Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Forensic
Pre-Conference Film and Discussion
April 27, 2000
April 28-April 30, 2000
Presented by
The International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy
Sponsored by
The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Massachusetts Mental Health Center
A Major Teaching Hospital of Harvard Medical School
Three Ripley Street
Course Directors
Peter Fonagy, PhD, James Garbarino, PhD, James Gilligan, MD, Abraham L. Halpern, MD, and Lawrence E. Lifson, MD
Hyatt-Regency Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pre-Conference Film
Thursday, April 27, 2000
Film Description
“M,” Fritz Lang’s powerful and psychologically perceptive depiction of the motivations behind several forms of violence – pedophilia, child murder, and capital punishment. Made shortly before Hitler’s accession to power, the film’s deep humanity led to its censorship under Nazism.
The Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy
April 28-30, 2000
Course Description
In recent years psychoanalysts and related mental health professionals have devoted an unprecedented degree of time and attention to the attempt to understand and treat people who engage in violent behavior. Previously regarded by many as untreatable and hence suitable only for punishment from the criminal justice and penal systems, this population – and with it our understanding of the causes and prevention of violence has begun to benefit from deeper psychoanalytic understanding of personality disorders; shame, narcissism and self-esteem; attachment, empathy, and feelings of responsibility, guilt and remorse; the impact of trauma on psychobiological functioning; self-psychology; object-relations; and the multiple interactions between psyche, soma and society. The purpose of this course will be to survey and summarize recent research and theory pertaining to the causes, treatment and prevention of violent behavior, particularly as this derives from or is relevant to forensic psychotherapy with violent individuals and groups.
Friday, April 28, 2000
8:00- 9:00am Registration and Coffee
What Have We Learned about Violence, and What Do We Still Need to Learn?
………………………………………………James Gilligan, President of IAFP
………………………………..(Chairs for all Plenary Sessions to be Announced)
9:45-10:00 From Victim to Victimizer: The Psychotherapy of a Suicidal and Infanticidal Woman …………………………………………………………………………..Estela Welldon
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 The Psychology of Female Violence……………………………………Anna Motz
11:45- 12:30pm Battered Women Who Kill……………………………….Angela Browne
12:30- 1:30 Lunch (included with registration fee)
1:30- 2:15 Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them……………………………………………………………………James Garbarino
2:15-3:00 A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Assessing Violent Children in their Social Context
…………………………………………………………………………Stuart Twemlow
3:00-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-5:00 War and Child Abuse as Precursors of PTSD and Violence……Bessel van der Kolk
Killing: Psychodynamic Sequelae of Combat Experience…………Theodore Nadelson
Children Exposed to War-Related Violence: Protective Factors……….
…………………………………………………………………Bennett Simon and Roberta Apfel
5:00-7:00Free Time
7:30 pm Dinner at the Hyatt-Regency
(not included with registration, please see registration form)
Saturday, April 29, 2000
8:00-8:30am Coffee
8:30-11:00 The Yale Child Study Center’s Violence Prevention Programs
…………………..Steven Marans, Myriam Birkman, and Steven Berkowitz
Violence Prevention Programs in the San Francisco Jails
……………………………… Michael Marcum, Hamish Sinclair, and Ruth Morgan
9:00-11:30am Aggression in Individuals and Groups: Modes of Modulation, Organization and Disorganization: The Influence of the Family, and the Role of Authority and Discipline………..
…………………………………………………….Otto Kernberg with Discussant James Herzog
N.B.: This session will be held jointly with Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 15 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
11:00:11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-1:00pm WORKSHOPS I (please see registration form for options)
(Chairs for all Workshop Sessions to be Announced)
1:00-2:00 Lunch (included with registration)
2:00- 3:30 WORKSHOPS II (please see registration form for options)
3:30-4:00Coffee Break
4:00-6:00 WORKSHOPS III (please see registration form for options)
6:00-7:00 Free Time
7:30pm Dinner and Dancing at the Courtyard of the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (not included with registration, please see registration form)
Sunday, April 30, 2000
8:30-9:00am Coffee
Forensic Psychotherapy in the UK
…………………………………Gill McGauley with Estela Welldon, Faculty, and Students
The Degree Course in the Interdisciplinary Study of Violence at the Institute for the Study of Violence, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
………………………………………………….Phyllis W. Meadow, Faculty, and Students
10:15 Coffee break
10:45- 12:15 pm Summary and Discussion of the Parallel Sessions
Chairs of the Parallel Sessions, All Attendees of the Conference (Moderator to be Announced)
12:15-1:00 Annual General Meeting, Election of Officers, and Discussion of Next Year’s Conference
1:00pm Adjourn
LOCATION The Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 575 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA, USA, 02139, 617-492-1234 or Directions and a map will be provided upon registration.
ADDITIONAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE: For information regarding other area accommodations, please call Boston Reservations, 617-332-4199 or e-mail
ACCOMMODATIONS A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the Hyatt Regency Hotel until March 1, 2000, at a discounted rate for conference attendees of $199/single or double. Call (617) 492-1234 for reservations, or FAX to (617) 491-6906. Please tell the hotel you are with the International Association Conference on Learning from Violence.
TRAVEL For information on reduced airfare, call 1-800-628-0073 or outside US please call 202-663-7496 or e-mail
REFUND POLICY A handling fee of $50 is deducted for cancellation. Refund requests must be made in writing and postmarked no later than April 20, 2000. No refund will be made thereafter.
Physicians: The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Education (ACCME) to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians. The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this continuing medical education activity for 18 credit hours in Category I of the Physicians Recognition Award of American Medical Association.
Under Massachusetts Law Chapter 351, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine now requires Massachusetts Physicians to include “ Risk Management” study as part of their 100 hours continuing medical education. The Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy is designed to meet the requirements for 18 hours of Risk Management credit in Massachusetts.
Psychologists: The Continuing Education Program at Massachusetts Mental Health Center is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. The Pre-Conference Film meets the criteria for 2 credit hours, Learning From Violence 16 hours, and the Combined Program for 18 hours of continuing education. Massachusetts Mental Health Center maintains responsibility for the program.
Social Workers: Application for continuing education credits will be made to the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.
Nurses: Massachusetts Mental Health Center is approved by the Massachusetts Nurses Association to offer continuing education credits to participants. The Pre-Conference Film meets the criteria for 2.4 contact hours, Learning From Violence 19.2 contact hours, and the Combined Program for 21.6 contact hours of continuing education. Massachusetts Mental Health Center maintains responsibility for the program.
IAFP Membership Information
For information about IAFP contact:
Dr. G. McGauley, Secretary of IAFP, Section of Forensic Psychiatry, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, Jenner Wing, Cramer Terrace, London SW17 ORE, United Kingdom.
E-mail: IAFP website address:
Workshop Selection
Please choose one Workshop for each Section
Saturday, April 29, 2000; 11:30-1:00pm (choose one)
Workshop A Forensic Psychotherapy with Severe Personality Disorders
Contained Splitting: Combined Group and Individual Therapy in the Treatment of Borderline and Dissociative Disorders………………………………………………………. Felicity de Zulueta
From Harrods to Holloway: Kleptomania, Compulsive Shopping, and Drug-Related Shoplifting and Robbery……………………………………………………………………………..Marsha Taylor
Workshop B Social, Political, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychotherapy,
Racism and the Over-Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Prisons and Secure Hospitals: Integrating Awareness of Racism into Forensic Psychotherapeutic Practice……………………….Bisi Lalemi
The Controversy over Physician Participation in Legally Authorized Executions: Is There a Solution?……………………………………………………..Abraham L. Halpern and Alfred M. Freedman
Workshop C: Predicting Violence, Assessing Dangerousness
Assessment of Violence: Psychodynamic Perspectives…………………………………Ronald Doctor
The “Firestone Assessment of Violent Thoughts” Inventory as a Tool for Understanding and Predicting Violent Behavior……………………………….. ………………………………………Lisa Firestone
Workshop D: Managing and Treating Violent Patients in Forensic Settings
Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Community as a Means of Increasing Security in Forensic Psychotherapy……………………………………………………………..Klaus Hoffmann
Mutual Obligation Versus Constraint: Applying Systems Theory to Forensic Psychotherapy……
…………………………………………………………………………………………………...Tilman Kluttig
Saturday, April 29, 2000; 2:00-3:30pm (choose one)
Workshop AII: Forensic Psychotherapy with Violent Youth
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Juvenile Sexual Delinquency and Its Treatment…………Michael Gunter
The Therapeutic Needs of Violent Young Offenders…………………………………………….. Jim Rose
Workshop BII: Violence and Failures of Attachment
Attachment Styles in Violent Offenders: A Comparative Analysis…… Thomas Ross and Friedemann Pfafflin
A Vicious Circle: Transgenerational Transmission of Violence in a Mother and Grandmother..Gwen Adshead
Workshop CII: Relationships Between Violence and Specific Psychiatric Syndromes
Violence and Mental Illness: An Overview……………………………………………...James Beck
Violence in Borderline Personality Disorder…………………………………………….Carl Malmquist
Workshop D II: Managing and Treating Violent Patients in Forensic Settings (continued)
Psychotherapeutic Approaches to the Understanding and Prevention of Self-Mutilating Behavior in a PrisonMental Health Service……………………………………………………………Silvia Dominguez
Envy and Violence…………………………………………………………………….. Patricia Polledri
Saturday, April 29, 2000; 4:00-6:00pm (choose one)
Workshop AIII: From Victim to Perpetrator: Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Violence
Is It Possible to Prevent Children of Abusers from Becoming Perpetrators Themselves? ………………………………………………………………………………….…Margrethe Christensen
When Aggressor and Victim Are One: The Analysis of a Six Year Old Boy, Twenty-Five Years On
…………………………………………………………………………………………….David Millar
Workshop BIII: Violence and Failures of Attachment (continued)
Attachment Patterns in Crime: Implications for Treatment……………………………. Peter Fonagy
Assessing and Integrating Recent Research Relating Attachment Theory to the Study of Violence
………………. Panel Discussion: Gwen Adshead, Friedemann Pfafflin, Peter Fonagy, and Thomas Ross
Workshop CIII: Relatings Between Violence and Specific Psychiatricsyndromes (continued)
Precipitants of Violence in Adults with Asperger Syndrome: Findings from a Qualitative Study of Life-Sentenced Prisoners……………………………………………………………… Valerie Hawes
Living with Psychopathy: The Internal World of the Psychopath………..Martin Harper and Tegwyn Williams
A Dangerous Case of Munchausen’s Syndrome…………………………………….. Celia Taylor
Workshop DIII: Managing and Treating Violent Patients in Forensic Settings (continued):
Group Analytic Treatment of Men Who Batter Women………………………………… Adam Jukes
Management and Prevention of Violence in a Forensic Psychiatric Clinic: Protecting the Safety of Patients and Staff ………………………………………………………………………………. Hans Perik
Singing in a Gilded Cage: The Prison as Therapeutic Community …………………….. Andrew Downie
Registration Form
Title: …………First Name…………………………………Last Name……………………………….
Job Title/Professional Degree……………………e-mail…………………………………………….
Mailing Address………………………………………………………………………………………..
Telephone:……………………Fax:…………………………………Social Security #……………….
Tuition: This includes all the conference proceedings, refreshments, and lunches.
Early Bird registration fee is $325 for IAFP and BPSI members, and $350 non-members prior to March 31, 2000
After March 31, 2000, $350 for IAFP and BPSI members, and $375 for non-members
Friday Evening Dinner at the Hyatt Regency: $75.00
Saturday Evening Dinner at the Fogg Art Musuem: $75.00
Attending both evenings: $150.00
Please include dinner fees with registration.
Full payment must accompany application (check payable to The Continuing Education Program at MMHC, Inc.) Credit cards not accepted.
Foreign Payments must be made by a draft on a United States bank with the cost borne by the sender; Bank Boston, 330 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115; account number 54125830, routing number 011000390. International wiretransfers should be sent to: Bank Boston, S.W.I.F.T. address: ENBB US 33, Telex: 4996527 BostonBSN, please include Massachusetts Mental Health Center, 74 Fenwood Road, Boston, MA 02115; account number: 54125830.
Mail payments drawn on a US Banks to:
The Continuing Education Program at Massachusetts Mental Health Center
74 Fenwood Road, Boston, MA, USA, 02115
Bursaries: The association wishes to give financial assistance to students, those in training, or other deserving staff working in forensic settings, to enable them to attend this conference. Applications for bursaries towards the total cost, with an explanatory statement, may be made to Bruce Irvine: Brookside Young Person’s Unit, 107A Barley Lane, Goodmayes 1G3 8XJ, UK or e-mail or Tel: 0181 9838000
For further information please contact: Cheryl Owens 617-626-9429
FAX (617) 232-4570 Email:
Dr. Gwen Adshead Consultant Forensic Psychotherapist, Department of Psychotherapy, Broadmoor Hospital.
Roberta Apfel, MD Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Hospital; Training and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute; Co-Author, Minefields in Their Hearts: The Mental Health of Children in War and Communal Violence.
James Beck, MD, PhD Associate Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Former Director, Cambridge Court Clinic; Editor, Confidentiality versus the Duty to Protect and The Potentially Violent Patient and The Tarasoff Decision in Psychiatric Practice.
Miriam Berkman, JD, MSW Assistant Clinical Professor of Social Work, Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine; Contributing Author, The Police-Mental Health Partnership: A Community-Based Response to Urban Violence.
Steven Berkowitz, MD Clinical Instructor in Child Psychiatry, Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine; Candidate, Western New England Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Angela Browne, PhD Senior Soros Justice Fellow, Injury Control Research Center, Harvard School of Public Health; Author, When Battered Women Kill.
Margrethe Christensen Psychotherapist, Vasterby, Sweden.
Dr. Ronald Doctor, MRCPsych. Psychoanalyst; Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, West Middlesex Hospital, London; Visiting Psychiatrist, HM Wormwood Scrubs Prison, London.
Silvia Dominguez, MSW, LICSW Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology and Public Policy, Boston. University; Former Unit Coordinator, Prison Mental Health Service, Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Norfolk, MA.
Andrew Downie Group Psychotherapist, HM Prison Grendon, Grendon Underwood, Buckinghamshire, U.K.
Lisa Firestone, PhD Research Director, Glendon Association; Adjunct Faculty, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Peter Fonagy, PhD Freud Memorial Professor of Psychoanalysis, University College London; Director, Child and Family Center and Clinical Protocols and Outcome Center, Menninger Clinic, Topeka;Co-Editor, Recovered Memories of Abuse: True or False?, Vol. 2.
James Garbarino, PhD Professor of Human Development and Co-Director, Family Life Development Center, Cornell University; Author or Co-Author of 17 books, including Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them.
James Gilligan, MD President of the IAFP; Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Director, Center for the Study of Violence; Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Member, Academic Advisory Council, United States Presidential Campaign Against Youth Violence; Author, Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic and Preventing Violence: An Agenda for the Coming Century; Contributing Editor, Encyclopedia of Violence in America.
Dr. Peter Gottlieb Forensic Psychiatrist, St. Hans Hospital, Roskilde, Denmark.
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Michael Gunter Senior Lecturer and Executive Chief Physician,
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence, Eberhard-Karls Universitatsklinik fur Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Abraham L. Halpern, MD Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, New York Medical College; Past President of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.
Martin Harper Forensic Social Worker, South Wales Forensic Psychiatric Service, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, South Wales, U.K.
Dr. Valerie Hawes, MRCPsych Specialist Registrar in Forensic Psychiatry, Norvic Clinic, Thorpe, Norwich, U.K.
Dr. med. Klaus Hoffmann Arzt fur Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychoanalyse, Chefarzt Forensische Psychiatrie u. Psychotherapie, Zentrum fur Psychiatrie, Reichenau, Germany.
Adam Jukes Author, Men Who Batter Women; Group analytic psychotherapist, London.
Tillman Kluttig Senior Clinical Psychologist, Abteilung Forensische Psychiatrie, Zentrum fur Psychiatrie, Reichenau, Germany.
Bisi Lalemi Social Therapist, Psychotherapy Service, Henderson Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, U.K.
Lawrence E. Lifson, MD is a Lecturer on Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and Director of Continuing Education at Massachusetts Mental Health Center. He is on the faculty of the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and Chairman of Continuing Education at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. Dr. Lifson is also Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Tufts University School of Medicine. Dr. Lifson is editor of Understanding Therapeutic Action: Psychodynamic Concepts of Cure, and co-editor of The Mental Health Practitioner and the Law: A Comprehensive Handbook and co-editor of the Psychology of Investing.
Steven Marans, MSW, PhD Harris Associate Professor of Child Psychoanalysis, Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine; Director, Child Development-Community Policing Program; Faculty, Western New England Institute of Psychoanalysis; Member, United States Presidential Commission on Youth Violence; Author, The Police-Mental Health Partnership: A Community-Based Response to Urban Violence.
Michael J. Marcum Assistant Sheriff, San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, City and County of San Francisco, California; Director, Resolve to Stop the Violence Project (RSVP).
Phyllis W. Meadow, PhD President and Professor, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis; founder of the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies in New York; and co-author of Treatment of the Narcissistic Neuroses.
Dr. Gill McGauley Secretary of the IAFP, Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychotherapy, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London. Consultant Forensic Psychotherapist, Broadmoor Hospital, UK.
David Millar Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex; Consultant Psychotherapist, North Essex Child and Family Consultation Service, Colchester, Essex, U.K.
Ruth Morgan Director, Community Works (Violence Prevention Community Theatre, Art Classes and Creative Writing Programs), San Francisco; Consultant, Resolve to Stop the Violence Project (RSVP), San Francisco Sheriff’s Department.