Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School

August 24, 2015

Pray for us Mary Star of the Sea

Dear Families,

Welcome to the 2015 – 2016 School Year!

The First Day of School is always filled with joy and excitement as the students arrive to begin the next chapter in their school journey. Children renew acquaintances, make new friends and learn the procedures and expectations of their current grade. Thank you to the many new families who stayed for coffee, made new friends, and learned the workings of a new school as well!

Our teachers returned last Monday. The week was devoted to curriculum planning and staff development. We welcome Ms. Geesing to 6th grade, Ms. Arriolato 5th grade, and Ms. Jansen to 3rd grade. Ms. Schugt has moved to the kindergarten classroom and will be joined by Mrs. Prescott as the new instructional aid. Mrs. Mata-Loya will be joining us in morning extended care.

Our Annual New Family Dinner will take place on Wednesday evening August 26th at 6:30 pm. All new families were mailed an invitation and given information at registration. Please RSVP by Tuesday Aug. 25th at 9:00 am.

All new parents must train to meet the Archdiocesan requirements for Virtus:“Protecting God’s Children. Please note that parents working in any volunteer capacity at the school must take this course. The course will be offered on Tuesday September 22nd at 6:00 pm. Please fill in the application and return to the office as soon as possible.

This year, in conjunction with Outreach Concern, we will again have counseling services available for our students. Their mission is to eliminate the barriers that impact performance in the classroom. Their goal is to assist teachers and parents in increasing student performance, supporting positive behavioral change, and instilling social and emotional stability. Please read the enclosed letter and return the permission slip.

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS! One parent for each family is required to attend; parents will be asked to sign in as they receive their student/parent handbooks. Wednesday, September 2nd.

Parent/Student Handbooks: The handbooks and schoolcalendars will be distributed at Back to School Night. Please read and review the school policies with your child. Each family must sign the form that states agreement of school policies.

Parent Communication: We are continuing in our effort to be more “green” and to use less paper. The bi-weekly newsletter will be available on the website and this year we will email the letter to families. Please fill out the enclosed form that asks you to update your email.

Lunch Program: We are remaining with Choice Lunch for our school lunch program. Lunch will begin on Tues, Aug. 25th. All families must sign up for the program. If you do not want your child to receive emergency lunches you must indicate that when you sign up. We are trying to alleviate parents being billed for lunches that children order without parental knowledge.

The first week of school involves important information and paperwork. Please be especially attentive to all information that is sent home via the brown envelope and/or the classroom teachers. Please fill out all forms completely and sign where indicated. Please insure that the office is aware of any special health or custody issues.

Important Reminders:

Emergency Cards2 per studentPlease print & Sign each card

Dismissal Letter1 per family

Earthquake Kit1 per student

Paperless Update Form1 per family

Classroom LettersEach class variesPlease sign and return

Lunch MenusOrder Online

RSVP FOR New Family Dinner All new families please respond by Tues. Aug. 25th @ 9:00am

LAUSD Title I Funding 1 per familyPlease sign and fill in address only

Virtus Sign Up New families

Media Release Form1 per Student

Medication During School Hours 1 per student

Adults Interacting with Minors 1 per family

Outreach Concern Permission 1 per family

Important Dates and Times:

New Family DinnerWed. Aug. 266:30 in the auditorium

Fall Fundraiser Kick offFri. Aug. 2810:00 am

3rd Trimester Award CeremonyMon. Aug. 318:00 am

Back to School NightWed. Sept. 2nd6:30 in the auditorium

Back to School MassFri. Sept. 4th9:00 (Mass Uniform)

Labor DayMon. Sept. 7NO SCHOOL

8th Grade Bake SaleWed. Sept. 9Recess

Cold Stones SocialThurs. Sept 10Cold Stones 3:00 – 9:00

Room Parent MeetingTues. Sept. 15th6:30

8th Grade Class MeetingThurs. Sept. 17th6:30

Virtus TrainingTues. Sept. 226:00 pm auditorium

Title I Eligibility: The Title I eligibility form is important information that determines

government funding that is available for our school. All information is confidential and

names are not necessary but addresses are a requirement. Thank You! Please fill out

the enclosed paper work and return.

Drop Off and Dismissal: Please remember to follow morning drop off procedures. Students are to be dropped off at the divider ONLY. For dismissal cars exit on 8th street and TURN RIGHT ONLY! Safety First!

Vons EScrip: Effective immediately Vons is no longer participating in the EScrip Program.

Fall Fundraiser: This years fall fundraiser will begin on Friday, August 28th. There will be a school assembly at 10:00 am. Parents are welcome to join us. This is an excellent way to work towards the $500 fundraising obligation.

Cold Stones: See the enclosed flyer for our first social and friendraiser of the year on September 10th!

Again welcome back and please join me in prayer for a successful and blessed school year.

God Bless You,