Pre-Pilot Student Survey
Updated November 2016
Pre-Pilot Student Survey
Note: This survey was designed to measure changes in student attitudes, skills, and engagement over the course of a specific ed-tech product pilot. While specific curricular references have been removed, this survey should be modified to meet your district’s unique measurement needs.Introduction
This spring your district will be involved with piloting (tryingout) [NAME(S) OF PROGRAM] in your classroom.
This survey asks you questions about your background experience with technology in school. We would like to hear from you.
There are 10 questions and your responses will be anonymous (will not be connected to your name) and confidential (we will not show your responses to your teachers or parents). If at any time you do not want to continue this survey, you may stop.
We want to hear from you, but if you decide not to complete the survey there will be no impact on your grades or your involvement in piloting the program at your school.
Thank you for letting us know about your experience!
1)Enter the ID number your teacher gave you.
2)Choose your school district from the list below.
3)In which grade are you? (Answer options 1-12)
4)What is your gender? (optional)
5)Is English the most frequently spoke language at home?
a) Yes
b) No
6)How often do you use technology (computer, laptop, iPad, Chromebook, iPhone or Android, gaming system, etc.) at home?
a)More than 10 hours a week
b)7-10 hours a week
c)4-7 hours a week
d)2-4 hours a week
e)1-2 hours a week
f)Less than 1 hour a week
Technology Use
7)How often do you use technology when doing these activities at school? (Several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, less than once a week)
a)Take notes
b)Work on an assignment by myself
c)Work on an assignment with other students
d)Play assigned games
e)Take tests
f)Present my work to the class
g)Submit my assignments to be graded
h)Send messages to my teachers or class
Learning Attitudes and Skills
8) Tell us what you think about your own learning. (Answer Choices: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree; Not Sure)
a)I know how to use technology for learning.
b)I am a good problem solver.
c)I can usually work at my own pace.
d)I can connect what I learn in school to life outside of school.
e)I am excited about learning.
f)Using technology makes me more interested in school.
g)I feel confident that I understand what I learn in school.
h)Technology is very important for learning.
i)School helps me get where I want to go in life.
j)I feel successful when I am at school.
k)I like when I can be creative in school.
l)I like to challenge myself with new learning.
m)I frequently use technology to complete assignments.
n)I frequently participate in class.
o)I frequently work with classmates to solve problems.
p)I try hard to complete my work.
q)It is easier to pay attention when we use technology.
9)Tell us what you think about your teachers’ use of technology. (Answer Choices: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Not Sure, Agree, Strongly Agree)
a)Technology is easy for my teacher to use.
b)Technology improves the way my teacher teaches class.
c)My teacher is excited to use technology in class.
d)My teacher understands how to use technology.
10)Tell us what you think about school in general. (Answer Choices: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Not Sure, Agree, Strongly Agree)
a)I think school is fun.
b)I have good friends at school.
c)I think my school is a good place to learn.
d)I feel safe at school.
e)There is at least one adult at my school who cares about me.