Post: PO Box 775, Whangaparaoa, Auckland Address: Delshaw Avenue, StanmoreBay, Whangaparaoa, Auckland
Gateway 2017Application Form
Learner NameHm Phone / Mob Ph
Gender / DOB / Year Level in 2017
Have you had an appointment / session with the Careers Advisor this year?
Which Career Pathway’s are you interested in?
1. / 2. / 3.
What is your 2017 subject selection
1. / 2.
3. / 4.
5. / 6.
Time Management
If you are accepted for Gateway:
- Over Term 2 & 3 you may spend up to 1 day per week on your work placement. These days may be longer than school hours, which may affect a part-time job.
- During your Gateway period on the other days, you will work on your Gateway Unit Standards and catch up on work missed from other subject areas.
- Assessments will be ongoing through Term 1, 2 & 3
Do you expect to have a part-time job in 2017? : / Yes / No
If Yes, where will you work?
Approx Hours per week: / Days / Times:
What are your Co-curricular activity time commitments?
Days per week : / Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
How would you travel to a work placement? Please circle…
Own Car / Family Car / Bus / Arrange a ride
Are you a NZ Citizen? / YES / NO(circle one) / ~ If NO, please provide proof of NZ Residency ~
Have you discussed Gateway with your parents? YES / NO(circle one)
Caregiver Signature / Date:2017 Gateway Applications
Thank you for registering your interest in our school’s Gateway Programme.
Gateway offers senior secondary learners the opportunity to participate in structured workplace learning to gain new skills and knowledge in a workplace in their local community while they continue to study at school.
Gateway offers the learners a minimum of the following:
- The workplace learning related to career goals
- A formal partnership is made between the school, employer and learner in Term 1 prior to starting the work placement in Term 2
- The workplace learning is assessed and learners are able to gain unit standards towards their NCEA
- An individual learning plan is developed for each learner detailing their qualification and learning to be achieved in the workplace
- The assessment usually occurs in the workplace
- Learners develop a relationship with a local enterprise, as well as links with Industry Training Organisations (ITO’s)
The benefits of the Gateway Programme are not just limited to the workplace itself. The pilot studies have shown that schools report Gateway learners become more motivated and self-confident. Learners themselves have reported that the workplace learning is easier because it is ‘real’.
Gateway placements are sourced by the learner. This allows them to take ownership in development of their individual learning plan as well as learning valuable life/employment skills necessary for their career pathway planning. Learners are supported through this process if necessary.
We welcome your support in ourventure for you son/daughter should their application be successful as we see the programme as a three-way partnership between home, school and employer with the learner at its centre.
Should you have any queries regarding the Gateway Programme please feel free to contact me on 09 424 9177 ext 205 during school hours. We look forward to Gateway 2017!
Sue McIntyre | GatewayCoordinator | Ph 09 4249177ext 205 | Email