Misterton Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd January, 2013.
in the WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton starting at 6.30pm.
Present: Mr D Welch (Chairman) Mrs C Newbery Mrs D Bradly
Mr R Jeffreys Mr G White Mr R Heyd-Smith Mr S Eade
In the absence of the Clerk, the Minutes were taken by Mr. Jeffreys.
No Parishioners present.
Apologies: Mrs C Walker; Mrs A Singleton; Mr J Dyke; Miss C Langford.
12/13-127: Declarations of Interest and to receive any written requests for DPI dispensations: Mr. White in respect of the Village Hall. All members present lodged requests for DPI dispensation in regard to the precept.
12/13-128: Minutes of the meeting held on 12 December had been circulated, were agreed to be a correct record of the proceedings and were signed by the Chairman.
12/13-129: Matters arising: None.
12/13-130: District Councillor’s Report: None.
12/13-131: County Councillor’s Report: None.
12/13-132: Highways:
i) The incident at the corner of Middle Street and Church Lane has been reported to Highways but no response as yet. Members variously suggested the imposition of a crash barrier; the creation of an HGV kerb; and the repositioning of the “right-hand bend” sign to prevent this occurring again. It was agreed that an email should be sent to Highways to encourage action.
ii) SIDS – It was reported that the two sites in Station Road and the one on School Hill were acceptable and it was agreed that this should go ahead.
iii) It was noted that no progress whatsoever appeared to have been made in regard to the bus stops or the parking restrictions. It was agreed an email should be sent regarding this.
12/13-133: Planning:
i) It was noted that the site for the wind turbine at Highlands Dairy at Hewish had been visited. This Council had no objections.
ii) It was noted that the application for planning permission for the MUGA had been granted.
iii) It was noted that the applicant at “In the Dog House” had lodge an appeal against refusal for retrospective planning permission.
12/13-134: Finance: the Chairman apologised that the finance report had not been circulated.
i) The following payments were presented-
Ash Tree – R. Smith £
To note Vodafone DD (mobile dongle) £38.16
G. White for chemical weed killing £15.00
WI Hall hire £80.50
ii) The following monies received were noted-
£1000.00 from SCC Health & Wellbeing Fund for the MUGA.
iii) The Chairman reported on and summarised a meeting which had taken place that morning at the offices of SSDC in regard to clarifying the setting of the precept for the coming year. He advised that Misterton will receive a grant of £1080.00 from SSDC and it was confirmed that Parish and Town Council Precepts would not be capped this year. However, it was likely that, in other years, the grant would be less or non-existent and that precepts would be capped. The Chairman produced the options for the precept which he had prepared and these were considered and discussed. A motion that Misterton Parish Council accept Option 1, moved by Mrs. Bradley, seconded by Mr. White, was approved unanimously, so setting the precept at £12723.68 compared to the anticipated spend in 2012/13 of £12546.00.
12/13-135: Recreation Field & Play Area:
i) the inspection report to hand was noted; no action required. Mrs. Bradley reported difficulties in inspecting due to lying snow. It was noted that the recently treated moss was now dying. It was noted also that some of the swings were showing signs of cracking. It was wondered whether the Secretary could enquire as to alternative materials/manufacturers. Repainting of the slide was considered and Mr. White agreed to look into that matter. It was agreed that the reserves for the playground need building up.
ii) MUGA – Mr. Ian Rowland was due to attend later to present a report to the Meeting. It was noted that thirteen persons attended the MUGA open evening. The Chairman reported that, as yet, there was still no confirmation from Adrian Noon that the balance of the monies for the project could be used towards maintenance. Bingo events were a possibility for producing funds for the maintenance aspect but it was noted that there were a lot of bingo events going on at the Village Hall, the majority of which seemed to be for causes outside the Village.
12/13-136: Chairman’s Report: It was noted that the deadline for publication in the Village Magazine this month had passed.
12/13-137: Correspondence:
i) David Laws MP, noted.
ii) Broadwindsor Parish Council regarding state of Knowle Lane following a terse telephone call from the Clerk to that Council to our Chairman. No response has been made as yet.
iii) an issue over the footpath between Packers Lane and Silver Street has already been resolved by Mr. White.
12/13-137: Reports from Outside Bodies: None.
12/13-138: Hi-Viz Vests: The Chairman suggested that, for the greater safety of Members when out on duties involving a presence on the Village streets, high visibility vests should be worn. It was agreed that half a dozen such vests, size XXL, unmarked, should be obtained by the Chairman at a total cost not exceeding twenty-five pounds (£25.00).
12/13-139: Village Hall Lease: The Chairman reported that there had been neither payment of rent in regard to the Village Hall, nor presentation of accounts as required. Mr. Jeffreys said that the Trustees were not in strict breach of payment of rent unless a demand had been made and not met but that accounts should be produced nevertheless, plus evidence that the name of the Parish Council appeared jointly with the Trustees on the Insurance policy. It was agreed that an appropriate letter should be drafted by the Chairman and Mr. Jeffreys jointly and sent to the Trustees. Mr. White suggested that a similar letter should be sent to the Tennis Club to ensure compliance with their lease too.
12/13-140: Cemetery Chapel:
i) Mr. Jeffreys reported that there were problems in regard to the charges by Sun Traffic Signals Ltd. for the provision of traffic lights for the recent works on the cemetery wall. The quote in November by Sun Traffic to the contractor had been on the basis that the lights would be in use throughout the contract period but, in the event, Highways only allowed them during working hours. As a result and for reasons unexplained, Sun Traffic had inflated their charges for this from £110.00 to a daily rate of £335.00, claiming they had advised the contractor of the change on 28th December. The contractor had been asked to submit his final bill in time for tonight’s Meeting but had not done so; nor had he commented on the allegation of Sun Traffic as to notification of change of terms. It was agreed to leave matters as to payment of the bill to the next meeting.
ii) It was noted that the frame for rubbish was missing. It was agreed that £100.00 should be provided as a budget for the purchase of a new one and consideration be given to cementing it in.
12/13-141: Confidential Item 1: The Chairman reported that he was in contact with Mr. Laws over this issue.
12/13-142: Confidential Item 2: The discussion included coverage of action taken and responses awaited.
12/13-143: MUGA (2): In the absence of Mr. Ian Rowland, the Chairman telephoned him for a report which was relayed to the Members by loudspeaker. An estimate for the electricity supply was awaited. He thought they might be able to start work in March or April so that the MUGA would be finished before the Fete and anticipated that it was likely to come in under budget with the balance to be used for maintenance. He estimated the cost at between eighty-five and ninety thousand pounds but probably closer to the higher figure. He thought the final decision could be made by mid-February and would have the final figure for the Council by the date of the next Meeting, which he agreed to attend at 7.30pm. He was asked to produce all the documentation relating to the bids ahead of the Meeting in order to save time at the Meeting.
Date of next meeting; Tuesday 19th February, 2013.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.48pm.
Christine Langford - Parish Clerk - January 2013 1 of 3