Practice Opportunities

Practice Opportunities


Student Teacher:Matt DeGolyerGrades: 7-8 TeachingDate: October 29th, 2009

Subject: Cooperative Activities (Group Formation)
Standard 2: Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 5: Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Standard 6: Students value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
Performance Objective(s)/Indicator(s)
Cognitive:TSWBAT identify the best way to complete tasks (assigned by teacher) while using teamwork 100% of the time. (7.2.1; 7.5.2; 7.5.5; 7.5.6; 7.6.2)
Affective:TSWBAT to work with partners of different skill abilities while following the rules 100% of the time. (7.5.1; 7.5.2; 7.5.3; 7.5.5; 7.5.6; 7.6.2)
Equipment Needs: 12 blind folds


Time / Instructional Activities (Detailed)
1:32-1:35 / Introduction: See introduction below
Missing Person Game
-All 12 students will be blindfolded
-The blindfolded students will be spread out in the gym
-1 student will be asked to remove his/her blindfold and hide in an out-of-the-way place, he/she can’t move or talk once hidden
-The blindfolded students must then determine who is missing and bring him/her back into the large group
-If the hidden person is found quickly, the process will be repeated with a new person designated as the hider
Farm Animal Sounds
-All 12 students will be blindfolded
-The students will be broken into 6 groups of 2 people
-Each group of 2 should come up with a corresponding word to recognize their partner (for example oink/oink)
- The partners will be separated across the gym and asked to call out their word in order to reunite with their partner
-After all partners have been reunited the process will be repeated with a few twists (new partners, groups of three)
Animal Line
-All 12 students will be blindfolded
-Each student will be told the name of an animal they are supposed to be
-The group must arrange itself according to the size of the animal, making only the noises that the animal would make (largest to smallest or smallest to largest)
Closure: See closure below


Introduction (Set Induction): Today we are going to introduce games called cooperative activities. These games deal less with physical talent and more with teamwork and group thinking. How do you define teamwork? Is it harder or easier to complete a goal/task in a group if people talk out solutions with one another? Why? How will you involve everyone in the decision making process today?
Organizational Plan (How will students and equipment be organized?):


Skills to be Taught / Teaching Cues
  1. Participation and Teamwork
  1. Make sure everyone is involved
  2. Create roles that allow everyone to experience a leadership or follower role
  3. Be positive with students and encourage them if they are having trouble finishing tasks

Closure: What challenges were presented to you in today’s activities? How did you overcome those challenges? What could you have done better in order to complete the tasks more quickly? How big of a role did teamwork play while completing the tasks? Next week we will be working on group communication.