PP-3D Parma PLC 3D Team Presentation

Introductions By: Ava, Jaylee, Liz and Taylor


What we learned and are still learning

Most important we are learning to work together and listen to each other

  1. Learning to understand each other’s thoughts and plan and let them explain.
  2. Learn to not get frustrated or mad

What we chose as our project

  1. We decided to build a dog’s wheelchair because Mrs. Faust brought in a picture of Mr. Ballou’s dog. We had to help him.
  2. Why we chose to help. (Show pictures of the dog and talk about his problems.
  3. What is wrong with him
  4. We had to work together get pictures, take video (although we did not include that we filmed because we did not have time to edit the videos for our powerpoint)


What it took to accomplish our 3D project.

1: Tinker Cad required our parents to sign (most kids did not know their e-mail this took like 3 weeks

2:Then we had to get new computers to make them run.

3: We had a hard time learning how to make the 3-d printers do what we were learning or even print

4: The 3d printer didn’t work we had a hard time getting the Tinker cad to save what we tried to do.

5: The plastic string got messed up-We didn’t know temperature mattered.

6. We had problems understanding how to build a 3D object. (Its super hard)

7. It took forever for us to realize we had to print one piece of our design at a time.

8. We were frustrated that prints did not work

9. We had problems learning how to print the objects.

10. Along the way we were faced with many problems that were so frustrating

12. We had problems because we were not always here (lots of people were sick) or others decided to quit on our project, we had to miss out on cooking, drumming, gardening, and other classes to get 3-D figured out.


  1. Some of our overwhelming problems included



Understanding how to Learn 3-D

Learning to redo and not get mad

Taking instruction from Maria, Shane and Norman and understanding what they were talking about.

  1. Shane, a high school student, helped us learn how to make the separate items to build our project. vs thinking we could print the whole thing at once!
  2. We learned many things from Shane such as, different ideas, how to build certain objects and how to print our designs.

How to trim with a knife and resize again

  1. Most of the students in 3D class quit. Even though things got hard, we were chose to finish.


  1. Shane taught us how to use a knife to TRIM PRINTS to resize before remodelling and printing again
  2. We learned we needed a USB cable for data transfers.
  3. New Changes: We have decided that our model has to be 4 wheeled for both front and back so that the wheel chair supports itself and puts less strain on the dogs back

4 .We learned that supports are part of CODE and we have to learn to print the supports so parts are not stringy,

5: we also learned that glue helps keep things stuck nit they are really hard to get off the print base too!

6: We learned that nothing really works most of the time.

7: We learned that over EXTRUSION causes the bubbly and filament problems

8: We learned that we have to PRINT parts separate from our final project. That we cannot put the whole picture on the printer to print.

9: We learned that we have a lot to change and a lot more to do to make our model work like we want it to work.


  1. Where we are going from here.
  2. What we had to do and learn from our mistakes.
  3. Continued to learn new and exciting designs.
  4. We had many struggles that led to frustration.
  5. Ran out of some ideas and designs.
  6. Problems did not stop us from being a success.
  7. We influenced the rest of our class to want to learn about 3D printing.