Performing Edge Coaching International Association
Certification Program
Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter
Visualization Pre-Assessment for You and your Coaching Clients
SCRIPT - Pre-Visualization Assessment Questions
Tell me about a peak experience or peak performance that you can remember most vividly, or one that created a lasting impression. It could have been a break-through experience, or one where you felt confident and you were doing your absolute best, or just a time where you felt very good about yourself, an enjoyable moment. It could be doing yoursport, or doing some other activity where you felt positive.
HIGHLIGHTS - Relate to me the big picture first, the highlights, what you remember the best
SENSES: Now bring in all 5 senses to your experience
SPECIFICS: Now give me the play by play, with all the details:
Where were you?
Who was there?
What did you do BEFORE the event or experience?
What were your thoughts?
How did you feel?
How did that affect your actions?
Tell me both the negative and the positive parts
Now tell me about what happened at the START of your event or experience
What happened NEXT?
Now tell me about what happened in the MIDDLE of your event or experience
What were your thoughts?
How did you feel?
How did that affect your actions?
Now tell me about what happened at the FINISH of your event or experience
What were your thoughts?
How did you feel?
How did that affect your actions?
SENSES – Give me some Examples:
VISUAL – e.g. What did you see? What clothes were you wearing?
Who were you with?
Was it a planned or spontaneous activity?
What was the Venue?
(e.g. Race, School, competition, colors, other teams , who were the players or people at your event
AUDITORY – What phrases did you hear?
Specific peoples’ voices?
Your Coach, or your parents, your spouse – before, during, after, the cheer of crowd
What were your Inner thoughts – self-doubts, inner chatter, negative and positive?
KINESTHETIC – Your sense of touch
What things do you remember?
Temperature in the air, sweating, wind on your face?
Go through each body part –what did you notice in your feet, arms?
Sensations: Tense vs relaxed, pain, balance, posture?
An overall sense wellbeing?
Being in The Zone – Do you notice as sense of flow, a sense of time slowing down?
SMELLS – Your sense of smell
What smells do you recall?
Smell of the air, the trees, the ocean, body sweat?
Smell is one of the most powerful senses related to memory
EMOTIONS – What were you feeling (e.g. excitement, confidence, nervousness, fear, anger, frustration, anticipation, calmness)?
What was your experience?
What details do you remember and how did they affect you?
MINDSET – What was your mindset going into your event?
What were you thinking?
What words were you saying to yourself?
During your event?
At the end of your event?
PHYSICAL – How was your body feeling?
What did you experience?
Did you notice any fatigue, soreness, pain?
In what areas of your body, left or right side?
When did this sensation come on?
How did it change?
What did you do about it?
FEARED TOPICS - Is there Anything you don’t want me to mention?
FAVORITE PLACE – Tell me what your favorite place is in nature?
(e.g. near water, mountains, a meadow?)
© 2000-2011 JoAnn Dahlkoetter, All rights reserved
Performing Edge Coaching International Association
Certification Program