University of Worcester Career Entry Profile (UWCEP)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE – Primary
Purpose and use of UWCEP: Take a copy of your UWCEP to your first teaching post. UWCEP forms part of the transition process as you progress from trainee to NQT and supports the following:
- Initial discussionsabout your targets with your Induction mentor, based on your final SE report, as you start your NQT year.
- Consideration of how you may wish your career to develop.
- Receipt of your UWCEP will be logged and is an important part of finalising information for completion of your course.
- Word Process all sections of the UWCEP, refer to your final SE report for your targets and strengths.
- Arrange a post-practice tutorial with your SE supervisory tutor to discuss all aspects of your completed UWCEP.
- After the UWCEP post-practice tutorial trainee keep a copy of your UWCEP ready to take to your school and email the Word Processed (not scanned/PDF) copy from your UW email address to
Information from your UWCEP will be shared with schools and OfSTED as requested and may be used to inform UW’s NQT programme.
Training Provider: University of WorcesterLength of programme: 1 year full-time,
studying all NC core
and foundation subjects / Date of completion: July 2017
Pathways: (delete as applicable)
Maths Specialist pathway (5-11)
PE Specialist pathway (5-11)
Primary (5-11)
Early Years (3- 7)
Your name: / Subject focus of your SSR
Impact on Children
Which aspects of your teaching have you found most interesting and rewarding? (200 words)
Professional Aspirations
What are your professional aspirations and goals at this stage? What are your thoughts about how you would like to see your career develop? (200 words)
Strengths and Achievements
What are your 3 main strengths and achievements as a teacher? Why do you think this? Be specific, provide examples and link to Teaching Standards. / TS
Targets and Induction Year
As a trainee you will have areas to develop during your induction year and these areas relate to the TS targets identified on your final SE report. Based on these select 3 specific target priorities for your induction programme.
Must include TS7 Behaviour if Pass/3 on final SE report. / TS / What do you need to do to improve and how will you do this?
TS / What do you need to do to improve and how will you do this?
TS / What do you need to do to improve and how will you do this?
In addition to your targets, which aspects of teaching and your professional development do you hope to pursue further during your induction year?
Overall final Grade (Please Bold and Underline)
PASS or GOOD or OUTSTANDING / Grade for TS7 Behaviour Management (Please Bold and Underline)
(Digital signatures are acceptable)
Name and signature of trainee / Name:
(Digital signatures are acceptable)
Name, job title and signature on behalf of ITT training provider to confirm that the UWCEP and the Induction targets have been agreed. / Name:
Job title(e.g. SE Tutor):
Date of UWCEP post-practice tutorial:
After the UWCEP post-practice tutorial trainee keep a copy of your UWCEP ready to take to your school and email the Word Processed (not scanned/PDF) copy from your UW email address to Receipt of your UWCEP will be logged and is an important part of finalising information for completion of your course.