Praxis Assignment Phase II: Describing Research

NCLC 203, Spring 2011

For each article, examine the following elements of the study: introduction sectionand research question; literature review; presentation of research results; methods section; discussion of results. Provide a brief final reflection that integrates your findings and considers your own ways of knowing in how you interpret this research.

Article 1 – Quantitative Research / Article 2 – Qualitative Research
Complete article citation / Helweg-Larson, M, & Collins, B.E. (1994). The ucla multidimensional condom attitude scale: documenting the complex determinants of condom use in college students. American Pyschological Association, Inc., and the Division of Health Pyschology, 13(3), Retrieved from / Bolton, M, McKay, A, & Schneider, M. (2010). Relational influences on condom use discontinuation: a qualitative study of young adult women in dating relationships. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 19(3), Retrieved from
Introduction to the Study:
What is being studied?
  • Identify the Research Question(s) and/or Hypotheses
  • How clear are the questions?
  • How are variables defined?
/ -What influences why college students aren’t using many condoms?
-Trying to find a multidimensional scale.
-Finding validity of 5 distinct factors.
-More of a goal than a question.
-Variables: Must be sexually active / -Why is condom use discontinued in dating relationships (exclusive or monogamous)?
-Examine psychosocial dynamics.
-Variables: Women in monogamous/exclusive relationships
Who is being studied?
  • How are subjects chosen?
  • How many are studied?
  • Who are they?
  • What sampling procedure is used (if applicable)?
/ -Recruited from intro psych classes at UCLA
1(main study)-239 undergrad students. 33% men, 67% women.
20% high school students, remaining college.
46% Frsh., 18% Soph., 10% Jr., 3% Sr., 3% Grad/Special
2 & 3 (studies)- all undergraduate students / -Advertised through Greater Toronto Area
-Volunteers $20 compensation
-13 women, ages 18-24.
-Must be in exclusive or monogamous heterosexual relationship
-High school, undergraduate, masters, or PhD.
Literature Review:
What do others say about the subject?
  • Does the literature review provide enough background for this research?
  • Is a case made for the research?
/ Other studies show proof of both multidimensional and one-dimensional scales, it is both agreed and disagreed upon. / -Literature review identified key factors associated with condom discontinuation.
-Purpose of research to more fully understand how Canadian women in large urban area articulate their decisions on condom use in an assumed monogamous relationship.
Method for data collection: / Article 1 – Quantitative Research / Article 2 – Qualitative Research
How is the research being done?
  • What research method is being used?
  • How is data collected?
  • How clear are the procedures for others to use?
/ -Research is being done by surveying
-(Main study) 15 pg, 187-item questionnaire.
-Surveys in class/on campus
-It is very clear how they went about their procedure, who was being asked and what questions were being asked. / -Demographic and sexual health questionnaire
-45 minute semi-structured interviews
-The procedures are clear, telling which questions were used and exactly how the interview was run.
Presentation of Findings:
What are the results of the study?
  • How are findings displayed?
  • How are results presented in a manner that’s easy to understand?
/ -Findings are displayed through tables & written analysis.
-By putting in tables, results are clear and concise to read easily and quickly.
-Attitude Scale / -Findings are displayed through a sexual behavior profile, an organizational chart, and through Results, Discussion, Themes
-Results are displayed in an easily understood manner, with various different ways to look at the data.
Discussion of Results:
What is discovered?
  • How are explanations provided for findings?
  • What recommendations are provided, or implications for practice and future research?
/ -There are many different dimensions to people’s attitudes toward condoms.
-General Discussion
-Attitudes Scale
-When doing further research, specify which components of scale???
-Gender differences / -In the Discussion it talks about separate findings of questionnaire and interview.
-Limitations: very one sided because it was only studying women, while in heterosexual relationships men make up half of the couple.
-Disproportionate influence
Final Reflection:
  • What did you learn from these articles that might further your RING research?
  • How do your own affiliations, beliefs or values shape your review and critique of these articles?
/ -The quantitative article helped me understand more people’s attitudes towards condoms and why they do or do not use them.
-The qualitative article helped me understand reasons for people in this age group to discontinue their use of condoms while in a relationship, therefore making us further analyze the question, where are all the condoms going if so many people of college age are supposedly not using them?
-I found these articles to be very realistic, and not at all surprising. I grew up Catholic but that doesn’t mean I find contraception use bad like some Catholic people do- it’s smart. So I don’t disagree with these articles because they talk about contraceptive uses or anything like that. That is really the only affiliation that I have that could have changed my perspective and critique of the articles.

1/10/11 jkm