Candidate name:



Student Group:



Unit[s] of competency:

/ Construct landscape features using concrete AHCLSC302A
Describe the nature and scope of the work project(s)observed (including size, location, type of work) /

Comments regarding candidate performance and experience
The candidate …(tick the correct response] / Yes No Not sure / Comments:
Can plan and prepare the construction work, specifically:
  • Can interpret plans and specifications and check the materials required for the work
  • Can select appropriate tools and equipment for the task
  • Can identify OHS hazards, assess risks and implement controls
  • Can identifyenvironmental implications of constructing concrete structures
  • Reports to supervisor and asks questions appropriately
/ 

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Can set out and prepare the site for the concrete construction, specifically:
  • Can determine services and locate from site plans
  • Can mark out the position of the structure or feature
  • Can establish profiles that conform to the nominated tolerances
  • Can prepare subsoil by removing all debris, vegetable matter and topsoil to provide a solid foundation for concrete
  • Can install required drainage systems
  • Can install form work to the site in a manner that will ensure it remains rigid during concrete pour
  • Can put sub-base material in place and compact itto the required finished levels
  • Can complete preparation of the site according to the type of structure or feature to be constructed
/ 

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Can mix and pour concrete, specifically
  • Can determine proportions for concrete mix according to the strength requirements of the project
  • Can determine the volume of dry materials necessary to produce final concrete mix
  • Can prepare concrete mix with required additives to required consistency.
  • Can take concrete mix samples for testing, if required, to check for conformity to specifications.
  • Can pour concrete to designated levels in a manner to avoid segregation of materials
  • Can consolidate concrete using an approved vibration method to industry standard
/ 

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Can finish concrete, specifically:
  • Can screed concrete to a flat surface to maintain the desired finished level
  • Can trowel surface and finish off concrete
/ 
 / 
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Can check the quality of the work and clean up the site, specifically:
  • Can inspect quality of finished works to ensure the finished structure or feature meets the design requirements
  • Can remove form work and clean it for re-use
  • Can remove all debris and dispose of it in a manner that minimises risk to the environment.
  • Can clean all tools and equipment and store them.
/ 

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General comments about level of achievement (tick any items that were observed)
Performance met industry standards / Performance exceeded standard to “credit” level / Performance exceeded standard to “distinction” level
Tasks completed within allotted time
Important aspects of tasks completed satisfactorily
Limited assistance required with tasks
Solved routine problems when they arose / Tasks completed ahead of allotted time
Important aspects of tasks completed to a high level, with few errors
Minimal assistance required with tasks
Demonstrated some initiative / Tasks completed well ahead of allotted time
All aspects of tasks completed to the highest level, with no errors
No assistance required with tasks
Demonstrated high level of initiative and problem-solving skills
Assessor’s comments
Signature: Date
 Not satisfactorySatisfactoryCredit level Distinction level
Candidate’s comments
Candidate’s signature:Date:
TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute
Created: 18/02/2010
Version: 1.0 / Document1
Modified: 12/07/2012
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