Pew sheet text

Every person has their own unique way of praying: there are no rights and wrongs. But are you still searching for a way that suits you? Looking for some help in those moments when inspiration has run dry. Perhaps you would like to know more about how to help others pray?

The Diocesan SpiritualityNetwork’s Prayer Festival takes place on Saturday 22 September 2018in Rochester Cathedral (10am to 2.30pm) and is all about exploring the rich tradition of Christian prayer available today. There willbe time for worship, for teaching on prayer from speakers such as Philip Hesketh, Dean of Rochester Cathedral, and for workshops offering the opportunity to experience different ways of praying in order to deepen our encounters with God.

Full details and booking can be found at:


Prayer Festival to help open up new ways for people to pray

From prayer walks and quiet days, to workshops on different forms of prayer and 24/7 prayer rooms, over 300 prayer events took place in the Diocese during Thy Kingdom Come; they brought different prayer traditions and denominations together as people prayed for others to come to faith and for the transformation of communities.

Building on the momentum and thirst shown for prayer in all its forms during those 10 days, the Diocesan Spirituality Network hasorganised a Prayer Festival to explore the rich tradition of Christian prayer available today, from praying with web resources and poetry, to praying with music and art.

Taking place on Saturday 22 September 2018, at Rochester Cathedral (10am to 2.30pm), there will be time for worship, for teaching on prayer from speakers such as Philip Hesketh, Dean of Rochester Cathedral, and for workshops offering the opportunity to experience different ways of praying in

It’s also about equipping those who want to help others to pray, sothere will be workshops exploring how to use different ways of prayer within a group setting, how to create a prayer space, organise a week of accompanied prayer, and how to provide Prayer Ministry.

Susanne Carlsson, Spirituality Advisor for the Diocese says: “Every person has their own unique way of praying: there are no rights and wrongs. This day is for all those who may still be searching for a way that suits them or for those looking for help in those moments when inspiration has run dry. This really will be a great opportunity for people to be refreshed and renewed in their prayer-life.”

Bishop James commended the day too: “Embedding prayer as the foundation for all we do, as well asdeepening our relationship with God, are key aims in our shared Called Together vision. DuringThy Kingdom Come we prayed not only for the coming in of God’s kingdom in the whole world and in the life of the Church, but afresh for us in our own lives day by day, so I would invite everyone to take the opportunity to be supported in growing their prayer-life through this Prayer Festival”

For full details and booking visit