Postoperative instructions for hand surgery patients


Following your recent operation, the hand has been bandaged with wool and crepe bandages. The dressing minimises the swelling and makes you feel more comfortable as the wound is protected. The bandage should remain intact and dry for 4-5 days. Your hand should be elevated, especially in the first 48 hours, in such a way that the wrist is above elbow level. A sling will be useful to achieve this during the daytime, but at night elevating the hand on pillows can be useful. Please remember not to keep the hand hanging down.


You may experience some pain/discomfort once the local anaesthetic has worn off(most commonly 4-6 hours after the operation). Do take the painkillers that are prescribed if this is the case, but many patients say this is seldom required.


Remember to move your fingers, elbow and shoulder joints in order to prevent stiffness.

Try the following finger exercises as SOON as possible

Straightening the fingers completely

Making a claw and then a fist with fingers

Spreading the fingers as wide as possible

Touch each of your fingertips with the tip of your thumb


For the first 5 days showering with a plastic bag or rubber glove over the hand protects the dressing. After 5 days you may remove all the dressings and apply a self -adhesive dressing over the operated area if the one from the operation has lifted off. In the first week the wound is usually slightly bruised and swollen, but there should not be marked redness or tenderness indication infection. At no time after surgery should your fingers become numb, cold or discoloured. If you experience any of the above please contact me.

Do not worry if the wound gets slightly wet in the shower, just dry the area and reapply the dressing. If your hand has been immobilised in plaster please leave the dressings intact and keep dry until you are seen in clinic. The hand therapist will provide a lighter and easier to manage thermoplastic splint as soon as possible (at approximately 2 weeks).

The timing of your return to work is variable according to your occupation.


Your wound should heal within 12-14 days. If you have non-absorbable sutures (non-dissolving sutures) then these will be removed at approximately 10 days.

Although the wound heals within the first 2 weeks of surgery, the scar continues to change for up to 6-8 months. In the first 6 weeks it is often pink/red, firm and tender. This is normal and regular use of moisturising cream or oil and scar massage may speed up scar maturation and your recovery. Scar washing (soap and water) and moisturising is encouraged as soon as the wound has healed


If you have regained full movement and are reasonably comfortable without the bandages, you may drive a car after 1 week.

You should NOT drive whilst your hand is banged or splinted.