PreCalculus- Course Guidelines 2016-2017
Mrs. Lidwin
WELCOME to PreCalculus! I am looking forward to a great year with you. Please read the following information.
Class Rules
- Students are to be honest and respectful of others and the property of others.
- Take responsibility for your education by preparing for class and participating appropriately.
- Do not wear hats or earbuds in class.
- Abide by the Personal Electronic Device Poster at the front of class. (RED – no devices allowed, YELLOW – devices used only for instructional purposes, GREEN – devices allowed)
- Do not eat or drink in class (water is allowed)
Consequences for inappropriate behaviors will include warning, removal of privileges, parent contact, detention, administration involvement (referral).
Materials Needed
- 3-ring binder.
- Sharpened pencils and erasers every day!Note; all work must be done in pencil!
- Calculator (TI-84 or TI-84 Plus) highly recommended. These calculators are allowed on most standardized tests that many students will take in high school, and it is a good idea to be familiar with them. I reserve the right to reset (clear the memory of all programs and games) any calculator when a student is playing or transferring a game during class time or prior to a quiz/test. There will be a section of most quizzes/tests which will be “non-calculator”. In these sections, students will generally not be allowed to use a calculator.
- Homework – assigned dailyand occasionallygradedfor completion and work shown.(4 points each)
- There will be NO CREDIT for late or incomplete homework
- Quizzes – assigned three or four per quarter. (~100 points each)
- Typically covers 2-5 sections of a Chapter
- Problem Sets – assigned three or four per quarter, graded for accuracy. (~50 points each)
- 4bonus points will be awarded if turned in at least a day early.
- There will be no credit for late problem sets.
- Tests – assigned one or two per quarter. Typically covers all sections of a Chapter (~100 points each)
- Quarter Test - assigned at the end of each quarter(~100 points each)
- Cumulative for the quarter
- Comprised of questions similar to the note examples, homework/classwork questions, problem sets from the quarter and quizzes from the quarter.
- Quarter Test will replace the lowest quiz grade. Problem Sets cannot be replaced by the Quarter Test.
Your nine-week grade will be averaged as follows: Total points earned divided by total points possible.
Cell Phone Policy
- Phones are expected to be docked at the cell phone caddy, unless otherwise specified by the teacher or the Personal Electronic Device Poster. Students can charge their phones at the caddy on a first come first serve basis.
- Phones that are out during class without permission will be confiscated and taken to the front office. Students can only retrieve them at the end of the day.
- If students use their phone any time during a quiz or test, they will receive a zero for that assessment.
- If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it must be turned in on the next class day you return. If you are out for 1 class, you’ll have 1 class to make up that day’s assignment. If you are out for more than one class, please see me the day you return so that we can arrange an appropriate schedule for completing all missing work.
- If you miss a quiz or test, you must make arrangements to make-it up with Mrs. Lidwin before the next class day. If no arrangements have been made within that time, you will be given the quiz/test on the day you return to class. The student is also responsible for any material missed in class while testing.
- If you miss the Review Day, you are still required to take the quiz/test on time. So, please be prepared.
- It is your responsibility to get the work you missed and make arrangements for quiz or test, Mrs. Lidwin will not remind you!
Extra Help
- Mrs. Lidwin is available every day before school from 8:00 to 8:50and after school by appointment.
- Students can request a pass to go to Math Learning Lab in Computer Lab 2 during their study hall. Please come see me before school to request this pass.
Contact Information
I love Email! Send your questions/concerns to
Visit my website (go to BRHS website/ Staff Tab/ Ellen Lidwin) for syllabus and summary of daily activities/lessons.
To insure your success in math, you need to keep a positive attitude about your work, to review your work each night, and to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE !Pay close attention in class and ask for help. This class moves very quickly so please don’t fall behind!
Confirmation for Read/Understand Course Guidelines
Student: I, ______(print student name), in class period ______have read and understand everything in this informational letter. I agree to be honest, to be respectful, and to do my best in Mrs. Lidwin’smath class.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parents: Please sign this sheet and return to school with your child by the next class. Feel free to call if you have any questions throughout the year. I will use this email address to contact you throughout the school year. Please use:
- I have read the course guidelines and have discussed it with my child.
- I understand that missed quizzes and tests will be made up before the next class period unless specific arrangements have been confirmed with Mrs. Lidwin.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ______Date ______