PPG Meeting held on Wednesday 25 January 2017

Attendees: Peter Irving (Chairman), Margaret Buddin, Janet Charlton, Jean Cowing, Brewis Henderson, Ann Hewins, Dorothy Laverick, Ken Laverick, Lynn Nott, Maureen Petty, Richard Pratt, Denise Simpson (Practice Manager) Dorothy Winter

Apologies: Jean Anderson, Lynn Blair, Katie Elliott, Sheila Hart, Sandra Whitfield, Elizabeth Straughan.

In addition Margaret Winter had responded to say that she did not

Want to be a member of the PPG.

Minutes of the last meeting: Approved

Peter gave a thanks to everyone for attending. Peter particularly welcome the new members to the PPG and said that he was delighted that we had received such a positive response. He hoped that they would feel able to participate fully and ask questions if unsure.

Peter covered the ground rules which had previously been adopted by the PPG and emphasised that in the interests of everyone they should be followed. Whilst he was keen for everyone to have their say it was not the forum for individuals to bring their own issues to the meeting. It was important to have open and honest communication and, whilst adhering to the ground rules all views were valid. The Ground rules are outlined below.

Ground Rules for Patient Participation Group

1. This meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues

2. Open & honest communication

3. Be flexible, listen, ask for help & support each other

4. Demonstrate a commitment to delivering results, as a group

5. Silence indicates agreement – speak up but always go through the Chair!

6. All views are valid and will be listened to

7. No phones or other disruptions

8. Start & finish on time, stick to the agenda.

Peter confirmed that the subject of the meeting was to cover the feedback received from the plan an open day. Peter checked that everyone had received the information prior to attending the meeting. Peter thanked Dorothy Winter for the preparation of all of the material and Dorothy Winter and Ken Laverick for the distribution. Peter also thanked the staff, nurses and Doctors at North House Surgery for their support. Dorothy also wanted to place on record her thanks to Carl for spending about 2 hours with her taking her through the on line system, this proved to be extremely useful.

The Open Day had some key messages in mind along the lines of how we can get the best out of the surgery

The items to cover were identified as being:

·  Promotion of the PPG –can you make a difference

·  Non-attenders for appointments together with a questionnaire to patients as to suggestions they may have as to what can be done.

·  Promotion of on line prescriptions and appointments

·  Other services available to patients

·  The cost of paracetamol to the Surgery

It had been agreed that the open day would be followed up by feedback along the lines of “you said” “we did”.

Feedback from the Open Day:

A report had been prepared prior to the meeting and had been circulated

With the following recommendations for consideration and decisions made:

1. That the 21 people who wanted to be involved in the PPG be invited to attend the next meeting. This was done prior to the meeting

2. That consideration is given to organising an evening event from say 4 00pm to 7 pm along the same lines as the Open Day specifically targeting patients who were unable to attend on 10 January and are in training or employment. Agreed the Open evening will be held on Wednesday 22 February between 4pm and 7 pm

3. That an evening PPG meeting is held every 3 months The next PPG meeting will be held on Tuesday 28 February at 6 00pm

4. That the PPG provide updates on the North House Surgery website. This was agreed

5. That the PPG send a briefing to the Northern Echo after each meeting highlighting key points especially DNAs. Done although nothing has been published as yet.

6. That the North House Surgery website is updated to include the minutes of recent meetings. This was agreed

7. That the drive to register more patients online continues. Agreed this will take place on the Open evening and on a regular basis in the surgery by a PPG member. Richard will promote this facility both online and in the schools. Richard said it would be useful that when they have coffee mornings at school which parents and patients attend a PPG members(s) could be invited to discuss any suggestions / issues that parents have.

8. The PPG reaches agreement with the Practice Manager on dealing with repeat DNA offenders. Agreed

9. The PPG is proactive in supporting the North House Surgery in striving for Continuous Improvement. Agreed and discussions will continue as to how.

10. The PPG reviews its constitution and terms of reference with governance. Agreed. It is hoped that these will be available for consideration for the next meeting.

11. The PPG organise an AGM. Agreed this will be organised/ arranged at the next meeting.

12. That the suggestions made by patients are considered by the PPG and Practice with responses provided. Agreed

It was agreed that following the Open Evening event Richard would work with Dorothy to produce some feedback to Patients along the lines of

You said ……we did.

A number of patients had asked why online appointments cannot be booked with the nurses. Denise explained that this is due to the different times required to deal with different matters e.g. a blood test compared to a smear and also that different nurses had different skills as to procedures they could and could not do. It was something the surgery was looking in to.

Questions around what to do with regard to non-attenders.

A discussion took place regarding this

Should it be 3 times missed and then told that any further misses within a period of time and they will be removed from the list? This view was expressed in a variety of ways however if was felt that this may not be a practical way forward. Denise stressed that all non-attenders are followed up to try to ascertain the reasons. A lot of the missed appointments were from people who had booked the appointment that day so it was difficult to see that a text beforehand would solve the situation.

Making non-attenders come and sit and wait for an appointment could be seen to be rewarding poor behaviour as well as potentially creating a conflict situation for staff to have to deal with.

Moving to a no appointment system was not considered to be viable and potentially could cause even more difficulties for patients who work.

Denise did confirm that if a Dr asks to see a patient in say 3 weeks’ time the Dr did have the facility to ensure an appointment was available, he can do this by giving a slip of paper to be taken to reception to ensure an appointment is made. Denise had reminded the Drs of this as she knew this had been raised as an issue by patients a number of times. Denise will ensure that the Drs receive another reminder.

It was agreed that further promotions of the number of people who do not attend appointments was appropriate. A poster with:

Are you a patient at North House Surgery?

Did you miss an appointment recently?

In (Month) (Number) appointments were missed.

Because of you in (Month) (number) patients could not see a Doctor when they needed to.

It was also felt to be appropriate that for repeat DNAs the following be part of a letter along the lines of:

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) are working hard to reduce the number of patients who do not attend for their appointment. Could you please either contact the surgery to arrange to meet with a PPG member or complete the attached form as to why you were unable to attend your appointment. Your help is very much appreciated.

Feedback from Denise Good news for the Surgery in 2017

We will have a new practice nurse Rhonda

Dr Hardman Who came to us as a Registrar is coming back in the New Year as a salaried GP and hopefully become a partner in July

Dr Nwudoh is joining as a partner in April 2017. Dr NWUDOH (pronounced noodoh); has had locum positions in a number of surgeries and she has specifically chosen to come to North House Surgery.

Our Physio service has a good reputation and the Surgery were looking to provide their own service however the CCG have put a paper together looking to have 3 hubs Crook Bishop Auckland and probably Stanhope. Looking at making a bid to run a hub.

An apprentice Kieron has started work at North House Surgery which is good news and we wish him well.

17 February 2017 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be at North House Surgery to follow up on their last inspection and report. Denise would like a PPG presence at the Surgery if possible. A number of members of the PPG said they would make themselves available. Jean, Maureen, Dorothy, Ken Laverick, Dorothy Laverick, Peter and Dorothy Winter if needed. Denise will advise.

The North House Surgery sees over 6000 patients each month

From April 2017 Stanhope will be the hub for appointments between 6 and 8 each evening and at weekends.

A reminder was given that out of hours the telephone number 111 should be the point of contact for advice in a non-emergency situation, if it was thought to be appropriate they had the ability to book an appointment at the surgery for the following day.

Brewis gave his thoughts on whether an Induction with him for new members of the PPG would be worthwhile to provide background to the Health Service and the way in which the PPG fits into everything. After a discussion it was thought to be worthwhile if Brewis circulates material to the new members and if appropriate they could meet and discuss any queries they may have.


The cost of Paracetamol prescribing in the surgery and our pharmacist informs me that in the month of October we used £2,085 of our surgery budget on paracetamol, but this total did not include soluble tablets, suppositories or liquid paracetamol. Apparently this figure has come down since October 2015 when we spent about £2,500. However, this is a monthly figure so if you multiply it by 12 it comes to £25,000 for ordinary paracetamol alone.

£844,000 was spent on paracetamol in North Durham alone in the last year;

East Suffolk spent 1million – this could have been spent on 39 community nurses/100 cataract operations/270 hip replacements;

Between 2004 and 2014 the prescribing of paracetamol items rose by 10.8 million in England.

Key Dates:

17 February 2017 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be at North House Surgery to follow up on their last inspection and report. Denise would like a PPG presence at the Surgery if possible.

22 February 2017 An Open Evening will be held between 4 pm and 7 pm to target the patients and their families who were at work when the Open Day was held.

28 February 2017 the next North House Surgery PPG at 6 00pm