Post:TCV Natural Networks trainee: Site Management Trainee
Location:Stave Hill Ecology Park, London
Duration:12 MONTHS
Start date:25thJanuary 2016
Closing date for Applications:30thOctober 2015
Thank you for your interest in the TCV Natural Networks Training Programme. Natural Networks is a new project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It will develop skills to facilitate the 'green network' of sites considered essential for the effective conservation of biodiversity, creating a UK wide web of expertise in managing and engaging people in ecological networks. The project will develop the skills of 32 trainees and hundreds of communities across the UK to understand, value, protect and increase the biodiversity of their local green places.
Project Background
This project will create and enhance links between greenspaces by promoting and enabling inter-site volunteering. The trainee will be supported to work with 6 local schools, 1 community woodland, 1 ecology park, 2 housing blocks and 1 local farm to co-design and install conservation features and in some sites refurbish existing features. The trainee will recruit a team of project volunteers who will work together to promote TCV & conservation volunteering by designing and delivering 4 pop-up events.
Learning Outcomes
The Trainee will be supported to identify and achieve a range of learning outcomes, including filling skills gaps and opportunity to gain an accredited qualification. During the placement, the trainee will achieve a range of Green Network and Community Development learning outcomes, as follows.
Green Network Learning Outcomes
- Developing and improving ecological networks:The trainee will work with the project team across nine sites to actively encourage cross fertilisation between green spaces. The team will be using a landscape rather than a site based approach, which will strengthen all sites and improve connectivity. This type of approach will also build connections between each site owners, managers and the users.
- Surveying, managing and improving local greenspace:The trainee will identify and survey for target species, and develop management strategies to improve habitat for these target species across the nine sites.
- Engaging and supporting local communities to understand and protect local green places: The trainee will recruit a project team of volunteers and promote/celebrate their work via displays at community events and forums. There will be four pop-up events to showcase the project, inspire community conversation, give people an opportunity to take part in a themed activity, give feedback, and sign up as a volunteer. The use of social media and leaflets will inform, consult and invite feedback.
Community Learning and Development Learning Outcomes
- Enabling others to identify needs, plan and take action to protect and improve local green places: The trainee will be supported to work on each site and will start with local consultation and inclusion in the planning/design process. Each site will actively support local participation, take thought of long term management needs, and demonstrate a range of volunteer opportunities.
- Enabling others to develop skills: The trainee and project team volunteers will have access to a range of task specific workshops and training sessions as well as TCV staff knowledge and skills.Volunteers within the project team will be able to aquire transferable skills as well as task based skills.By being landscape rather than site based, volunteers will gain a greater understanding of ecological/community networks and relationships. This could provide a better progression route in personal/career development.Owners / managers / users of the sites will gain a better understanding of their sites needs and it’s position in the landscape.
- Working with individuals & communities to achieve change: By working with the nine sites, the trainee will have the opportunity to inspire and work with volunteers across the community. The small actions at individual sites will link together to create positive change in both the ecological and community landscape
The trainee will also:
- Identify underrepresented groups / communities that do not traditionally engage with the environment in Stave Hill. Through engagement with community workers community, group leaders and individuals the trainee will identify opportunities to include these communities in participating in the project and improving their input to developing the biodiversity of the area.
- Work with school groups, teachers, parent / teacher associations in classes and on site.
- Assist site manager with promotion of The SHED visitor centre and ecology park.
Person specification
Essential / DesirableQualifications:
Candidates will need to possess at least a basic knowledge of the environment, conservation and biodiversity. /
- Educated to secondary level, including qualifications in English and maths
- A personal interest in natural history
- Working with individuals and groups from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities
- Some experience of natural history identification
- Experience of working outdoors (e.g. on a nature conservation project)
Public speaking experience
Excellent communication skills
Good numeracy and literacy skills, with NVQ 1 level (or equivalent) to demonstrate these skills
Basic competency in use of IT / Experience of working with volunteers and community groups
Experience delivering environmental education
- A knowledge of health and safety issues relating to outdoor activities
Personal Qualities:
A motivated individual with a passion, commitment and enthusiasm for protecting and a commitment to conserving our natural environment
Applicants must have the dedication and drive to work on their own initiative with community groups, individuals and volunteers.
Self-confidence, reliability and the ability to work with minimal supervision. Applicants must be able to work on their own initiative or as part of a team / A willingness to learn and share what is learned
- Organisational skills and excellent time management
An aptitude for engaging people and an interest in natural heritage are the most important qualities in a potential applicant.
A Standard Disclosure Check will be required
Some evening and / or weekend activitieswill be required /
- Clean driving licence and 1 year’s (minimum) driving experience