Pre-Marital Financial Questions

What is your general money philosophy?

How often did you talk about money growing up?

What short-term financial goals do you have?

What long-term financial goals do you have?

Are you a saver or spender?

Which of these three best describes you: tightwad, average or spendthrift?

Which of these three best describes your partner: tightwad, average, or spendthrift?

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done with money?

Do you want to have children?

How many children do you want to have?

Will the spouse work outside the home?

Will the spouse work if you have young children?

Will your children go to public or private schools?

What percentage of income will you save for children college expenses?

How often do you go for vacation?

What are your thoughts for purchasing a home?

Do you or your partner intend on going back to school? If so, how will it be financed?

What is your view of starting a business?

How do you feel about supporting parents or other family members in financial need?

Are you in favor of a pre-nuptial agreement?

Do you currently live on a written budget?

Who will balance the checkbook, tally the budget and prepare taxes?

Will we have joint or separate bank accounts or both?

Will money be held in common (jointly owned) on titles, deeds and accounts?

How would you prioritize: getting out of debt, paying off a house, retirement savings, an emergency savings fund?

How much money would it be OK to spend without discussing it with my partner?

What assets do you own and what are they worth?

What is your net worth?

What percentage of your income will you save?

Will you have a monthly allowance? How will you prorate it?

Do you tithe or give to any charity?

If one gets an inheritance, will it belong equally to both of you?

What are your thoughts about life insurance?

How much debt do you currently have what kind is it?

Have you ever NOT paid your bills?

Will large purchases be presented to the partner and discussed before being made?

Can your partner's debt be serviced in the event they become a homemaker?

How would you feel about borrowing money from parents?

What are your thoughts on credit cards?

Do you know your credit report scores?

Have you been a cosigner for anyone?

What are your thoughts for cosigning?