Advice to Applicants Postgraduate Scholarship December 2017
Information on Applying for Postgraduate Scholarships
(W & B Miller Scholarship & Gillespie Scholarship)
The scholarships are intended to provide personal support for graduate students whose proposed programme of research for a higher degree, usually a PhD, is in the field of neuroscience. The scholarships are intended for graduate researchers pursuing a career in the neurosciences.
Mental health Research. The Neurological Foundation will accept applications designed to further the knowledge and treatment of primary neuropsychiatric or neuropsychological disorders, as long as the research takes a mechanistic approach to discovering or treating a component of the disorder that might be due to an underlying neurological problem. Applications which deal only with the clinical management of mental health disorders will not be considered.
To apply for this scholarship, graduate students should be eligible to be enrolled full-time in an approved PhD course at a New Zealand University. Applicants should be New Zealand citizens or non-New Zealand citizens with New Zealand residency at the time of application. Application may be made in advance of enrolment, on the understanding that an award would be conditional on the successful enrolment in a PhD.
The application must be made by the student together with their supervisor through the Head of the Department where the student is to study. Forms available from the Foundation set out the information needed. Electronic application forms can be obtained from the Foundationwebsite A confidential report from the supervisor and one other person familiar with the applicant's academic record may be required. An interview will be arranged between the applicantand representatives of the Foundation and its Scientific Advisory Committee.
Candidates who already have a full PhD stipend are not eligible to apply.
Conditions of Tenure
The scholarships are tenable within departments of universities in New Zealand but, in exceptional circumstance, it is possible that part of the project could be carried out at an overseas institution. The suitability of the proposed department and research supervisor is taken into consideration when applications are reviewed. A scholar may not hold other regular paid employment without the express permission of the Foundation. Normally this permission will be given in respect of teaching and demonstrating duties which have the approval of the research supervisor. Other forms of award (scholarships, bursaries, etc.) may be held in conjunction with a Postgraduate Scholarship only if the permission of the Foundation has been obtained. The Foundation will use its discretion in determining conditions for co-tenure with other awards and may decide to reduce the value of the Postgraduate Scholarship in such cases.
All scholars are required to submit an annual report to the Foundation. They are also required to submit a final report within one month of submitting their thesis. Additional scientific reports may be required by the Foundation from time to time.
Duration of Tenure
In no case will the duration of a Postgraduate Scholarship exceed the equivalent of three years' full-time study.
Any scholar who publishes the results of work performed during the tenure of a Postgraduate Scholarship is required to acknowledge the assistance received by stating, "the research was conducted during the tenure of a W & B Miller (or Gillespie) Postgraduate Scholarship from the New Zealand Neurological Foundation". Such publications must have the approval of the supervisor.
The Foundation may, in its discretion for what is considered grave cause, suspend the tenure of a Postgraduate Scholarship for such time as is thought fit, or deprive a scholar of their scholarship. From that date the emoluments or other payments due shall cease.
The value of scholarships will be determined from time to time by the Foundation. As of December 2017, the stipend is $30,000 per annum plus University fees and working expenses of $5,000. The Foundation expects that additional costs of the research undertaken by Postgraduate Scholars will be borne by the host institution.
Completion of Applications
The closing date for applications is October 1st each year. An original containing signatures and15 double sidedcopies are required. In addition, please submit an electronic copy of the form in MS Word (not a PDF) to . Details of subjects studied, and grades obtained to date should be attached to the application form. Postgraduate Scholarships are personal awards and emphasis will be placed on the candidate and their potential to develop during the period of the scholarship. The research project itself is clearly important and sufficient detail needs to be provided to demonstrate the intrinsic value of the project. The format for this part of the proposal is stated on the application form and should include a description of the applicant's research interests, reasons for choosing the particular supervisor or Department and a structured outline of the proposed project.
All applicants who meet the criteria for a Scholarship will be interviewed in Auckland. The Foundation pays travel expenses for those applicants who are not in Auckland.
Dr Douglas Ormrod
Research Manager
Neurological Foundation of New Zealand
PO Box 110022, Auckland Hospital, Auckland 1148
(66 Grafton Road, Auckland 1010 – for courier)
Ph: [64 9] 309 7749