Post Graduate Certificate in Education

(Post Compulsory Education)


Individual Learning Plan

Trainee name:
Personal tutor:


Your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is a record of your initial assessment and your meetings with your tutor and your mentor to identify your individual learning needs and action you should take in order to address these needs while you are studying on the PGCE PCE programme. It is a key document. And it should be referred to each and every time that you meet with your tutor or your mentor to include written and agreed records of these meetings. Below is an index of the contents of the ILP, in order. You should keep your ILP in this order so that everyone involved in your training, including you, can identify and monitor your progress.

Section 1: Personal details and initial needs

  • Personal Details (proforma)
  • Mentor details (proforma)
  • CV (insert)
  • Certificates/ Qualifications (insert)
  • Initial interview record (insert)
  • Self Assessment Skills scan (proforma)
  • Initial Action Plan (proforma)

Section 2: Tutor and Mentor meeting records

  • First Meeting record (proforma)
  • Mentor and Tutor meeting records (proforma)
  • Exit review (proforma)

Personal Details
Home address: / Work address:
Home Telephone number: / Work Telephone number:
E-mail contact:
Training/ relevant experience
Current teaching (roles / responsibilities / situation) / Validation(line-manager/tutor/mentor)
Main subjects / topics / skills / Validation(line-manager/tutor/mentor)
Summary of your learners’ abilities/ level of course(s) taught

Mentor Details Form

Subject Specialist

Name of Trainee
Subjects taught on placement
Name of organisation
Nature of business
Address of organisation
Name of Mentor
Phone number
(work, other)
Relationship to Trainee (eg. line manager, colleague, etc.)
Highest qualifications in specialist subject *
Teaching/training qualifications (if any)
Length of experience in current role
Will Mentor carry out observations of Subject Specialist Teaching
Practice? / Yes No
If not, who will carry out the Subject Specialist observation?

Signed: ______(mentor) ______(trainee)

Please return a copy of this form to your mentor and to:

The Partnerships Office, University of Exeter, St Luke’s Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter EX1 2LU or by fax to 01392 264788

Self Assessment Skills Scan
No. / Skill / Y/P/N / No / Skill / Y/P/N
Subject Knowledge / Professional knowledge & enquiry
1 / I am confident in my knowledge of my subject / 25 / I am able to access and refer to a range of research related to T&L
2 / I am confident in my skill level of my subject / 26 / I have the skills to relate research to inform my practice
3 / I am confident in my understanding of my subject / 27 / I can critically evaluate research and opinion
4 / I know how to teach my specialist subject / 28 / I have a good knowledge of theories of T&L
5 / I know & understand how students learn my subject / 29 / I am committed to improving my practice as a teacher
6 / I am confident in my knowledge of the relevant curriculum and assessment frameworks for my subject / 30 / I am able to reflect on my practice, identify areas for improvement & take action to develop my skills knowledge & understanding
Professional Standards / Understanding Learning & development
7 / I know and can demonstrate professional values & practice / 31 / I am confident in my knowledge of the range theories of learning & development
8 / I have good teaching and interpersonal skills for the classroom / 32 / I have the skills to broaden and deepen learners’’ understanding
9 / I have good interpersonal skills as a colleague within the learning community / 31 / I have the skills and knowledge to support individual learner needs
10 / I have good planning skills for teaching & learning / 32 / I understand the purposes & application of formative assessment
11 / I know how to promote equality and support diversity in the classroom / 33 / I understand the purposes & application of diagnostic assessment
12 / I can demonstrate the skills for promoting equality & supporting diversity / 34 / I understand the purposes & application of summative assessment
13 / I have the knowledge & skills to meet the needs of a range of learners / Learning Communities
14 / I know how to involve learners in their learning and self assessment / 35 / I know & understand national policies that relate to my learning community
15 / I know about a range of assessment & feedback methods / 36 / I know & understand how my learning community interprets national policies
16 / I know about the differences of formative & summative assessment & feedback / 37 / I know & understand how society’s values impact on my learning community
17 / I can demonstrate fair & effective methods of assessment & feedback / 38 / I know & understand the ethos of my learning community
18 / I encourage learners to seek initial and further learning opportunities / 39 / I know & understand the role of learners teachers, parent & governors play
19 / I have the skills and knowledge to refer learners for support both internally and externally / 40 / I know & understand how underlying values & beliefs impact on learning
Minimum Core Curriculum / 41 / I know & understand how to work effectively with colleagues & others
20 / I am confident in my language & literacy skills / 42 / I can demonstrate the skills of working effectively with others
21 / I am confident in my numeracy skills / 43 / I know and understand how to work effectively with external agencies
22 / I am confident in my ICT skills
23 / I have the skills to develop the core skills of my learners
24 / I know how to embed core skills development effectively in my subject area
Initial Action Plan
Issues arising from interview / induction:
Issues arising from self-assessment skills scan
Action: (with reference to the Standards for QTLS) / Target date
Action: (with reference to the Core Curriculum)
Signed (Trainee)
Date: / Signed (Tutor)

Identify areas for action

Review your Self assessment skills scan and initial action plan. Make a note here of the most important areas that you would like to address as part of your ILP.


Discuss how you are going to address the areas for action you have identified making reference to the standards for teaching in FE.

ILP Development Targets
Target / Action / Deadline/ Review date

Signed: ______(Mentor/Tutor)

Signed: ______(Trainee)

One copy of this meeting record should be kept in the trainee’s ILP and another copy kept by the mentor/ tutor

Please record the principal outcomes from the meeting and record targets agreed. The meeting between trainee and Mentor/Tutor should be as subject-specific as possible, developing your understanding of how the Professional Standards in the Lifelong Learning Sector operate in your subject. This record does not need to be lengthy or detailed: it does need to be focused and purposeful, and it should be completed collaboratively during the Meeting.

REVIEW OF ILP Development Targets:
Please read first any Action Plans or Observation Records developed since last meeting. Then review whether the targets set on the previous Mentor/Tutor Meeting Record have been achieved or need carrying forward.
Target / Evidence of achievement/ further action


Discuss your individual learning and identify areas for action. Discuss feedback on your assignments and teaching observations as well as your own assessment of your progress on the course, making reference to the standards for teaching in FE.

ILP Development Targets
Target / Action / Deadline/ Review date

Signed: ______(Mentor/Tutor)

Signed: ______(Trainee)

One copy of this meeting record should be kept in the trainee’s ILP and another copy kept by the mentor/ tutor

Review of Targets
First read and review all Action Plans and Observation Records from your course. Then review whether the targets set at the previous Mentor/Tutor Meetings have been achieved.
Target/ Action / Evidence of achievement/ further action
Outcome of Discussion
Review your experiences of the PCE PGCE with reference to each of the 3 modules, to the Teaching Standards and to the Minimum core
Module / Key Experiences
Core Modules
Electives (Options)
Teaching Practice/ Placement
CPD Targets – Next Steps
Make a note of what you would like or need to do next. Identify training, further study or career development
Target / Action / Deadline/ Review date

Signed: ______(Mentor/Tutor)

Signed: ______(Trainee)

One copy of this meeting record should be kept in the trainee’s ILP and another copy kept by the mentor/ tutor


Trainee Record of Teaching Practice Breadth of Experience

2009 – 10

It is important to keep a record of the range and variety of experience that you have had whilst on your teaching placement as part of your PGCE teacher training course. You can use this proforma to make a note of all the experience that you have had including lesson observations of qualified teachers and peers; all teaching practice including team-teaching; tutorials; different learners in these teaching sessions (e.g. age; ethnic background; course levels; learner needs; EAL; LLDD); meetings; training sessions; assessment; quality assurance etc

Date / Experience / Details of Experience / Profile of Learners & Level of Course

Trainee signature:Tutor signature:

Please use this form in place of the ‘visits & observations proforma found previously on p12 of the mentor handbook. Trainees need to complete this record and provide tutors/ mentors with an updated copy at each meeting.