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"Every student can learn. Just not on the same day or in the same way"
Thinking flexibly?
It's coming up to that time of year again, exams and end of year reports. It is important to look out for your own as well as student's wellbeing during this time as stress and expectations can cause anxiety for some.
One thing that can help your students as well as you in your work during this time is to work on developingflexible and accurate thinkingstrategies.Our classroom resources provide practical tools you can use to develop flexible and accurate thinking!
Being resilient requires flexible and accurate thinking, seeing different perspectives. Someone who is resilient can come up with a variety of reasons for being successful in something. Flexible and accurate thinking allows multiple solutions to a problem, having a Plan B and C is vital to resilience.
Want to learn more about the 7 essential elements of resilience? Explore our Professional Development section.
/ In this issue
October 2013
- Practical Tools for wellbeing
- Resources mapped to YOUR curriculum!
- Friday Fives
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Practical Tools for wellbeing
To assit your flexible and accurate thinking, why not explore Smiling Mind as a useful tool to help you focus?
Smiling Mind is series of modern meditation activities in a unique web and App-based format. It’s been developed to complement existing mental health and wellbeing/pastoral care programs and complements the General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum.
This week Smiling Mind launched a new campaign to promote their FREE youth-friendly mindfullness meditation app (which we love)!
Find out more about the app!
Want to use Smiling Mind in your classroom? Head to our Practical Lesson Ideas section to find out how!
Resources mapped to YOUR curriculum!
Are you planning your classroom programs for 2014 and looking for new ideas, practical tools and evidence based resources around mental health and wellbeing, mapped to your curriculum?
This month we have launched our Education Curriculum section to assist you in mapping our Wellbeing@School resources specifically to your State/Territory Health and wellbeing curriculum.
Our current Wellbeing@School resources explore resilience, positive psychology, wellbeing and empathy.
Stay tuned for the launch of our newset addition to this series of resources in early 2014!
Friday Fives
By popular demand we provide our teachers with weekly five minute activities through our 'Friday Fives' links in our Practical Lesson Ideas section.
Friday Fives are five minute activities released each week for you to use in home group/pastoral care sessions or classrooms. Every Friday a new activity will be uploaded to the site.
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