Practice Exam: Go Until You See Stop

Practice Exam: Go Until You See Stop

Practice Exam: Go until you see stop

  1. Hydrolysis
  2. breaks molecules apart
  3. adds nitrogen to the molecule
  4. has no effect on molecules
  5. puts molecules back together
  1. Starch and cellulose are types of
  2. polysaccharides
  3. proteins
  4. lipids
  5. alcohols
  6. dissacharides
  1. Which 3 out of the 4 macromolecules can be polymers?
  2. carbohydrates
  3. proteins
  4. nucleic acids
  5. lipids
  1. The 4 steps of cellular respiration, do not include:
  2. Citric acid cycle
  3. Electron transport chain
  4. Glycolysis
  5. Transition reactions
  6. Glucose synthesis
  7. All of these are steps of cellular respiration
  1. Glucose, a ______Carbon sugar, breaks down into 2 ______during glycolysis.
  2. 3, ATP's
  3. 3, NADH's
  4. 6, ATP's
  5. 6, NADH's
  6. None of the above
  1. During ______hydrogen ions accumulate, against their concentration gradient, in the intermembrane space of the mitochondria.
  2. photosythesis
  3. b. cellular respiration in the mitochondria
  4. cellular respiration in the cytoplasm
  5. glycolysis
  1. In plant cells, the cell membrane can shrink while the cell wall remains in place, this is not:
  2. plasmolysis
  3. a hypertonic solution
  4. hypotonic solution
  1. The structural level of a protein in which alpha helixes are present in the
  2. Primary level
  3. Secondary level
  4. Tertiary level
  5. Quaternary level
  1. The ______of water gives rise to ______bonds which allow for it to have many unique characteristics.
  2. non-polarity, ionic
  3. polarity, ionic
  4. polarity, hydrogen
  5. non-polarity, hydrogen
  1. Active transport via the sodium potassium pump puts sodium.
  2. at a higher concentration in the cell than outside
  3. at a lower concentration in the cell that outside
  1. OH groups are meaning they the pH of a solution.
  2. acidic, increase
  3. acidic, decrease
  4. basic, increase
  5. basic, decrease
  1. A plasma membrane has a high percentage of saturated fatty acids. It is expected that this membrane will be ____ viscous (solid) than a membrane composed of unsaturated fatty acids.
  2. less
  3. more
  4. the same
  5. it's a trick question
  6. it depends
  1. Which of the following is an example of Active Transport?
  2. Diffusion up an ion’s electrochemical gradient
  3. Cotransport
  4. Facilitated diffusion
  5. All of the Above
  6. A & B only
  1. According to the fluid mosaic model of cellular membranes, which of the following is true?
  2. the phospholipid bilayer is in a semi-solid state
  3. phopholipids can diffuse laterally
  4. all proteins embedded in the membrane are held tightly in place
  5. None of the above
  1. A label on a food package reads 0 grams of trans fat. Trans fat is not:
  2. a stereo isomer
  3. a triglyceride
  4. a structural isomer
  5. a saturated fat
  6. an unsaturated fat
  7. A & D
  8. C & E
  1. An amino acid always contains
  2. a carboxyl group
  3. a sulfur
  4. an R group
  5. a phosphate group
  6. a & c
  1. If the concentration of K+ is higher inside a cell than outside the cell, transporting K+ out of the cell will require which two of the following
  2. Active transport
  3. Facilitated diffusion
  4. Passive transport
  5. Gated channel proteins
  1. Which helps move a plasma membrane protein? Hint. It could be any number of the following.
  1. ER
  2. Vesicles
  3. Golgi
  4. Lysosome
  5. Molecular motors
  6. Microfilaments
  1. An Enzyme speeds up an reaction by ______
  1. decreasing activation energy of a reaction.
  2. increase the ΔG of a reaction
  3. decrease the Δ G of a reaction
  4. increasing the activation energy of the reaction
  5. none of the above
  1. What of the following are not the product(s) of the citric acid cycle-
  2. CO2
  3. NAPH and FAPH2
  4. ATP
  5. H2O
  6. Oxygen

Stop here

Modified True or False Write T or F at each question and if false correct then make it true.

  1. ATP releases energy when the bond undergoes a dehydration reaction T F
  1. Delta G is negative when the products have less free energy that the reactants T F
  1. In the synthesis of ATP the products have less free energy that the reactants T F
  1. When a reaction is spontaneous Delta G is positive T F
  1. Oxidized NAD+ is highly energetic T F
  1. Oxidizing NADH will use 3 ATP to complete the reaction T F
  1. An enzyme releases free energy so a reaction can occur T F
  1. An enzyme creates free energy so a reaction occurs more quickly T F
  1. Mitochondria doesn't have which of the following:
  2. inner matrix b. adenosine triphosphate c. acetyl coA d. inner membrane e. guanine
  1. Mitochondria doesn't do which of the following.
  2. cellular respiration b. formation of energy intermediates c. breakdown of glucose d. glycolysis e. citric acid cycle
  1. Glycolysis requires CO2 T F
  1. Glycolysis requires phosphorus T F
  1. Changing the number of protons forms ions T F
  1. What are the products of glycolysis Check all that apply.
  2. ATP b. ADP c. NADH d. NAD- e. pyruvate f. glucose g. fructose-1,6-bisphosphate h. acetyl co A I. Water
  1. Electrons in the inner membrane of the mitochondria turn ATP synthase T F
  1. What is oxidative phosphorylation?

The production of ATP by E-transport, consuming oxygen in the process, and making ATP by putting protons in the inner membrane space, leading to an electrochemical gradient that drives a rotary protein machine called ATP synthase.

  1. Outer shell electrons are called______? Valence electrons
  1. Rank the polarity of the following. OH CH OC NO NH OH NH OC ON CH
  1. What is a kink in a fat? A double bond
  1. What is the difference between theory and hypothesis? A theory has been tested, a hypothesis has yet to be tested
  1. Is a hydrophobic substance polar or non-polar? Non-polar
  1. True or False. You can see proteins with a light microscope. F
  1. What type of bonds hold DNA together? Hydrogen bonds
  1. What is the difference between a solution and a solvent? Solvent is a single liquid of one molecule, and a solution is the solvent plus the solution
  1. Are glucose and fructose a structural or steroisomer? Structural
  1. Hydrophobic forces cause which protein structure? Tertiary structure
  1. The two types of electron microscopes are TSM and SEM? F
  1. Myosin is a molecular motor moving along an actin filament T F
  1. What does cholesterol do to membranes? Makes them more fluid
  1. 9) Membrane permeability is what for small uncharged molecules, ionic molecules, water, proteins, potassium, polar molecules, charged molecules, glucose, nonpolar molecules, hormones, macromolecules.

High, very low, medium, very low, very low, low – medium, very low, low, high, high, very low

Questions from the book publisher

  1. Ions with a net negative charge are called ______, while ions with a net positive charge are called ______
  2. electrons; protons
  3. anions; cations
  4. acids; bases
  5. cation; anions
  6. polar; nonpolar
  1. The bonds created between monosaccharides to form polysaccharides are known as ______and are formed by ______.
  2. hydrogen bonds; condensation reactions
  3. glycosidic bonds; hydrolysis
  4. hydrogen bonds; dehydration synthesis
  5. glycosidic bonds; dehydration synthesis