Pre-AP Physics – Yockers – Essential Elements– 2008 (v3)

1) velocity, displacement, time

2) displacement, velocity, acceleration, time

3) velocity, acceleration, time

4) velocity, acceleration, displacement

5) Newton’s Second Law, acceleration

6) Newton’s First Law, equilibrium

7) coefficient of kinetic friction, force, normal force

8) coefficient of static friction, force, normal force

9) centripetal acceleration, radius, tangential velocity

10) force of gravitation

11) angular velocity, angular displacement, time

12) angular acceleration, angular velocity, time

13) displacement, radius, angular displacement

14) velocity, radius, angular velocity

15) acceleration, radius, angular acceleration

16) torque, lever arm length, force

17) second condition of equilibrium (rotation)

18) linear momentum, velocity, mass

19) impulse, force, time

20) work, force, distance

21) kinetic energy, mass, velocity

22) work, kinetic energy

23) power, work, time

24) gravitional potential energy

25) elastic (restoring) force, spring constant, displacement

26) elastic potential energy

27) heat, mass, specific heat, temperature

28) heat, mass, latent heat

29) internal energy, heat, work (1st)

30) efficiency, work, heat

31) Carnot efficiency, temperature

32) entropy, heat, temperature

33) pressure, force, area

34) absolute pressure, atmospheric pressure, density

35) buoyant force, density, volume

36) flow rate, area, velocity (conservation of matter)

37) Bernoulli’s Principle (conservation of energy)

38) coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal expansion

39) Ideal Gas Law – pressure, volume, temperature

40) elastic (restoring) force, spring constant, displacement

41) period of a mass-spring system

42) period of a pendulum

43) period, frequency

44) Doppler effect, frequency, velocity

45) wavelength, velocity, frequency

46) index of refraction, speed of light

47) Snell’s Law – index of refraction

48) critical angle

49) mirror/lens equation

50) magnification, height, distance

51) focal length, radius of curvature

52) separation, wavelength (double-slit diffraction)

53) central maxima, wavelength, (single-slit diffraction)

54) electric force, Coulomb’s constant, charges, distance

55) electric field, electric force, affected charge

56) electric potential energy

57) electric potential, electric field, distance

58) electric potential, Coulomb’s constant, charge, distance

59) capacitance, charge, electric potential

60) capacitance, area, distance

61) energy stored in a capacitor

62) current, charge, time

63) resistance, resistivity, length, area

64) Ohm’s Law – resistance, electric potential, current

65) power, current, electric potential

66) equivalent resistance – resistors in series

67) equivalent resistance – resistors in parallel

68) magnetic force, charge, velocity, magnetic field

69) magnetic force, magnetic field, current, length

70) magnetic field of a current-carrying wire

71) emf, magnetic field, length, velocity

72) rectangle

73) triangle

74) circle

75) parallelepiped

76) cylinder

77) sphere

78) right triangle