Candidate name:
Student Group:
Unit[s] of competency:
/ Construct landscape features using concrete AHCLSC302AProjects:
Describe the nature and scope of the work project(s)observed (including size, location, type of work) /
Comments regarding candidate performance and experience
The candidate …(tick the correct response] / Yes No Not sure / Comments:
Can plan and prepare the construction work, specifically:
- Can interpret plans and specifications and check the materials required for the work
- Can select appropriate tools and equipment for the task
- Can identify OHS hazards, assess risks and implement controls
- Can identifyenvironmental implications of constructing concrete structures
- Reports to supervisor and asks questions appropriately
Can set out and prepare the site for the concrete construction, specifically:
- Can determine services and locate from site plans
- Can mark out the position of the structure or feature
- Can establish profiles that conform to the nominated tolerances
- Can prepare subsoil by removing all debris, vegetable matter and topsoil to provide a solid foundation for concrete
- Can install required drainage systems
- Can install form work to the site in a manner that will ensure it remains rigid during concrete pour
- Can put sub-base material in place and compact itto the required finished levels
- Can complete preparation of the site according to the type of structure or feature to be constructed
Can mix and pour concrete, specifically
- Can determine proportions for concrete mix according to the strength requirements of the project
- Can determine the volume of dry materials necessary to produce final concrete mix
- Can prepare concrete mix with required additives to required consistency.
- Can take concrete mix samples for testing, if required, to check for conformity to specifications.
- Can pour concrete to designated levels in a manner to avoid segregation of materials
- Can consolidate concrete using an approved vibration method to industry standard
Can finish concrete, specifically:
- Can screed concrete to a flat surface to maintain the desired finished level
- Can trowel surface and finish off concrete
Can check the quality of the work and clean up the site, specifically:
- Can inspect quality of finished works to ensure the finished structure or feature meets the design requirements
- Can remove form work and clean it for re-use
- Can remove all debris and dispose of it in a manner that minimises risk to the environment.
- Can clean all tools and equipment and store them.
General comments about level of achievement (tick any items that were observed)
Performance met industry standards / Performance exceeded standard to “credit” level / Performance exceeded standard to “distinction” level
Tasks completed within allotted time
Important aspects of tasks completed satisfactorily
Limited assistance required with tasks
Solved routine problems when they arose / Tasks completed ahead of allotted time
Important aspects of tasks completed to a high level, with few errors
Minimal assistance required with tasks
Demonstrated some initiative / Tasks completed well ahead of allotted time
All aspects of tasks completed to the highest level, with no errors
No assistance required with tasks
Demonstrated high level of initiative and problem-solving skills
Assessor’s comments
Signature: Date
Not satisfactorySatisfactoryCredit level Distinction level
Candidate’s comments
Candidate’s signature:Date:
TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute
Created: 18/02/2010
Version: 1.0 / Document1
Modified: 12/07/2012
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