Job Description:

Pre-School Business Manager

(Responsible to the Committee)


To undertake all administrative and financial tasks relating to the running of the Pre-school and to support and assist other committee members in their roles: to ensure that the Pre-school complies with its responsibilities as a charity, an employer and as a provider of early years funded education

Key Criteria:

  • Excellent communication skills: verbal and written
  • To observe the need for confidentiality in dealings with Pre-school children and their parents.
  • To work as a team member at all times.
  • To work with a flexible approach in order to meet the changing needs and demands of the preschool and it’s committee.
  • To be a positive representative for the Pre-school.


  • Computer literacy: Microsoft Excel; Word; Publisher; Quickbooks; internet banking




- Placing advertisements, sending out job specifications and application forms in response to enquiries, arranging interviews, writing rejection/offer letters, writing contracts, Complete DBS checks and obtain two references and ID, order staff uniform and badges.


- Ensure staff contracts are up to date with latest employment law

- Book staff training where necessary


- As nominated person for the committee, ensure Ofsted /charity commission are informed of any committee changes or any situation at Pre-school that should be reported to Ofsted e.g. safeguarding incidents, prepare for and be available at Ofsted inspections to talk to the inspector as representative of the committee.

- Support and assist Committee members with any delegated task and ensure good communication between Committee, staff and parents.

- Attend committee meetings

- Help the marketing and fundraising member of committee with marketing materials e.g.flyer/promotion/events literature; assist with the production of the newsletter and distribute

- Promote the committee: coffee mornings/website/committee board/posters

- Ensure new committee complete Ofsted suitability checks (EY2 forms and DBS checks)

- Organise committee training where necessary


- Deal with enquiries about pre-school places, arrange prelimary visits, settling in visits, send out welcome packs and registration forms.

- Maintain a database of all current/provisional children

- Maintain waiting list and ensure parents are kept updated regularly.

- Produce child registers for Pre-school Manager and inform them of any changes.

- Maintain optimum staffing levels liaising with Pre-school Manager.

Administrative Duties

- Distribute, collect and then complete all Nottinghamshire County Council funding form details (every term) and enter eligibility codes online.

- Complete all headcounts via the Nottingham County Council Portal on time: Estimated headcount, actual headcount, adjusted headcounts, EYPP payments, DCATCH payments.

- Check NCC final funding statements and ensure NCC payments have been made and correct. Inform NCC of any errors or anomolies.

- Complete any NCC tasks on the portal e.g. surveys, data collection, provider agreement

- Annual questionnaire to parents, gather data and ensure any issue highlighted from these is dealt with.

- Maintain and update pre-school website, prospectus and inform parents of anything of interest e.g. Surestart events, free training, useful articles on early years via email, posters

- Ensure that annual insurance is paid and certificate displayed , Ofsted and annual fees are paid.

- Organise correct milk is ordered and confirmed weekly via Coolmilk and the Nursery Milk Scheme.

- Keep policies and procedures updated according to Pre-school Learning Alliance (PLA) guidance and ensure Committee Chair and staff read them and sign to say they have.

- Assist in the completion of grant application forms as agreed by the Committee such as the Coop.

- Maintain adequate stocks of staff and children’s uniform (LOGO International)

- Attend PLA network meetings and NCC meetings and training as appropriate (sometimes in the evenings)

- Ensure laptop and all records are kept secure according to latest data protection laws and any personal information encrypted/tight passwords.


- Calculate and send out invoices for each term using Quickbooks and operate a collection arrangement; bank cash/cheques/vouchers

- Remind parents monthly if fees have not been paid on time and issue notices where necessary.

- Payment of all bills on time

- Paying in of all cash & cheques promptly

- Recording all transactions and reconciling bank statements monthly on Quickbooks

- Operate petty system and log on Quickbooks

- Prepare monthly statements of accounts and send these with an up to date financial report to Treasurer and Chair

- Preparing budgets and cash flow projections and ensure that these are adhered to.

- Ensure that staff wages are paid on 29th of each month according to their contracts; holiday pay/sick pay etc

- Liaise with external payroll advisor: Lindsey Jaycock regarding national insurance and tax.

- Advise the committee in taking financial decisions including changes to fees and staff wages.

- To collate all relevant information for annual audit as requested by the preschool accountants (Autumn term)

- To ensure end of year report is updated on the Charity Commission website

Registered Charity No: 1018262