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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a multifaceted autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. Until know, the etiology of the disease remains unclear. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are mistakenly attacked by their own immune system. The immune system contains a complex organization of cells and antibodies designed normally to "seek and destroy" invaders of the body, particularly infections. Patients with autoimmune diseases have antibodies and immune cells in their blood that target their own body tissues, where they can be associated with inflammation. While inflammation of the tissue around the joints and inflammatory arthritis are characteristic features of rheumatoid arthritis, the disease can also cause inflammation and injury in other organs in the body. Because it can affect multiple other organs of the body, rheumatoid arthritis is referred to as a systemic illness and is sometimes called rheumatoid disease.
A global and rigorous understanding of the regulatory effects of multiple mediators involved in rheumatoid arthritis requires the integration of published information with novel functional datasets into a comprehensive computational model.
To cope with large cellular networks for which precise kinetic data are lacking, logical modeling is increasingly used to derive global qualitative insights about network dynamics (for a recent review, see Bérenguier et al.2013). Recent applications to mammalian networks include logical models for T-helper cell differentiation (Naldi et al.2011), T-cell receptor signaling (Saez-Rodriguez et al.2007), Erb-b receptor signaling (Helikar et al.2013), normal and transformed hepatocytes (Saez-Rodriguez et al.2011) as well as for the main MAPK pathways, including feedbacks and cross-talks (Grieco et al. 2013), and mast cell FceRI signaling pathway (Niarakis et al.2014).
In this framework, a regulatory network is modeled in terms of a regulatory graph, where nodes represent regulatory components (proteins, complexes, transcription factors, etc.), whereas arcs represent interactions between these components. In addition, each regulatory component is associated with a logical variable denoting its qualitative concentration or level of activity.
In most cases, Boolean variables (taking the values 0 or 1) are sufficient to represent the most relevant situations, but whenever needed, multivalued variables can be used.
A detailed molecular map based on an exhaustive curation of the existing literature and using the software CellDesigner, concerning RA has been published by Wu et al. 2010. Our aim is to update the map with the information published after 2010 and use it to visualize and interpret high-throughput expression data with the help of the software Cytoscape and the plug-in BiNOM.
Furthermore, leaning on this map and using the logical modeling software GINsim (Chaouiyaet al.2012), we will construct a qualitative dynamical model, in order to explore the dynamical properties of the system and analyze its underlying regulatory networks.
We could use it to address different biological questions such as comparing the network for different phenotypes and trying to understand the cause of different response to treatment, and/or investigating the genetic factors that are specific in RA among other autoimmune diseases.
Contact info: /
Anna Niaraki – Maître de Conférences
GenHotel-EA3886 - Laboratoire de Recherche Europeen pour la Polyarthrite Rhumatoide
Universite Evry Val d Essonne,
2, rue Gaston Cremieux
91057 EVRY-GENOPOLE cedex
tel : (33) 01 60 87 45 77
References and proposed bibliography:
- Bérenguier D, Chaouiya C, Monteiro PT, Naldi A, Remy E, Thieffry D, Tichit L (2013) Dynamical modeling and analysis of large cellular regulatory networks. Chaos 23(2):025114
- Bonnet E, Calzone L, Rovera D, Stoll G, Barillot E, Zinovyev A (2013) BiNoM 2.0, a Cytoscape plugin for accessing and analyzing pathways using standard systems biology formats. BMC SystBiol 7:18
- Chaouiya C, Naldi A, Thieffry D (2012) Logical modelling of gene regulatory networks with GINsim. Methods MolBiol 804:463–479
- Chaouiya C, Berenguier D, Keating SM, Naldi A, van Iersel MP, Rodriguez N, Dräger A, Büchel F, Cokelaer T, Kowal B, Wicks B, Gonçalves E, Dorier J, Page M, Monteiro PT, von Kamp A, Xenarios I, de Jong H, Hucka M, Klamt S, Thieffry D, Le Novère N, Saez-Rodriguez J, Helikar T (2013) SBML qualitative models: a model representation format and infrastructure to foster interactions between qualitative modelling formalisms and tools. BMC SystBiol 7:135
- Grieco L, Calzone L, Bernard-Pierrot I, Radvanyi F, Kahn-Perlès B, Thieffry D (2013)
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- Niarakis A, Bounab Y, Grieco L, Roncagalli R,Hesse AM, Garin J, Malissen B, DaëronM, Thieffry D (2014) Computational Modeling of the MainSignaling Pathways Involved in Mast CellActivation. Current Topicsin Microbiology and Immunology 382, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07911-0_4
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- Saez-Rodriguez J, Simeoni L, Lindquist JA, Hemenway R, Bommhardt U, Arndt B, Haus UU, Weismantel R, Gilles ED, Klamt S, Schraven B (2007) A logical model provides insights into T cell receptor signaling. PLoSComputBiol 3(8):e163
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- Wu G, Zhu L, Dent JE, Nardini C (2010) Correction: A Comprehensive Molecular Interaction Map for Rheumatoid Arthritis. PLoS ONE 5(4): 10.1371/annotation/f67a90fb-3e4e-4484-bffe-fcfafbfe88c7. doi:10.1371/annotation/f67a90fb-3e4e-4484-bffe-fcfafbfe88c7
- Zinovyev A, Viara E, Calzone L, Barillot E (2008) BiNoM: a Cytoscape plugin for manipulating and analyzing biological networks. Bioinformatics 24(6):876–877