matching shapes that are congruent in one version of the game. Students will be given the opportunity to practice matching shapes that are similar in another version of the game. In both versions of the game student will group the shapes by attributes.
·  Resource Sheet 1A-I: Shape Card Sets
·  large mat with rectangles outlined the same size as the cards for the students/adults to use as a guide on which to lay cards facedown
The activity can be completed individually or in pairs.
1.  Teacher chooses two of each shape card that matches the criteria she/he has determined will be used for the game; i.e. congruent shapes or similar shapes.
2.  Students/adult will lay the cards face down on the guiding mat.
3.  Students will take turns turning two cards over each turn.
4.  When the cards match the students “take” the cards and place them to the side. If the cards do not match, the students will put them face down back on the mat and it is the next student’s turn (if playing with another student).
5.  Continue until all of the cards are matched.
Variation: Chose cards that are different.
Guiding Questions:
1.  How do you know the shapes are the same?
2.  What makes the shapes the same?
3.  How do you know the shapes are different?
4.  How do you know the shapes are different?
5.  Why did you put the cards to the side?

Resource Sheet 1A Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1B Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1C Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1D Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1E Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1F Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1G Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1H Shape Card Sets

Resource Sheet 1I Shape Card Sets

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