Quinsigamond Community College, Math Center
Practice Test Information for CPT
Go to http://ncc.mymathtest.com/
The material covered in these practice tests is representative of the course content of the corresponding math courses, briefly:
Practice for MAT 090 - Basic Mathematics covers arithmetic operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions, decimals and integers, order of operations, ratios, proportions and percent.
Take Test 1
Take Test 2, skip # 7-15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26
Practice for MAT 095 - Beginning Algebra covers linear equations and inequalities, operation on polynomials, rules for exponents and graphing linear equations.
Take Test 2, skip # 1 – 6, 14, 15, 23, 27, 28
Take Test 3, skip # 10, 16, 17, 19, 26
Practice for MAT 099 – Intermediate Algebra covers factoring, rational expressions, simplifying radicals, quadratic and rational equations, and equations of lines.
Take Test 3, skip # 10, 19, 26
Take Test 4, skip # 13, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28
Once complete:
1. Click Score to see how many you got right
2. Click Review Test to see which questions you got right or wrong.
3. Click Study Plan to see the topics you need to study.
For additional practice, including word problems, go to:
The practice tests are a diagnostic tool to help you discover the material you need to study in order to place into a particular course. The Math Center tutoring staff will help refresh topics you may have forgotten, but are not able to teach entire blocks of material in lieu of taking a course.