1530 Cooledge Road

Tucker, GA 30084



The Industry Education Recruitment Fund supports student recruitment at colleges and universities that encourage careers in the poultry industry. Any institution of higher education in the United States that offers an identifiable poultry program or can show plausible ways of connecting students with the poultry industry is eligible to apply for a recruitment grant of up to $7,000. If your school offers a poultry science minor, you may be eligible for up to $3,000 in additional funding, pending Board approval.

Procedures for Applying for Recruitment Grants

Institutions may apply for this recruiting gift by completing the form and submitting via email to or via hard mail to the USPOULTRY Foundation by August 15. Please try to be as specific as possible in completing this form. The funds may not be used for scholarship or direct stipends to students. A committee of university professionals will review funding requests and make recommendations to the Foundation Board of Directors. The number of proposals accepted each year varies depending on need.


1530 cooledge road

tucker, ga 30084


Fax: 770.493.9257


request for student recruitment funds

Name of Institution: ______

Address: ______

Contact: ______Telephone: ______

Fax: ______E-mail: ______

Please check: 4-Year Institution 2-Year Institution

Does your school offer a poultry science minor? Yes No

If so, you may be eligible for to $3,000 in additional funding, pending Board approval.

I.Briefly describe how your program is organized and administered at your institution.

II.Describe Need/Purpose of Requested Funds: (Attach separate sheet if necessary)

III.Anticipated Use of Funds -- Include a Detailed Budget: (Be as specific as possible. Not to be used for scholarships or direct stipends.)

Total Funding Amount Requested: $______

IV.Number of Students Enrolled in Your Program: ______

V.Number of Faculty Involved in Teaching Program Courses: ______

VI.Number of Poultry Courses (if applicable) Taught Last Year: ______

VII.Number (Per Year) of Program Participants for Past Three Years:

Year:______ #______Year:______#______Year:______#______

VIII.Placement of Graduates: (List names of companies employing former students, if known)

IX.If two-year school, list how many students you have placed at a four-year school. (Include the school names.)

X.If you are awarded funds, to whom should the check be made payable? Must include a Form W-9 along with your application. The payable to and the W-9 Form name must match.
