Power Systems Exchange (PEX) Request Pricing Form
Complete for each p570 to POWER6 570 System
This form is divided into 5 sections.
Section1 needs to be completed by the IBM Seller or the Business Partner.
Section 2 needs to be completed by the Power Systems Pricer.
Section 3 needs to be completed by the IGF Deal Structurer.
Section 4 details the process the IBM Seller or the Business Partner will need to follow to obtain the price for the Power Systems Exchange Offering.
Section 5 details the Power Systems Exchange ordering process.
Section 1: To be completed by IBM Seller or Business Partner
Power Systems Specialist Name: ______
Business Partner Name (if sold through the channel): ______
Business Partner Contact information______(email/phone number)
Power Systems Pricer Name: ______
IGF FSE Name : ______
Customer (End User) Name: ______
Customer #: ______
ePricer Bid #: New System ______
MES ______
Installed Systems:
Type ModelSerial # Estimated Book Value** Estimated CurrentMonthly Expense****
______$______$______(add lines as needed)
Base owned by: Customer: ___ IGF: ___ Other: ___
** Book Value Estimate of Base Machine if Customer Owned
**** Estimated Current Monthly Depreciation (if owned) or IGF Lease payments
Mach Type Model / New System / MES Equivalent9117-MMA / List Price / $ / $
Requested / Net Price / $ / $
End-UserState: ______
End-User Sales Tax Rate: ______(State entities, sales tax factor does not apply)
Target Return date (ready for pickup) of the replaced systems : ______
Section 2: To be completed by Power Systems Pricer
Power Systems Pricer Name: ______
“From” Processor Machine Type: ______
“To” Processor Machine Type: ______
Warranty Value (New – MES for 12 Months) $ ______
Mach Type Model / New System / MES Equivalent9117-MMA / List Price / $ / $
Approved / Net Price / $ / $
Analyze the Brand GP based on:
Revenue = PEX price to Customer
Cost = Net new system cost from ePricer + PEX Value (next page)+ RBD Est
Section 3: To be completed by IGF Deal Structurer for PEX’s involving leased assets
(If the current system is owned by the customer, forward to IGF GARS Trader“Corey Smith ” instead of IGF Deal Structurer)
Deal Structurer Name: ______
Required Termination Charge/DEAC : $ ______
DEAC/ETERM Quote #:______Effective Date: ______
PEX price to customer: $ ______= (NET p6 MES price + PEX Value)
Revenue Adjustment Amount*: $______0______no TIP adjustment for POWER Systems
Estimated IBM Total Revenue (Selling Price less Rev. Adj.)*: $ ______
Estimatedd FMV of p4 or p5: $ ______(PEX Value - added cost to POWER 6 for
Power Systems Pricer GP Analysis)
Rate Buy Down: $ ______(programmatic + special bid)
*This number is provided as an estimate only.
If financing is required, IGF Deal Structurer above has determined that the resultant lease is:
Operating: ______Capital: ______
For Deal Structurers use only:
Blex Q# ______T Q#______PEX (NLSE) Q# ______
Section 4: Process to obtain Power Systems Exchange Pricing
The following tasks need to be performed before you make this offer to your customer:
1. IBM Seller or Business Partner completes Section 1 and forwards to the IGF GARSTraderfor review and
- Send to GARS Trader: Corey Smith (914)765-5612
- Copy to: Bruce Wellington
- Attach eConfiguration with list price and standard discount. Price not to be revealed to customer.
2. GARS reviews then forwards form to IGF FSE for Lease Economic input.
2a. IGF FSE submits appropriate IGF lease quotes (NLSE, BLEX, Eterm) and forwards this PEX form to IGF Deal Structurer. NLSE quote MUST include partner uplift if applicable.
2b. IGF Deal Structurer completes Section 3, builds the PEX rents and PEX purchase price financed (PPF) and secures IGF Accounting approval and lease classification.
3. IGF GARS Trader updates PEX Spreadsheet and forwards to Power Systems Pricer for review and approvals
4. Power Systems Pricer provides approval confirmation to IGF and IBM Seller/Business Partner or notifies
request has been rejected.
Section 5: Power Systems Exchange Order Processing Information
1.The replacement system should be ordered as a net new system with the following:
- Add Feature Code 9993 Qty (1) (renovated by IBM).
1a. Send confirming note with Plant Order numbers to: Corey Smith
The serial number of the replacement processor will be different than the serial number of the
replaced processor.
1b. Orders must be entered in Final Configuration. Alterations or Cancel/Reorder are not permitted for PEX.
Should there be a hard requirement for a configuration change, you must contact your Power Systems
Rep prior to making any changes via eConfiguration.
2. The price of the PEXhardware includes one year of maintenance on the base box to reflect the fact that the
customer will have a full one year warranty on the replacement processor.
3. The customer is responsible for any sales tax obligations stemming from use of this offer. No general rule
exists which adequately covers this issue.
4. The customer agrees in writing to return the replaced system to IBM Global Financing by the date indicated
on the IBM Credit Corporation Supplement for Termination of Lease/Prepayment of Financing (if leased by
IGF) or the IBM Credit Corporation Purchase Agreement (if customer owned). Any exceptions require prior
IGF approval. Failure to return the replacement box by the agreed upon date will result in a rescission of the
IGF Supplement for Termination of Lease/Prepayment of Financing or the Purchase Agreement.
5. Administratively, the replaced system should be returned to IGF per the terms of the Purchase Agreement or
Supplement for Termination of Lease/Prepayment of Financing.
5a.The customer must sign the appropriate IBM Credit Corporation Purchase Agreement or Supplement
for Termination of Lease/Prepayment of Financing for a PEX.
5b. The customer is responsible for the deinstallation and packing costs of the base machine. COS/SOW
costs can be direct billed, or financed through IGF. This can be incorporated into a TSP/PSO, or
standalone. The SSR must be included in the work effort to develop this cost. (end-of–leaseguidelines)
6.The complete System p should be placed in a 4X status on PMINQ before it is returned.
7. An MSQ inspection MUST be performed on the replaced p box if not on IBM maintenance. A copy of the the
completed MSQ documentation should be returned with the box.
8. After the box is packed up and ready to be returned to RochesterMN, it should be marked " PEX " in large
red letters.
9. McCollisters Movers should be contacted to arrange for pickup and return of the box to Rochester, Mn.
Please identify the return machine as a “PEX”. McCollisters can be reached at 800-257-9595. Customer may
alternatively choose their own carrier of choice. Customer is responsible for shipping costs.