PPA Navigation Guide 2013-2014

  1. Choose the teacher from “Forms by Teacher” screen
  2. Select PPA from the “Start a New Form” drop down and click the “Create” button

  1. Once the form is opened check off ALL of the “Focus areas to be developed”
  2. Then select the first Focus area you wish the teacher to work on from the drop down (this should be in the list of checked items from the first section)

  1. Once you have chosen your first focus area you want the teacher to concentrate on, complete the next sections of the focus area:
  2. Professional Development Target
  3. Expected Impact on Teacher/Student Behavior/Performance or Community/Environment
  4. Professional Development Activity
  5. Actions for Implementing Professional Development Activities (Note:For each action step, fill in the below fields and then click the “Add action step” button. The fields are just for data entry and will NOT be saved to the form unless you click the “Add action step” button.) (Multiple action steps may be added)
  6. Action Step
  7. Support to achieve action steps
  8. Appraiser notes on completion of action
  9. Status of action step
  10. Check in date

  1. If you need to edit or delete an action step after it has been added, use the hyperlinks to the right of the action step you wish to edit or delete. The hyperlinks are identified here via the red arrows below.

  1. To add an additional focus area you wish to have the teacher to work on (maximum of 3), click the “Add Focus Area” link and then repeat the process Steps 4 – 6. (Refer to page 3)
  1. Once you have completed filling out the PPA, you have the option of sending it to the teacher for review prior to the conference if so desired. (Note: Once a PPA is initially sent to a teacher, the teachers IPDP will be placed on HOLD and will not be editable by the teacher, or if one has not yet been created the “Create IPDP Form” button for the teacher will be disabled.)

  1. Once you hold the conference fill in the Conference section of the PPA. (Note: You CAN NOT forward date the conference.The system will only allow you to put in the current date or back date the conference). If you have already sent the form to the teacher and the teacher has not yet clicked “Acknowledge”, you just need to click “Save”. (Note the teacher will not get notified again in this scenario that the form is available for review because you have already sent it to them.) If you did not send the form to the teacher for review, you will click the “Send to Teacher” button.

  1. After the initial conference, the form is a LIVING document and can be edited. When edits are made,the form must be resent to the teacher for acknowledgment. Once you have completed the PPA process with the teacher and the teacher has completed all the focus areas on the PPA, the PPA can be marked as “COMPLETE”. The “COMPLETE” button will only be active if the teacher has acknowledged any edits. Clicking the “Complete” button will mark the form as COMPLETE and LOCK it from any more edits, as well as reopen the teachers IPDP for editing.
  1. Note: If a PPA is started and NEVER sent to the teacher (still in “IN PROGRESS”), the PPA can be deleted from the appraisers landing page using one of the delete buttons.

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10/20/2018 4:50 PM